Miguel Almeida

University of Aveiro Portugal

Miguel Almeida is both experienced in publishing papers for relevant conferences, and in working at the Telecommunication industry. His research background allowed him to participate in several European research projects, while his industry related experience has allowed him to manage advanced network performance solutions and software architecture definitions. With an Engineering Degree and a Master Degree in Telecommunications, he is currently pursuing his PhD under the topics of performance management of remote devices. His main areas of interest are: Cross Layer Performance Analysis, Vehicular and Mobile Networks, 4G Architectures, End User Behavior Tracking, the Internet of Things Paradigm and Remote Device Management solutions.

Miguel Almeida

2books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Miguel Almeida

This book provides an insight on both the challenges and the technological solutions of several approaches, which allow connecting vehicles between each other and with the network. It underlines the trends on networking capabilities and their issues, further focusing on the MAC and Physical layer challenges. Ranging from the advances on radio access technologies to intelligent mechanisms deployed to enhance cooperative communications, cognitive radio and multiple antenna systems have been given particular highlight.

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