Carmen Adella Sirbu

Carmen Adella Sirbu, MD, Ph.D., MPH, holds a diploma in Medicine (MD) from, Carol Davila’’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania. She also holds a Ph.D. from the same university. She received 12 prizes for the best research achievement in International and National Meetings. She is Associate Professor at, Titu Maiorescu, University, and Head of Neurology Clinic at Central Military Emergency University Hospital „Carol Davila,” Bucharest from 2018. She has a Master in Public Health at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Carol Davilla, and competence in neurosonology and psychopedagogy. She has 18 medical monographs and book chapters, over 100 articles, and more than 120 scientific presentations at medical meetings. She was an investigator in seven clinical studies and had several notable awards. Member since 2006 of Superior Committee of Discipline, belong to the founding member of the professional association, ASCAMED,. She is a medical expert in the neurology specialty for the disciplinary causes to be solved by the High Commission for Discipline of the Medical College of Romania, and elected member of the National Council for Ethics of Scientific Research, Technological Development and Innovation (CNECSDTI). She is a member of EAN (European Academy of Neurology) Scientist Panel for Neuroophtalmology, Neuro otology and Neurooncology from 2006-2020, and active member of MSBase Organization. Member of the working group of the European Brain Council (, she is involved in the project “Creating a policy narrative on neurodegenerative disorders across Europe.” She is a member of the Management Committee in the project COST CA16207 The ‘European Network for Problematic Usage of the Internet’ 2017-2021and Member of the Management Committee in the project COST CA15111, EUROMENE, 2016 - 2020 Her field of interest is multiple sclerosis, neuroimmunology, epilepsy, stroke, internet addiction.

Carmen Adella Sirbu

1chapters authored