Dilip Mukherjee

University of Kalyani

Dr. Mukherjee is a retired Professor of Zoology from the Department of Zoology, Kalyani University, India where he worked since 1981. He is presently acting as Editor-in-Chief Proceedings of Zoological Society, Springer Nature. His field of specialization is molecular endocrinology and reproductive physiology. He is a Mentor of a DST-sponsored research project in the Department of Biological Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata, India. During his tenure at Kalyani University, he handled 13 Research Projects funded by the Government of India. Twenty-four research students were awarded a Ph.D. degree under his direct supervision. He has published more than ninety research papers in high-impact factor peer-reviewed journals and four book chapters. As an editor, he published a special issue on Biological Impacts of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in PZOS Springer-Nature. Dr. Mukherjee is a Member of many different learned Academic Bodies in various Universities and institutes in India. He is an External Member of the Research Advisory Committee of four Universities in India. He has delivered at least 30 invited lectures in many universities on endocrinology and reproduction and delivered invited/ plenary/ symposium lectures at many International and National conferences and Congress. He is a member of the National Academy of Science India and a Fellow of Science and Technology, Government of West Bengal, India. He has visited countries like Japan, Korea, Australia, France, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Italy, the USA, and Bangladesh where he delivered lectures on the subject of his interest.

Dilip Mukherjee

2chapters authored