Mahmoud ElHefnawi

American University in Cairo Egypt

Dr Mahmoud ElHefnawi is the the Biomedical informatics and Chemoinformatics group leader at the Centre of Excellence for Advanced Sciences(CEAS) and Informatics and Systems Department, National Research Centre NRC). Also, he was a part time Researcher and adjunct faculty at the American University in Cairo and Egyptian JapaneseUniversity for Science and Technology (EJUST). He cofounded the Information Technology Institute (ITI) bioinformatics track. Many publications on topics including rational drug design, docking, and optimizing gene therapy for Influenza, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), and different cancers, structural bioinformatics and motif predictions applications in virology, and applications of phylogenetic analysis. These were in reputed journals like Bioinformatics (Oxford University Press), PLOS1 (Public library of science), journal of molecular recognition, European journal of medicinal chemistry, and Virology Journal.

Mahmoud ElHefnawi

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Mahmoud ElHefnawi

New applications in recurrent neural networks are covered by this book, which will be required reading in the field. Methodological tools covered include ranking indices for fuzzy numbers, a neuro-fuzzy digital filter and mapping graphs of parallel programmes. The scope of the techniques profiled in real-world applications is evident from chapters on the recognition of severe weather patterns, adult and foetal ECGs in healthcare and the prediction of temperature time-series signals. Additional topics in this vein are the application of AI techniques to electromagnetic interference problems, bioprocess identification and I-term control and the use of BRNN-SVM to improve protein-domain prediction accuracy. Recurrent neural networks can also be used in virtual reality and nonlinear dynamical systems, as shown by two chapters.

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