Carmelo Maria Musarella

University of Reggio Calabria Italy

Carmelo Maria Musarella, Ph.D., is a biologist, specializing in plant biology. He has studied and worked at several European universities in Italy, Spain, and Portugal. He is currently an Adjunct Professor of Plant Biology at the 'Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria, Italy. His research interests include flora, vegetation, habitats, biogeography, taxonomy, ethnobotany, endemism, and biodiversity conservation. Dr. Musarella is the author of many research articles published in indexed journals and books. He is a guest editor for Plant Biosystems and a referee for many other journals. He is a member of the scientific committee of the International Seminar on Biodiversity Conservation and Management. He has participated in several international and national congresses, seminars, and workshops and presented oral communications and posters.

Carmelo Maria Musarella

1books edited

6chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Carmelo Maria Musarella

Today it is not easy to talk about habitats and to think about the various threats facing them. We are living in an age in which we are poised between having everything immediately, and maintaining good living conditions on Earth. Unfortunately, this is almost impossible!For this reason it is important that everyone understands the importance of the habitats of the world and the inhabitants: including humans!This book aims to describe some of the world's habitats, their characteristics, and their daily threats. This is done in the hope that our children will see all of this tomorrow. Enjoy reading!

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