Tien Anh Tran

Viet Nam Maritime University Vietnam

Dr. Tien Anh Tran is working at Seoul National University (SNU), Seoul city, South Korea. He is also a University Lecturer at Marine Engineering Department in Vietnam Maritime University, Vietnam. He graduated B. Eng. and M. Eng. in Marine Engineering from Vietnam Maritime University in 2011 and 2014, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in Marine Engine Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China in 2018. He has participated in international conferences as a speaker and was an organization member in UK, Australia, Canada, Japan, India, Singapore, Hong Kong. He serves as an associate editor, a reviewer for the international journals indexed in SCI/SCIE, Scopus. He is one among five outstanding scientist nominated to Ta Quang Buu prize in 2022. His research interests are Ocean Engineering, Marine Engineering, Ship Energy Efficiency Management, Renewable Energy, Energy Offshore, and Diesel Engine Speed Control Theory.

Tien Anh Tran

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