Clinical Pathology

6 Open Access Books

166 Authors and Editors

43 Web of Science Citations

22 Crossref Citations

98 Dimension Citations

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Top 5 Most cited chapters in this subject

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters

Functions of Saliva

By Narendra Maddu

Part of the book: Saliva and Salivary Diagnostics

8-Nitroguanine, a Potential Biomarker to Evaluate the Risk of Inflammation-Related Carcinogenesis

By Ning Ma, Mariko Murata, Shiho Ohnishi, Raynoo Thanan, Yusuke Hiraku and Shosuke Kawanishi

Part of the book: Biomarker

Salivary Diagnostics

By Varsha Pathiyil and Rahul Udayasankar

Part of the book: Saliva and Salivary Diagnostics


Top 5 Most downloaded chapters in this subject in the last 30 days

Open Access Peer-reviewed Chapters