Toonika Rinken

University of Tartu

Toonika Rinken is an associate professor in environmental chemistry and is leading a biosensor development lab at the Institute of Chemistry in the University of Tartu, Estonia. She received her PhD degree in chemistry in 2000 in the same university for the modeling and calibration studies of biosensors and has passed professional self-improvement in Uppsala (Sweden) and Gröningen (the Netherlands). Dr. Rinken's research activities are focused on the studies and development of biosensing systems for automatic monitoring along with testing and application of biosensor based analytical systems.

Toonika Rinken

5books edited

6chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Toonika Rinken

Real-time and reliable detection of molecular compounds and bacteria is essential in modern environmental monitoring. For rapid analyses, biosensing devices combining high selectivity of biomolecular recognition and sensitivity of modern signal-detection technologies offer a promising platform. Biosensors allow rapid on-site detection of pollutants and provide potential for better understanding of the environmental processes, including the fate and transport of contaminants.This book, including 12 chapters from 37 authors, introduces different biosensor-based technologies applied for environmental analyses.

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