Alba Fabiola Costa Torres

Bachelor’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2005) and Improvement Course in Industrial Pharmacy (2007) at Federal University of Paraiba, UFPB, Joao Pessoa, Brazil. Master\'s in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009) and PhD in Development and Technological Innovation of Medicine (2013) at Federal University of Ceara, UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil. Post-Doctoral fellowship in Pathology/Oncology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, JHMI, Baltimore, United States (2017). During the last years the development of knowledge and technical-scientific experience in surgical pathology/oncology has been the major field of work, being urological and thoracic pathology the main subarea of interest. Collaborations in studies on development of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers with research groups at Johns Hopkins Medical School and Federal University of Ceara.

Alba Fabiola Costa Torres

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Alba Fabiola Costa Torres

Among the deadliest type of cancers, lung cancer faces several challenges in diagnosis and treatment: late diagnosis and misdiagnosis, inadequate tumor sampling, and resistance development to current therapies, among others. Together with advances in the understanding of molecular features, factors, and mechanisms involved in initiation and tumor progression, important improvements have occurred in diagnostics and therapeutics in the shape of advances in molecular genotyping, procedures for sampling, new potential, and less invasive sources of samples for the diagnosis and development of new targeted therapies. The aim of this book is to provide an exciting read on strategies in the diagnosis and therapy of lung cancer.

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