Biomedical Acoustics

2 Open Access Books

65 Authors and Editors

53 Web of Science Citations

16 Crossref Citations

89 Dimension Citations

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Antimicrobial and Anti-Adhesive Potential of a Biosurfactants Produced by Candida Species

By Raquel Diniz Rufino, Juliana Moura de Luna, Leonie Asfora Sarubbo, Lígia Raquel Marona Rodrigues, José Antônio C. Teixeira and Galba Maria de Campos-Takaki

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Microbiological Chitosan: Potential Application as Anticariogenic Agent

By Thayza Christina Montenegro Stamford, Thatiana Montenegro Stamford-Arnaud, Horacinna Maria de Medeiros Cavalcante, Rui Oliveira Macedo and Galba Maria de Campos-Takaki

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Human Tremor: Origins, Detection and Quantification

By Adriano O. Andrade, Adriano Alves Pereira, Maria Fernanda Soares de Almeida, Guilherme Lopes Cavalheiro, Ana Paula Souza Paixão, Sheila Bernardino Fenelon and Valdeci Carlos Dionisio

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering in Epidural Anaesthesia Research

By Venketesh N. Dubey, Neil Vaughan, Michael Y. K. Wee and Richard Isaacs

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Photoacoustic Imaging in Gastroenterology: Advances and Needs

By Sheena Bhushan, Sharmila Anandasabapathy and Elena Petrova

Part of the book: Photoacoustic Imaging


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Biomedical Engineering in Epidural Anaesthesia Research

By Venketesh N. Dubey, Neil Vaughan, Michael Y. K. Wee and Richard Isaacs

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Structure - Functions Relations in Small Interfering RNAs

By Natalya S. Petrova, Marina A. Zenkova and Elena L. Chernolovskaya

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering

Photoacoustic Imaging in Gastroenterology: Advances and Needs

By Sheena Bhushan, Sharmila Anandasabapathy and Elena Petrova

Part of the book: Photoacoustic Imaging

Biocompatibility and Immunocompatibility Assessment of Poly(2-Oxazolines)

By Juraj Kronek, Ema Paulovičová, Lucia Paulovičová, Zuzana Kroneková and Jozef Luston

Part of the book: Practical Applications in Biomedical Engineering
