Joao Carmo

University of Sao Paulo Brazil

João Paulo Carmo was born on 1970 at Maia, Portugal. He graduated in 1993 and received his MSc degree in 2002, both in Electrical Engineering from the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal. In 2011 he also obtained the graduation recognition in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife, Brazil. In 2007, he obtained the PhD degree in Industrial Electronics from the University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal. His PhD thesis was on RF transceivers for integration in microsystems to be used in wireless sensors network applications. From 1999 to 2008 he was a Lecturer at Polytechnic Institute of Braganca. Since 2008, he is a Principal Rearcher at the University of Minho, where he is involved in the research on optical and microwave metamaterials, micro/nanofabrication technologies for mixed-mode/RF systems, solid state integrated sensors, microactuators, micro/nanodevices for wireless and biomedical applications, and milimetric-THz wave-systems. Doctor Carmo is also a Member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Also, he performs regular reviewes on these publications: Optics & Laser Technology, Microelectronics Journal, Journal of Sensors and Actuators A, IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Journal of Measurement Science and Technology, Journal of Physiological Measurement, among many more not listed. He is also a regular colaborator integrating the technical committes of the international conferences Eurosensors (anual European Conference on Sensors), Microelectromechanical Europe (MME), confTele (Conference on Telecommunications, a portuguese bianual conference), as well as of the Symposium on Microelectronics Technologies and Devices (SBMicro, a brazilian anual conference). At last, but not least, he is author of the portuguese best-seller book published by the LIDEL editors (Lisbon) with the name \Introdução às microtecnologias no silício\.

Joao Carmo

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Joao Carmo

An automobile was seen as a simple accessory of luxury in the early years of the past century. However, in the present days it's undeniable the amount of technology and human effort applied by the vehicular industry for developing high?quality vehicles, but still, cheap for the common person. In this context, this book tries not only to fill a gap by presenting new and updated subjects related to the vehicular technology and to the automotive engineering but also to provide guidelines for future research. This book is a result of many valuable contributions from worldwide experts of automotive's field. The amount and type of contributions were judiciously selected to cover as possible the widest range of research. The most recent and cutting?edge subjects can be found in this book, e.g., electronics, mechanics, materials, and manufacturing.

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