
9 Open Access Books

159 Authors and Editors

36 Web of Science Citations

42 Crossref Citations

106 Dimension Citations

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Sleep and Cognition

By Michelle A. Miller, Hayley Wright, Josie Hough and Francesco P. Cappuccio

Part of the book: Sleep and its Disorders Affect Society

Epidemiology of Insomnia: Prevalence and Risk Factors

By Claudia de Souza Lopes, Jaqueline Rodrigues Robaina and Lúcia Rotenberg

Part of the book: Can't Sleep? Issues of Being an Insomniac

Sleep and Pregnancy: Sleep Deprivation, Sleep Disturbed Breathing and Sleep Disorders in Pregnancy

By Michelle A. Miller, Manisha Ahuja and Francesco P. Cappuccio

Part of the book: Sleep Disorders


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Epidemiology of Insomnia: Prevalence and Risk Factors

By Claudia de Souza Lopes, Jaqueline Rodrigues Robaina and Lúcia Rotenberg

Part of the book: Can't Sleep? Issues of Being an Insomniac

Narcolepsy Treatment: Present and Future

By Juan José Ortega-Albás, Raquel López García, Alfonso Martínez Martínez, Sonia Carratalá Monfort, Juan Antonio Royo Prats, Laura Albiol Varela and Patricia Ortega Gabás

Part of the book: Sleep Medicine and the Evolution of Contemporary Sleep Pharmacotherapy
