Ennio Prosperi

National Research Council Italy

CURRICULUM VITAE PROSPERI, Ennio Position: senior researcher (since 2001) Present address: CNR, Istituto di Genetica Molecolare (Pavia) Sez. Istochimica e Citometria, c/o Dept. Biology and Biotechology, Via Ferrata1, 27100 Pavia (Italy) Tel: +39 0382 986267; Fax: +39 0382 986430 Email: prosperi@igm.cnr.it Studies and training 1974-1978 : Faculty of Biological Sciences at Pavia University. July 1978: Doctoral degree cum laude in Biological Sciences. 1978-1979: Training in Cytochemistry and Cytofluorometry at Centro di Studio per l\'Istochimica del CNR, Pavia (Italy). October 1980-July 1981: CNR fellowship at the Department of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, under the direction of Prof. M. Van der Ploeg. 1981-1982: Post-doctoral studies in Physiological Sciences. April 1983: Course in Fluorescence Microscopy, Royal Microscopical Society, Oxford, UK. September 1987: Minicourse \DNA damage and repair in cancer chemotherapy\ held by K. Kohn, Mario Negri Institute, Milano June 1991: Seminar on Hybridization Techniques of Nucleic Acids (DNA probes), Milano, Italy. November 1996: Practical course on Coulter Flow Cytometers, Milano, Italy. 2000-2001: Stages at the Station Biologique (CNRS), Cell Cycle Group (L. Meijer), Roscoff, France. Positions and teaching activities 1982-1983: CNR researcher (contract). Since 1984: CNR researcher (permanent position). 1983-1987: seminars in the Post-graduate Schools of Hystochemistry, and Cytochemistry and Cytomorphology, Pavia University. Since 1989: Tutorship for graduating and PhD students. Since 1996: Lecturer in Physiology and Pathology of the Cell Cycle, Medical Faculty, University of Pavia. Since 2001: CNR senior researcher. Since 2001: Teacher in the post-graduate schools in Oncology, and in Clinical Pathology School, Medical Faculty, University of Pavia. 2001-2002: Teacher for “Master in techniques of microscopical analysis in Biology”, University of Pavia.

Ennio Prosperi

1chapters authored