Hadi El-Farr

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey United States of America

Hadi El-Farr is an Assistant Teaching Professor of Human Resource Management at the School of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, USA. He also is the director of the online master’s in human resource management. Dr. El-Farr received his Ph.D. in Human Resource Management from the University of Leeds, UK, his MBA from the Lebanese American University, and his BBA from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon. He completed several certifications, such as the Professional in Human Resources and the Certificate for Lifelong Learning in Inclusive and Equitable Teaching. Dr. El-Farr teaches courses in Strategic HRM, Staffing, Global HRM, and Organizational Behavior, both in person and online. He delivered several professional training programs, presented at various conferences, and was a keynote speaker at various professional events. Before joining academia, he worked for several years in multiple industries and countries. His research interests are in strategic HRM, knowledge management, artificial intelligence in HRM, and online education. He published several peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters, mainly in HRM and knowledge management. He has also served as an editor-in-chief, editor, and reviewer for several journals and publishers.

Hadi El-Farr

1books edited

4chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Hadi El-Farr

This book represents a collaborative effort by a multinational group of scholars aiming to contribute to the evolving discourse on the nature of work and the workplace in the 21st century. Its chapters offer a blend of literature reviews, theoretical insights, and empirical findings drawn from diverse national contexts. Employing a range of research methods including case studies, interviews, surveys, and literature reviews, the book provides a comprehensive exploration of the changing landscape of the workplace and workforce. The initial section of the book looks into the characteristics and impacts of Industry 4.0, with a particular focus on the ramifications of artificial intelligence and other technological advancements. It offers actionable recommendations for policymakers, organizations, and researchers to navigate the associated challenges and leverage the opportunities presented. The subsequent section shifts its attention to the transformative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the workforce, with a spotlight on remote work and alternative work arrangements both during and after the pandemic. This section examines the nuanced benefits and challenges inherent in such arrangements and offers strategies for organizations to optimize their implementation for enhanced effectiveness and efficiency. The final section of the book is dedicated to exploring the interconnected issues of diversity and immigration, which have emerged as significant global concerns. It underscores the importance of managerial and human resource practices in fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations. Additionally, this section addresses the escalating trend of brain drain from developing countries and proposes policy interventions aimed at retaining skilled workers and mitigating the associated challenges.

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The Changing Landscape of Workplace and Workforce IntechOpen
The Changing Landscape of Workplace and... Edited by Hadi El-Farr

The Changing Landscape of Workplace and Workforce

Edited by Hadi El-Farr