Jinfeng Li

Beijing Institute of Technology China

Prof. Jinfeng Li is an Engineering Scientist, a microwave engineer, a specialist in sentiment analysis, and an authority on liquid crystals-based microwave, millimetre-wave, and THz technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in liquid crystals-based microwave and millimeter-wave electronics engineering from the University of Cambridge. Prof. Li was a recipient of the IET Award, the AP Jarvis Prize, the AETiC Highly Cited Article Award 2023, and two Best Paper Awards at the IEEE and IOP conferences, respectively. He was a Cambridge Trust Scholar, Speaker at IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024 and the 50th and 46th European Microwave Conferences, Emerging Technologist with Barclays UK, Editorial Board member of three Science Citation Index journals, TPC, and Session Chair of six IEEE conferences, including IEEE ISAP (27th International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation) and IEEE 15th International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT 2023), IEEE 10th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2024), IEEE COINS 2024, IEEE SNAMS 2019, and 5th China and International Young Scientist Terahertz Conference etc. He was elected Senior Member of the China Institute of Communications (CIC), Top 1% Reviewer on Publons (Web of Science), Reviewing Expert for the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center, Grants Reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Newton Prize (£1m fund) reviewer for the UK National Commission for UNESCO, and Grants Reviewer for the Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HSDR) fund from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), UK. Prof. Li was elected National-level Young Talent in 2023. He teaches two undergraduate modules including (1) States of the Arts in Liquid Crystals Millimeter-wave Technology for 6G; and (2) Frontiers and Progress of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Jinfeng Li

1books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Jinfeng Li

This cutting-edge book brings together experts in the field to provide a multidimensional perspective on sentiment analysis, covering both foundational and advanced methodologies. Readers will gain insights into the latest natural language processing and machine learning techniques that power sentiment analysis, enabling the extraction of nuanced emotions from text.
Key Features:
•State-of-the-Art Techniques: Explore the most recent advancements in sentiment analysis, from deep learning approaches to sentiment lexicons and beyond.
•Real-World Applications: Dive into a wide range of applications, including social media monitoring, customer feedback analysis, and sentiment-driven decision-making.
•Cross-Disciplinary Insights: Understand how sentiment analysis influences and is influenced by fields such as marketing, psychology, and finance.
•Ethical and Privacy Considerations: Delve into the ethical challenges and privacy concerns inherent to sentiment analysis, with discussions on responsible AI usage.
•Future Directions: Get a glimpse into the future of sentiment analysis, with discussions on emerging trends and unresolved challenges.
This book is an essential resource for researchers, practitioners, and students in fields like natural language processing, machine learning, and data science. Whether you’re interested in understanding customer sentiment, monitoring social media trends, or advancing the state of the art, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the complex landscape of sentiment analysis.

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