Moshe Gophen

Migal - Galilee Technology Center Israel

Dr. Moshe Gophen was born in 1936. He obtained his Biology/Limnology education at Hebrew University in Jerusalem: 1963-BSc; 1967-MSc; 1976-PhD; 1985-Full Professor. Senior scientist in the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory; IOLR Co. Director of the Kinneret Limnological Laboratory. Dr. Gophal has International Collaborative Projects in Egypt, Germany, Brazil, China, Mexico, Kenya, Chile, Mexico and the USA. Research Scientist at the Migal-Scientific Research Institute; Lecturer at the Tel Hai Academic College (Limnology). Visiting Professor at the University of Oklahoma, USA. Scientific coordinator of the Hula Reclamation project and Chairperson of the Hula Committee. He also supervises MSc and PhD students in Israel and the USA. He has published 245 papers in reviewed international journals (Lake Kinneret, Hula Valley, Lake Victoria). He has published 4 Books: 1) Ecological Studies in the Lake Kinneret and Hula Valley Ecosystems (English); 2) Lake Kinneret (Hebrew); 3) Kinneret is Different (Hebrew) (Glilit Publishers).4)The Ecology and Management of the Hula Valley, Springer Geography (2023). He has published 90 Articles in Israeli Magazines (Lake Kinneret and the Hula Valley) (Hebrew).

Moshe Gophen

3chapters authored