Pharmaceutical Chemistry

4 Open Access Books

84 Authors and Editors

57 Web of Science Citations

16 Crossref Citations

102 Dimension Citations

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

1,4-Benzodiazepines and New Derivatives: Description, Analysis, and Organic Synthesis

By Elisabet Batlle, Enric Lizano, Miquel Viñas and Maria Dolors Pujol

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry

Kojic Acid Derivatives

By Mutlu D. Aytemir and G. Karakaya

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design

Analysis of Protein Interaction Networks to Prioritize Drug Targets of Neglected-Diseases Pathogens

By Aldo Segura-Cabrera, Carlos A. García-Pérez, Mario A. Rodríguez-Pérez, Xianwu Guo, Gildardo Rivera and Virgilio Bocanegra-García

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design

Effective Kinetic Methods and Tools in Investigating the Mechanism of Action of Specific Hydrolases

By Emmanuel M. Papamichael, Panagiota-Yiolanda Stergiou, Athanasios Foukis, Marina Kokkinou and Leonidas G. Theodorou

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Inhibitors of Serine Proteinase - Application in Agriculture and Medicine

By Rinat Islamov, Tatyana Kustova and Alexander Ilin

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design

1,4-Benzodiazepines and New Derivatives: Description, Analysis, and Organic Synthesis

By Elisabet Batlle, Enric Lizano, Miquel Viñas and Maria Dolors Pujol

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry

The Apoptotic Effects of Methylparaben and Ultraviolet B Light on M624 Human Melanoma Cells

By Rebekah S. Wood, Rebecca S. Greenstein, Isabella M. Hildebrandt and Kimberly S. George Parsons

Part of the book: Medicinal Chemistry
