Chiara Bedon
Chiara Bedon is an Associate Professor of Structural Engineering at the Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste, Italy, where she teaches Structural Analysis, Steel Structures, and Structural Design and Rehabilitation. She received a Ph.D. in 2012 and has been involved in international research projects and networks since 2009. She is an expert member, national delegate, task leader, and advisor at organizations such as the Joint Research Centre - European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection (JRC-ERNCIP), North Atlantic Treaty Organization – Science for Peace and Security (NATO-SPS), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (EU-COST), and others. She is an editorial board member for several journals. She is a Top Italian Scientist (TIS) and Top Italian Women Scientist (TIWS) in civil engineering. She is a former member of the EU-COST Action TU1403 – Adaptive Facades Network, and a core group member for the ongoing EU-COST Action CA20139 – Holistic design of taller timber buildings – HELEN. She is a principal investigator for projects funded by the European Union, including the recently granted FIS2021-MUR "HOPgLAz" project.