Joško Osredkar

University Medical Centre - Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof.dr. Joško Osredkar is a full professor in the field of clinical biochemistry (Research number – 10691). He was born on January 27, 1955. in Jesenice. After completing elementary school, he enrolled at the gymnasium in Jesenice. In 1973. he enrolled at the Department of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology (FNT) and graduated in July 1981. He started working at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana in 1979. In 1987 he became a specialist in medical biochemistry, and in 1988 obtained a master's degree and a doctorate in 1992. In 1990, he joined the FNT - Department of Pharmacy as an assistant, and since 2005 has been a full professor of clinical biochemistry. As the head of the research group (KIKKB), he is involved in the projects with National Research Agency. He participates in several other projects, but also in the research program - Metabolic and congenital factors of reproductive health, labor I, II going to III. Within the framework of FP6, lead Slovenian Research Group in the project Influence of long-term exposure to low concentrations of elements in food in a sensitive population - Public health impact of long-term, low-level mixed element exposure and susceptible population strata (PHIME). His main research field today is oxidative stress during pregnancy and the study of oxidative stress in the unborn child, the child immediately after birth to the school period, seeking the association of oxidative stress during pregnancy with preeclampsia, with Down syndrome and autism. In 2000, the Minister of Health awarded him with the title of councilor and in 2007 the senior counselor. In 1993, he was appointed as a representative of Slovenia to the Monitoring Group for controlling the implementation of the European Convention against Doping in Sport in the World of Europe. At the time of the establishment of the Slovenian National Anti-Doping Commission (NAK) in 1996, he became its first president. This function is carried out to a certain extent (transitional period - until the establishment of the institution). In 2003, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) appointed him as a member of the Doping Control Expert Group. In 2009, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) award him special recognition in the field of the fight against doping.

Joško Osredkar

2chapters authored