Eugenio Daniel Martinez Hurtado

Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor Spain

Dr. Martínez Hurtado is a consultant anesthetist, an expert in airway management, and an instructor at the European Airway Management Society (EAMS), Spanish Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation and Pain Therapeutics (SEDAR), and Learning, Teaching, and Investigation International Airway Group (FIDIVA). He is also a retired captain of the Spanish Military Health Corps and a teacher of multiple anesthesia and airway management courses at Spanish institutions such as CEU Cardenal Herrera University, University of Alcalá (UAH), and SEDAR PROANES. He has published more than 70 articles in national and international journals and more than 100 conference presentations. Dr. Martínez Hurtado, MD, is a consultant anesthetist in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Infanta Leonor University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. He has master’s degrees in anesthesiology, airway management, prevention management (specializing in workplace safety), social and preventive pediatrics, and environmental management. He is a university expert in the fundamentals of community nutrition and a director and professor of international university courses. Dr. Hurtado is an expert in airway management and an instructor certified by the European Airway Management Society (EAMS), Spanish Anesthesia Society (SEDAR), and Investigation International Airway Group (FIDIVA). He is a member of the EAMS Airway Management in Special Circumstances Committee. He is a retired captain of the Spanish Military Health Corps. He is a member of the surgical humanitarian aid campaign at the Hôpital Auberge de l´Amour Rédempteur, Benin, West Africa. He is a journal reviewer and has published more than 70 scientific articles and more than 100 conference presentations.

Eugenio Daniel Martinez Hurtado

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Eugenio Daniel Martinez Hurtado

Advances in Regional Anesthesia - Future Directions in the Use of Regional Anesthesia is a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of regional anesthesia. It provides insights into the latest developments, techniques, and research that shape the practice of regional anesthesia today. Regional anesthesia has undergone a remarkable transformation, emerging as an integral component of modern perioperative care, and we have assembled a distinguished group of experts, clinicians, and researchers who share their insights, experiences, and innovations in this field of knowledge. This book is designed for a diverse audience, including anesthesiologists, pain specialists, surgeons, residents, and students interested in the expanding domain of regional anesthesia. Each chapter is crafted to deliver valuable information, foster critical thinking, and inspire further exploration into the ever-evolving field. We hope that you will find this book a useful resource that deepens your understanding of regional anesthesia and its pivotal role in shaping the future of perioperative medicine.

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