Thoracic Oncology

8 Open Access Books

212 Authors and Editors

40 Web of Science Citations

56 Crossref Citations

110 Dimension Citations

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Elastography: A New Ultrasound Technique in Nodular Thyroid Pathology

By Dana Stoian, Timar Bogdan, Marius Craina, Mihaela Craciunescu, Romulus Timar and Adalbert Schiller

Part of the book: Thyroid Cancer

Pleural Effusions in Lung Cancer: Detection and Treatment

By Milic Medenica, Miras Medenica and Danilo Cosovic

Part of the book: Lung Cancer

Chemoresistance of Lung Cancer Cells: 2D and 3D In Vitro Models for Anticancer Drug Screening

By Vivek Kaushik, Juan Sebastian Yakisich, Yogesh Kulkarni, Neelam Azad and Anand Krishnan V. Iyer

Part of the book: Lung Cancer

Diagnosis of Lung Cancer: What Metabolomics Can Contribute

By Elien Derveaux, Evelyne Louis, Karolien Vanhove, Liene Bervoets, Liesbet Mesotten, Michiel Thomeer and Peter Adriaensens

Part of the book: Lung Cancer


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Radiation Dosimetry in Thyroid Cancer Patients

By Lebriz Uslu Beşli and Mustafa Demir

Part of the book: Thyroid Cancer

Cisplatin Resistance in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma

By Parviz Behnam-Motlagh, Andreas Tyler, Thomas Brännström, Terese Karlsson, Anders Johansson and Kjell Grankvist

Part of the book: Mesotheliomas

Current Therapy for Esophageal Adenocarcinoma

By Yoshihiro Komatsu and Michael K. Gibson

Part of the book: Esophageal Cancer

Elastography: A New Ultrasound Technique in Nodular Thyroid Pathology

By Dana Stoian, Timar Bogdan, Marius Craina, Mihaela Craciunescu, Romulus Timar and Adalbert Schiller

Part of the book: Thyroid Cancer
