Subthreshold MOSFET has been adopted in many low power VHF circuits/systems in which their performances are mainly determined by three major high-frequency characteristics of intrinsic subthreshold MOSFET, i.e., gate capacitance, transition frequency, and maximum frequency of oscillation. Unfortunately, the physical level imperfections and variations in manufacturing process of MOSFET cause random variations in MOSFET’s electrical characteristics including the aforesaid high-frequency ones which in turn cause the undesired variations in those subthreshold MOSFET-based VHF circuits/systems. As a result, the statistical/variability aware analysis and designing strategies must be adopted for handling these variations where the comprehensive analytical models of variations in those major high-frequency characteristics of subthreshold MOSFET have been found to be beneficial. Therefore, these comprehensive analytical models have been reviewed in this chapter where interesting related issues have also been discussed. Moreover, an improved model of variation in maximum frequency of oscillation has also been proposed.
Part of the book: Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor