Adilson Marques

University of Lisbon Portugal

Adilson Marques is a professor at the University of Lisbon. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in physical education, a master's in public health, a PhD in sciences of education, a PhD in sports science, and a PhD in health sciences. He was a physical education teacher for 9 years and a coach in scholar sports programs. His main research interest is the study of health promotion. He has published several international peer-reviewed original articles and has been an investigator in several research projects. He is a reviewer for several scientific journals in sports science and health promotion. For 6 years, he was a member of the Portuguese Society of Physical Education board, and he is assistant director for the National Physical Activity Promotion Program at the Portuguese Ministry of Health.

Adilson Marques

2books edited

6chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Adilson Marques

Worldwide, there is a high prevalence of mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Mental health problems can affect all people regardless of their sociodemographic characteristics. This means that anyone is likely to have some form of mental health problem. The effects of mental health problems can be so devastating that they lead to suicide in many cases. For this reason, preventive measures to avoid mental health problems are important. Among the strategies used for the prevention and treatment of mental health problems, the practice of physical activity, good levels of physical fitness, quality leisure time, socialization (especially in older adults), the use of counseling whenever there is a change in mental health, religiosity and contemplation of the divine, psychological support, and professional guidance stand out. This book presents different strategies that can be used to promote good mental health.

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