Germano Lambert-Torres

Gnarus Institute

Germano Lambert-Torres received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the École Polytechnique de Montreal in 1990. Dr. Lambert-Torres has led research in intelligent systems, maintenance management, and power system operation for many power companies in Brazil and South America. He has had more than 150 R&D projects financed by industries. He has also taught seminars and short courses in many countries worldwide at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Council on Large Electric Systems (CIGRÉ), and International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) conferences, universities, and research centers. He has supervised more than 120 MSc and Ph.D. theses and published more than 800 journal and technical conference papers. He is also the author and editor of ten books. He received many awards, including the IEEE IAS Outstanding Educator/Mentor Award in 2023. Dr. Lambert-Torres is a Fellow of the IEEE.

Germano Lambert-Torres

2books edited

6chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Germano Lambert-Torres

System engineering is an interdisciplinary field where engineers, mathematicians, economists, scientists, and other experts can merge their abilities and skills to solve complex systems, dealing with design, analysis, programming, implementation, maintenance, and control. These complex systems can be tangible, such as high-voltage power systems, telecommunication infrastructure, or systems in the aerospace industry, or non-tangible, like computational systems, social environments, or economic problems. The solutions to these problems must ensure safety, reliability, efficiency, and maintainability. System engineering is a fascinating field because it is possible to have different visions for the same problem, providing part of the solution comes from other areas. The main idea is to assemble models (or several submodels) to represent an observed system, making it possible to study the various relationships within the system as well as those between the system and external agents. The division into submodels makes it possible to study each submodel’s performance in the system’s final result. Sometimes, small systems can also be complex due to the number of external agents interfering with the process or the number of observed variables. This book discusses applications of system engineering in different classes of problems and examines how a given solution for a specific problem can be transported and applied to solve another problem. It provides practical and theoretical explanations of problems, explores the application of system engineering tools, and describes the use of intelligent techniques.

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