Theresa Li-Yun Chang

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey United States of America

Dr. Theresa L. Chang received her Ph.D. from New York University with Alice S. Huang and did her postdoctoral training with Joan A. Steitz and Xin-Yuan Fu at Yale University and with John P. Moore at Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, The Rockefeller University. She worked as a scientist at Osel, Inc. before joining Mount Sinai School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor in 2002. She joined Public Health Research Institute, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey - New Jersey Medical School in 2010 as Principal Investigator. Her current research focuses on the role of innate immunity in sexually transmitted infection-mediated enhancement of HIV transmission, and on HIV infection of human peritoneal macrophage.

Theresa Li-Yun Chang

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Theresa Li-Yun Chang

HIV remains the major global health threat, and neither vaccine nor cure is available. Increasing our knowledge on HIV infection will help overcome the challenge of HIV/AIDS. This book covers several aspects of HIV-host interactions in vitro and in vivo. The first section covers the interaction between cellular components and HIV proteins, Integrase, Tat, and Nef. It also discusses the clinical relevance of HIV superinfection. The next two chapters focus on the role of innate immunity including dendritic cells and defensins in HIV infection followed by the section on the impact of host factors on HIV pathogenesis. The section of co-infection includes the impact of Human herpesvirus 6 and Trichomonas vaginalis on HIV infection. The final section focuses on generation of HIV molecular clones that can be used in macaques and the potential use of cotton rats for HIV studies.

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