Living systems are fascinating sensing machines that outmatch all artificial machines. Our aim is to put a focus on the dynamics of mechanosensing in cellular systems through concepts and experimental approaches that have been developed during the past decades. By recognizing that a cellular system is not simply the intricate assembly of active and passive macromolecular actors but that it can also manifest scale-invariant and/or highly nonlinear global dynamics, biophysicists have opened a new domain of investigation of living systems. In this chapter, we review methods and techniques that have been implemented to decipher the cascade of temporal events which enable a cell to sense a mechanical stimulus and to elaborate a response to adapt or to counteract this perturbation. We mainly describe intrusive (mechanical probes) and nonintrusive (optical devices) experimental methods that have proved to be efficient for real-time characterization of stationary and nonstationary cellular dynamics. Finally, we discuss whether thermal fluctuations, which are inherent to living systems, are a source of coordination (e.g., synchronization) or randomization of the global dynamics of a cell.
- Mechanosensing
- biosensing
- mechanotransduction
- cytoskeleton
- multiscale
- scale-invariant
- nonlinear dynamics
- focal adhesion
- cellular rheology
- coherent dynamics
1. Introduction
The concept of mechanical sensing dates back to the 19th century with the emergent theory of tone sensing proposed by H. Helmholtz and J. Muller [1, 2]. All living organisms have the ability to sense mechanical stress and/or hydrostatic pressure, either locally or globally. One of the most studied example is the touch perception of metazoa [3-6]. The first model of mechanosensing proposed by physiologists was constructed on the concept of mechanical receptors [3, 4, 7],
Mechanosensing [9-11] is a complex mechanism that involves not only a whole range of molecular actors with nanometer-scale sensibility but also a dynamical integration and regulation of these molecular actors that allow a much larger scale (
There are three aspects that we would like to put forward in this chapter. The first one is the importance of molecular machines of living systems, also called molecular motors, which drive all the cell movements thanks to ATP consumption. These molecular machines are not fully deterministic motors but are in part driven by thermal fluctuations. The second aspect that seems important to us is the fact that fluctuations are predominant in biological systems, and that the fluctuation dissipation theorem [19] must not be taken as granted in all situations. This means that standard approaches in statistical physics and corresponding mathematical models must be used with caution. The third aspect is the importance of multiscale properties in mechanosensing: short-, middle-, and long-distance interactions contribute to the dynamics of cellular systems and more widely of living systems [20-29]. Because they are nonlinear and nonstationary, these interactions produce a global dynamics that each element could not achieve alone. However, the nature of these interactions is still the subject of current debate. We will illustrate different approaches that have been used so far to address this issue.
The most striking example of the interplay of mechanics and cell dynamics is illustrated in cell migration and adhesion. Actually, the mobility of a cell is a subtle combination of two counteracting mechanisms: on the one hand, adhesion which tends to immobilize the cell and, on the other hand, protrusion/retraction mechanisms which modify the cell shape and assist its movement. These processes also underlie the ability of a cell to deform under a mechanical perturbation. The cytoskeletal dynamics and mechanics are univocally linked to cellular tension in cell adhesion [30-33]. Cellular movement by membrane protrusion and formation of new adhesions at the cell front cannot occur without a tight link of the cell cortex to the whole cytoskeleton (CSK), allowing the settling of traction forces that drive the cell forward in motion in synchrony with the disassembly of the rear fibers. External membrane protrusions are important components of the ability of a cell to migrate or interact with other neighboring cells [34-36]. These protrusions can be viewed as local instabilities of the cell cortex. They are not independent of the internal dynamics of the CSK: the microtubule plus ends associate with F-actin via plus-tip proteins and act as a scaffolding complex [37] that recruits further down other protein effectors involved in the actin network remodeling [38].
When cells are placed in adherent conditions, they rapidly develop integrin-mediated adhesion complexes that link the extracellular matrix (ECM) to the actin CSK. These transmembrane proteins are associated with a complex of proteins (vinculin, actin, paxillin, tensin, etc.) which allows very fast and reversible connectivity of the intracellular CSK to the outer membrane complexes [39, 40]. The integrin-based molecular complexes concentrate in small domains with different size and shapes that focalize the cell traction force on the ECM. In addition to their function as adhesion sites, matrix adhesion foci also participate in the adhesion-dependent signaling pathways via tyrosine kinases, tyrosine phosphatases, etc. Focal adhesion (FA) centers function as both adhesion and signal transduction hubs that communicate the external stresses of the ECM to the cell interior [39]. The maturation of these FA complexes cannot exist if the cell does not have a contractile machinery,
The actin network can be viewed as a fluid-gel structure which plays both a passive (viscous) and an active (ATP-driven) role in the spatiotemporal dynamics of the cells. This network is dynamically intertwined with microtubules and interfilament networks in such a way that the leading edge of the cell undergoes retrograde flow away from this edge simultaneously to the cell migration. This retrograde flow occurs in two steps: (i) on short timescales, a fast flow in the most peripheral region of the cell, the lamellipodium (a 1-4
2. Physical probes to capture the mechanical response of living cells
In this section, we concentrate on the nano and micromechanical tools which have been designed in the past two decades to record in real time the mechanics and rheology of a living cell, with the specific purpose to understand its mechanosensing properties. These methods can be classified into two groups: (i) the methods that introduce mechanical tracers inside the cell and follow their spatiotemporal dynamics and (ii) the methods remaining external to the cell and that bring a mechanical device (nano- or microscale in size) close to the cell to follow its response in real time. In each case, a few examples will be described as regard to their ability and efficiency in extracting characteristic temporal and/or spatial scales in the dynamics of cell adaptation to a mechanical stress.
where the proportionality geometrical factor
When a power-law behavior emerges in the rheological response of a cell, a wide range of frequencies is required to bring the experimental demonstration of the existence of scale invariance in the cell dynamical response to stress. Actually, a limited range of frequencies could still be parameterized by a combination of a small number of viscoelastic elements, as an exponential crossover between two regimes. The most impressive result of the above studies is the fact that all the curves captured from different cells of various types could be collapsed to single master curves typical of a soft glassy material (SGM) [25, 53], demonstrating the universality of this behavior [24, 54]. This universality law can be written as
is independent of the forcing frequency. This unifying parameter
The common and generic features of SGMs are due to the fact that they are composed of numerous discrete elements which are interconnected in a random way via weak interactions. These materials are out-of-equilibrium metastable systems, very much like living cells. However, soft glassy dynamics as proposed by soft glass rheology theory [53] is not the only mechanism that can lead to scale-free mechanical behavior as expressed by power-law stress relaxation. Power-law behavior can also be produced by models containing a large number of viscoelastic compartments with a particular distribution of characteristic relaxation times
With the same MTC device, it was also possible to track the spontaneous motions (without magnetic twisting) of small beads linked to cell membrane integrin receptors on adherent cells. Bursac
The purpose of this paragraph is not to make a detailed review of AFM or to advertise its latest technological development which can be found in an increasing number of published reports [84-88], but rather to (i) pinpoint the few approaches which were focused on dynamical characteristics of living cells during large deformation and (ii) propose new research directions to perform real-time capture of the cell dynamics when the cell is not in a stationary phase. Unlike AFM-based microrheology measurements [51, 52] discussed in the previous paragraph which were limited to very small deformations, we consider now much larger deformations (more than 1/10 of the cell size) and their temporal and/or frequency decomposition [89]. To perform large deformation cell study, a new experimental strategy has been recently proposed that consists in exciting the cantilever and recording the cell response over a band of frequencies rather than at a single frequency [90]. Note that broadband excitation of the cantilever can also be achieved by thermal excitation [91]. When the probed object is in a stationary regime, power spectral analysis of cantilever fluctuations, based on Fourier analysis, is the best way to understand how the interaction of the cantilever tip is changed when coming in contact with the sample surface. When the sampled surface is not stationary, it is no longer possible to perform a simple spectral analysis which only displays an averaged decomposition of the signal in frequency domain. The lower frequency part of the power spectrum is biased by the cell dynamical adaptation to the cantilever stress. To circumvent this difficulty, time-frequency analysis based on the wavelet transform has recently been proposed [92-95]. The continuous wavelet transform (WT) performs the spectral analysis of the signal on a compact window (given by the wavelet) and allows, therefore, to follow how the cell mechanics changes during its strain-to-stress response. Such a study has been recently performed on HOPG surfaces [96, 97] and on living myoblasts [98].
3. Biochemical sensors based on fluorescence methods for capturing cell dynamics: from the nano to the microscale
3.1. Fluorescence-based nanomechanical sensors of intra- and intermolecular dynamics
In the late nineties, combined progress in the biology of fluorescent proteins, miniaturization of optical systems, and nanotechnologies have provided a tremendous asset throughout the investigation of the kinetic properties of macromolecules in living cells [105]. The chemical interaction between two molecular complexes of a metabolic pathway is conditioned by their ability to come in contact, which is often assisted by ATP driven molecular motors. Transport of protein actors in a randomly crowded space such as the cellular cytoplasm differs markedly from a batch reactor. A common form of biochemical regulation is allostery, where an effector molecule binds to a regulatory site and favors a global conformational change that alters further down the structure and function of the active site. Mechanical forces regulate receptor-ligand binding conformation through control of allosteric conformational changes [106]. This general idea of mechanical regulation of active site functions through allosteric-like regulation of a distal site is termed mechanochemistry and is well accepted for motor proteins [107, 108]. We focus here on cytoskeletal proteins, since they are directly involved in mechanosensing pathways; however, the approaches discussed below could be generalized to a wide variety of biochemical interactions.
To dissect how mechanical stress impacts the structure of cytoskeletal proteins, molecular labels have been designed by physicists to provide a fluorescence signal that could report on the molecular strain. Whereas many proteins have been shown
Recently, using the high flexibility of the vinculin linker domain, a sensor based on force transmission through FAs was developed [115, 116]. When the head integrin domain Vh binds to talin, it recruits vinculin to FA, whereas on the other side the tail integrin domain Vt binds to F-actin and paxillin. This intermediate flexible vinculin linker plays an important role in the transmission of adhesion strength from the FAs to the actin CSK. This calibrated biosensor has piconewton (pN) sensitivity, and the tension across vinculin in stable FAs was estimated to 2.5 pN. It was also demonstrated that higher tension across vinculin favors adhesion assembly and enlargement, and conversely that low tension vinculin favors disassembly or sliding of FAs at the trailing edge of migrating cells. Finally, this study [115] revealed that FA stabilization under force requires both vinculin recruitment and force transmission, and surprisingly, that these processes can be controlled independently.
Another type of strain sensors was elaborated from proximity imaging microscopy (PRIM) combined with GFP dimers [117] and further called PRI-based strain sensor module (PriSSM). If two GFP molecules are brought into physical contact, changes in the ratio of fluorescence emitted when excited with 395 nm and 475 nm light occur. Proximity imaging exploits these changes to reveal homotypic protein-protein interactions
We have just given few examples of application of FRET to probe cellular internal molecular structures and their transformation under mechanical stress and association with molecular partners. If one can use this method to identify the mechanical organizing centers in a mechanotransduction pathway, the range of forces estimated
3.2. Spanning short- to long-range interactions and transport with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
Analyzing the fluorescence fluctuation signals offered a simple, high-resolution, quantitative method to probe the intracellular dynamics that other fluorescence imaging techniques could not afford. From a single fluctuation temporal signal it is possible to get several informations over a wide range of frequencies, such as molecular densities, interaction rate and stochiometry, intra- and extracellular transport (diffusion, advection, etc.). These fluctuation signals should therefore be a very good candidate to capture the multiscale properties of cells in space and in time. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) was originally developed [121] to measure diffusion coefficients and chemical rate constants of biomolecules in solution. It has also been applied successfully to characterize the nature of transport processes of colloidal particles in complex flows [122]. This method uses a focused laser beam to define a very small focal volume (
In experiments where the fluorescence signal is too weak or lacks contrast, thereby preventing separation of features from background signals, the spatial and temporal fluorescence cross-correlation functions allow to recover enough contrast thanks to their temporal fluctuations. This method was recently applied by Chiu
In a very recent paper, Baum
3.3. Confining fluorescence measurements with near field optical probes to improve sensitivity
Reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM) [129, 130] has been used since the seventies for imaging the internal structure of cells adhering on solid surfaces. Due to a lack of quantitative interpretation of these images, this method was early abandoned. This technique relies on reflections from an incident beam passing through materials of different refractive indices. The interference of these reflected beams is either constructive or destructive, depending on the thickness and index of the layer of both the liquid medium and the cell in contact with the glass coverslip. More recently, thanks to fast progress in data acquisition and storage and improved modeling of the reflection signals, RICM was applied to a variety of biological situations, such as adhesion of vesicles and cells [131]. It has the practical advantage of not requiring any staining or labeling of the sample, and can be implemented with relative ease and very little investment on a standard inverted microscope. It can also be combined with several other microscopy techniques such as fluorescence or other scanning probe microscopies (AFM, optical or magnetic tweezers [130, 132]). Reflected light imaging has also been coupled to fluorescence excitation in total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy [133-135] to capture the cellular structures involved in FA complexes. As compared to transmission microscopy, this planar confinement (evanescent field) of light not only provides a higher signal-to-noise ratio but also minimizes photodamage to the cellular material [136]. Interestingly, the fact that RICM can be performed without staining the cellular sample was exploited to capture the spontaneous fluctuations (called Fluctuation Contrast RICM or Dynamical RICM) of a soft interface to identify the organization of specific ligand-receptor bonds in cellular adhesion [137, 138].
More recently, surface plasmon microscopy has been proposed for imaging internal structures of cells without staining [139 -144]. This microscopy offers also the possibility to recover both the amplitude and the phase of the reflected field and in some situations to retrieve the index of the layer in contact with gold without needing to know its thickness [145-148]. This microscopy combines total internal reflection of light with surface plasmon resonance excitation to achieve high contrast and high resolution images. Lately, surface plasmon resonance imaging ellipsometry (SPRIE) has been applied to capture cell-matrix adhesion dynamics and strength [149].
3.4. Beyond fluorescence methods: quantitative phase microscopies for living cell data capture
In the fifties, phase contrast (PC) and differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopies [150] have revolutionized the biologist view of living systems, by inferring their morphometric features without the need for exogenous contrast agents [151]. However, both PC and DIC remain qualitative in terms of optical path-length measurement, since the relationship between the incoming light power and the optical phase of the image field is generally nonlinear. Quantifying the optical phase shifts associated with biological structures was expected to give access to important information about morphology and dynamics at the nanometer scale [152-154]. However, imaging large field of view samples required time-consuming raster scanning. Full-filed phase measurement techniques were also developed [155, 156], providing simultaneous information from a large number of points on the sample. Fourier phase microscopy (FPM) [157], digital holographic microscopy (DHM) [158] and quantitative phase microscopy (QPM) [159-164] have recently been implemented to provide quantitative phase images of biological samples with remarkable sensitivity and stability over extended periods of time. Thanks to its sub-nanometer path-length stability over long periods and efficient algorithms to retrieve the phase maps from fringe patterns [161, 165], QPM is well suited for studying a wide range of temporal scales. This technique has been applied to capture red blood cell fluctuations (spontaneous flickering), which manifest as submicron motions characterized by membrane displacements in the millisecond (or less) timescale. Amin
4. From fluctuations to deterministic behavior
4.1. Emergence of coherent dynamics in cellular systems
So far, most cellular models have been established at specific scales, those which focus on molecular mechanisms are not suited to pave macroscopic scales and inversely. Establishing a connection between the discrete stochastic microscopic and the continuous deterministic macroscopic descriptions of the same biological phenomenon is likely to give new clues toward the understanding of mechanotransduction and mechanosensing processes. The scale invariance properties of the cell rheology revealed by MTC [24, 54] suggest that for very small mechanical deformations, no characteristic timescale emerges. Even if fluctuations have been shown to play an essential role in many biological systems,
A typical mechanism that crawling cells use to probe their environments is called protrusion, which is a thin (sharp or flat) actin gel extension that the cells generate to move and invade their environment. These protrusions result from many dynamical multicale processes namely polymerization/depolymerization of cytoskeleton filaments (actin, microtubules, and inter-filaments), progressive molecular motors, and FA complexes recruitment [171]. These outer cellular extensions are called filopodia and lamellipodia depending on the shape and dynamics of the protrusion; they also vary with the presence of intra- and extracellular factors [172]. Protrusions grow and shrink in a random manner around the cell on a few minutes’ timescales over micrometers. When protrusions are temporarily stabilized, adhesion mechanisms are triggered and the cell can develop traction forces on its ECM. If the cell is polarized, an imbalance between the protrusions at the cell ends may lead to a directional motion. Filopodia stochastic dynamics was shown to play a key role in turning the nerve growth cone to face the chemical signal of a specific partner cell [173-175]. In a recent experimental work, Caballero
4.2. From mechanotransduction to mechanogenetics: is there a genomic signature of the cell dynamics?
We have seen above that the cell mechanosensing mechanisms involve many length and temporal scales; they are definitely out-of-equilibrium processes which can manifest as stochastic in some situations or low-dimensional periodic dynamics in other situations. Cellular systems have a unique property that no physical/chemical system can reproduce. Depending on the external perturbation, they have the ability to evolve as they synthesize some cytoskeletal elements and/or biochemical activators, which may drastically change gene expression and their mechanical phenotype. Cancer stem cells are vivid examples of very drastic transformations [189]. The mechanical environment of a cell has a direct impact on its genetic expression and reciprocally the interplay between the cell mechanics and its geometrical constraints is conditioned by the gene expression level of all the cytoskeletal and adhesion proteins. Large-scale cellular mechanosensing leads to an adaptative response of cell migration to stiffness gradients [11, 190]. This two-way communication initially termed as mechanotransduction could also be called mechanogenetics of a cell to enlighten the interplay of genomic and mechanical functions. Recent advances in cellular biology have put forward mechanical forces as major actuators in cell signaling in addition to biochemical pathways [191]. Within the cell, the cytoskeleton provides a physical continuity from the ECM down to the interior of the nucleus, enabling direct mechanical links between the cellular microenvironment and chromosome organization. Sensed mechanical signals influence information processing through complex cellular signaling and transcriptional networks that may or may not be specifically force dependent [192]. In many cases, these responses feedback to remodel the cytoskeleton and/or nuclear architecture and consequently modify also the mechanosensitive structures that were initially involved in the response. It has been shown that both integrin-mediated and cadherin-mediated adhesion foci enlarge and strengthen in response to tension in the range of a few tens of seconds [193]. On longer timescales, signaling pathways are activated over minutes (
ACF: autocorrelation functions
AFM: atomic force microscopy
ATP: adenosine triphosphate
CSK: cytoskeleton
DHM: digital holographic microscopy
DIC: differential interference contrast
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
ECM: extracellular matrix
EGFP: enhanced green fluorescent protein
FA: focal adhesion
FAK: focal adhesion kinase
FCS: fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
FDT: fluctuation dissipation theorem
FPM: Fourier phase microscopy
FRET: Forster resonance energy transfer
GFP: green fluorescent protein
GTPase: guanosine triphosphatase
HOPG: highly ordered pyrolytic graphite
MCF7 (-10): Michigan Cancer Foundation-7 (-10). a model of breast cancer cell
MEF: mouse embryonic fibroblast
MLCK: myosin light chain kinase
MRTF: myocardin-related transcription factor
MTC: magnetic twisting cytometry
PAA: polyacrylamide
PC: phase contrast
PRIM: proximity imaging microscopy
PriSSM: PRI-based strain sensor modulus
QPM: quantitative phase microscopy
RICM: reflection interference contrast microscopy
RNA: ribonucleic acid
SGM: soft glassy material
SPRIE: surface plasmon resonance imaging ellipsometry
SRF: serum response factor
STM: scanning tunneling microscopy
TFM: traction force microscopy
TIRF: total internal reflection fluorescence
WT: wavelet transform
This work was supported by the Agence National de la Recherche (ANR 10 BLANC 1615 and ANR-11 IDEX-0007-02 with the PRES-University of Lyon) and INSERM (Plan Cancer 2012 01-84862).
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