Eneko Osaba

TECNALIA Research & Innovation

Dr. Eneko Osaba works at TECNALIA as a senior researcher. He obtained his Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence in 2015. He has participated in more than twenty-five local and European research projects, and in the publication of more than 130 papers. He has performed several stays at universities in the United Kingdom, Italy, and Malta. Dr. Osaba has served as a program committee member in more than forty international conferences and participated in organizing activities in more than ten international conferences. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Data in Brief, and Journal of Advanced Transportation. He is also a guest editor for the Journal of Computational Science, Neurocomputing, Swarm, and Evolutionary Computation and IEEE ITS Magazine.

Eneko Osaba

1books edited

3chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Eneko Osaba

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely known as a knowledge field that aims to make computers, robots, or products that mimic the way humans think. In the current scientific community, AI is an intensively studied area composed of multiple branches. Historically, machine learning and optimization are two of the most studied fronts thanks to the development of novel and challenging research topics such as transfer optimization, swarm robotics, and drift detection and adaptation to evolving conditions in real-time. This book collects radically new theoretical insights, reporting recent developments and evincing innovative applications regarding AI methods in all fields of knowledge. It also presents works focused on new paradigms and novel branches of AI science.

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