Colin Logie

Radboud University Nijmegen Netherlands

Born in Brussels, Colin Logie studied Genetics and Molecular Biology at Glasgow University, graduating in 1991. For his PhD, he built the first ligand-regulated site-specific DNA recombinases with A. Francis Stewart at the EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, in 1995. He went on to engineer nucleosome remodelling assays during his postdoc with Craig L. Peterson at the UMASS, Worcester, MA, USA. Since 1999 he has conducted academic research on chromatin remodelling complexes at the Radboud University Science Faculty Molecular Biology Department (RIMLS), Nijmegen, The Netherlands, which is a joint venture with the Medical Faculty of the Radboud University. For the past seven years he has focused on human blood monocytes, and the cell types they can differentiate into such as macrophages, dendritic cells, and osteoclasts as an experimental research system. He is interested in the systems-wide integration of nuclear receptor action in health and disease. Through the COST-funded Gene Regulation Ensemble Effort for the Knowledge Commons (GREEKC) he became a member of the Gene Ontology Consortium. There he participates in setting the stage for computer-readable gene annotation for the 21st century, with a focus on ‘breaking through the DNA wall’ so as to enable automated reasoning through cellular signal transduction all the way to the trans-acting sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factors and their co-factors that act in concert on cis-acting chromosomal DNA sequences to permit cell type- and environmentally-conditioned gene transcription regulation. This includes the concepts of epigenetic memory embodied by post-replicational DNA modifications such as DNA methylation, nucleosome-borne epigenetic information in the form of histone post-translational modifications, nucleosome remodelling, and the positioning of nucleosomes along the length of chromosomes. Also chromatin domain boundaries have been a focus of his recent research. Over the years, his research has been funded by EMBL, Human Frontiers Science Program (HFSP), the Dutch Research Organisation NWO, the European Science Foundation (ESF), and indirectly by the European Research Council (ERC) with Hendrik G. Stunnenberg and Stefano Ceri.

Colin Logie

2books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Colin Logie

Genomics has gathered broad public attention since Lamarck put forward his top-down hypothesis of 'motivated change' in 1809 in his famous book "Philosophie Zoologique" and even more so since Darwin published his famous bottom-up theory of natural selection in "The Origin of Species" in 1859. The public awareness culminated in the much anticipated race to decipher the sequence of the human genome in 2002. Over all those years, it has become apparent that genomic DNA is compacted into chromatin with a dedicated 3D higher-order organization and dynamics, and that on each structural level epigenetic modifications exist. The book "Chromatin and Epigenetics" addresses current issues in the fields of epigenetics and chromatin ranging from more theoretical overviews in the first four chapters to much more detailed methodologies and insights into diagnostics and treatments in the following chapters. The chapters illustrate in their depth and breadth that genetic information is stored on all structural and dynamical levels within the nucleus with corresponding modifications of functional relevance. Thus, only an integrative systems approach allows to understand, treat, and manipulate the holistic interplay of genotype and phenotype creating functional genomes. The book chapters therefore contribute to this general perspective, not only opening opportunities for a true universal view on genetic information but also being key for a general understanding of genomes, their function, as well as life and evolution in general.

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