
25 Open Access Books

518 Authors and Editors

117 Web of Science Citations

122 Crossref Citations

353 Dimension Citations

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25 peer-reviewed open access books

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Latest research: 7 Online First chapter releases in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter

Cerebral Palsy

Asiya Uzun

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1006072


Part of the book: Common Childhood Diseases - Diagnosis, Prevention and Management [Working Title]

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapter

Infantile Hemangioma

Sevgi Gözdaşoğlu

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1005634


Part of the book: Common Childhood Diseases - Diagnosis, Prevention and Management [Working Title]

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Comparisons of Bully and Unwanted Sexual Experiences Online and Offline Among a National Sample of Youth

By Michele L. Ybarra, Kimberly J. Mitchell and Dorothy L. Espelage

Part of the book: Complementary Pediatrics

Adolescent Psychosocial Development and Evaluation: Global Perspectives

By Fadia AlBuhairan, Rosawan Areemit, Abigail Harrison and Miriam Kaufman

Part of the book: Complementary Pediatrics

Neonatal Mortality: Incidence, Correlates and Improvement Strategies

By Sajjad ur Rahman and Walid El Ansari

Part of the book: Perinatal Mortality

Universal Screening for Congenital CMV Infection

By Sara Lunardi, Francesca Lorenzoni and Paolo Ghirri

Part of the book: Update on Critical Issues on Infant and Neonatal Care

The Role of C-Reactive Protein in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Sepsis

By Nora Hofer, Wilhelm Müller and Bernhard Resch

Part of the book: Neonatal Bacterial Infection


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Introductory Chapter: Impact of First 1000 Days Nutrition on Child Development and General Health

By Isam Jaber AL-Zwaini, Zaid Rasheed AL-Ani and Walter Hurley

Part of the book: Infant Feeding

Systematic Approach to Diagnose Inborn Neurometabolic Disorders

By Seema Rohilla, Vikas, Yamini Wadhwa, Deepak Singla and Dhara B. Dhaulakhandi

Part of the book: Neuropediatrics

Caustic Ingestion

By Abdulkerim Temiz

Part of the book: Pediatric and Neonatal Surgery
