The data on medicinal plants in the vegetation of Pakistan was studied and surveyed from September to November, 2018. Different ethnomedicinal species were recorded which are used by local inhabitants as a medicine, fodder, fuel, and for agricultural purpose. Many of the medicinal plants recorded are used for the treatment of two or more diseases by the local people. The family Fabaceae was dominant with respect to medicinal plants. The precious knowledge of medicinal flora is rapidly vanishing due to the illiteracy among the local people and also due to destruction of the medicinal plants. The present study was designed to convey the knowledge and importance of medicinal flora as well as traditional uses of such plants in daily life.
Part of the book: Legume Crops
Vegetable and fruit are economically very important and valuable crops throughout the world. According to Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) the same report, Pakistan was the fifth largest exporter in the world, but according to there is continuous decline in the production of fruit and vegetable in Pakistan. The reasons for this reduction are various and many but the major threat in yield production is various pests and pathogens which cause considerable losses every year. Major insects which attack on crop fields are aphids, mites, thrips, etc.; besides pests, different pathogens also cause various diseases in field crop and reduce yield of the plant, for example, fungi, viruses, bacteria, and nematodes. Among other pathogens, the fungal diseases are more destructive than diseases cause by other pathogens.
Part of the book: Abiotic and Biotic Stress in Plants