Maria Alicja Dębska-Ślizień
Professor Maria Alicja Dębska-Ślizień works in the field of nephrology and transplantology since 1985. She is the head and the chair of the Department of Nephrology, Transplantology, and Internal Medicine, GUMed, since 2015. She is a specialist in the field of internal diseases, nephrology, and clinical transplantation. Her fundamental topics of clinical and scientific interest are optimization of the treatment of patients with renal failure by means of kidney transplantation (preemptive transplantation, transplantation from living donors). She has an active participation in the European Rare Kidney Disease Reference Network (i.e., congenital glomerulopathy, TSC, ADPKD). Her other activities include optimization of hemodialysis treatment, nephro-oncology, and coordination with the Polish Renal Replacement Therapy Registry. She is a member of the Polish Society of Nephrology, the Polish Transplantation Society (secretary-general), and the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA). Currently, she is also a member of the main board of the Polish Society of Nephrology and the Polish Transplantation Society. She is an author and coauthor of about 500 publications in domestic and foreign magazines. She is an editor and coeditor of the monograph and several guides for the sick and dozens of chapters in textbooks. She is a lecturer in Polish and international congresses. She has been awarded numerous prizes for both her native university and the Polish Transplantation Society for her scientific activity. Her closest family is her husband and two children (daughter and son). Her nonprofessional interests are mountain climbing, skiing, and reading books.