Leonid Fomin

Senior researcher

Fomin Leonid Victorovich Address worker: 119192 Moscow, Michurinsky Avenue, 1. Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University E-mail: fleonid1975@mail.ru Scientific direction: physical and mathematical sciences. Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. (Ph.D.) Place of work and position: Research Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Senior Researcher. The main theme of the scientific work of L.V. Fomin - creep and long-term strength, taking into account the influence of aggressive environment. Developing the kinetic theory of academician Yu.N. Rabotnov, Senior Researcher Fomin L.V. solved the cycle of problems of creep and long-term tensile strength, bending and non-stationary complex stress state, taking into account the influence of aggressive medium through its diffusion into the material of typical structural elements. In these works, new ideas and new approaches to modeling these phenomena and problems are proposed. Namely, the determining and kinetic relations are being developed for modeling a stationary and non-stationary complex stress state, including taking into account the influence of an aggressive medium on materials and structural elements. The novelty of this study is the introduction of damage accumulation into the indicated ratios of the vector parameter and the use of fractional-power creep and long-term strength models, which have physically and mechanically justified ultimate stress in their composition. Currently L.V. Fomin is an active participant and main performer of a new scientific direction (the founder of a new scientific direction is Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Lokoshchenko Alexander Mikhailovich) - an experimental and theoretical study of the influence of an aggressive environment on the high-temperature deformation and strength characteristics of materials and structural elements taking into account physics-chemical aspects and ionizing radiation. Within this framework, new models of the influence of aggressive environment on creep and long-term strength of metals with simultaneous physical and chemical effects of the environment have been obtained. From 2009 to the present, Fomin L.V. he is also a part-time employee of the Testing Laboratory of Medical Products and Materials, National Medical Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after N.N. Priorov of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. L.V. Fomin is a co-author of 6 patents of the Russian Federation in the field of experimental determination of wear of components of a hip joint endoprosthesis.

Leonid Fomin

1chapters authored