Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder affecting approximately 1% of the population over age 50. PD is widely accepted as a multifactorial disease with both genetic and environmental contributions. Despite extensive research conducted in the area the precise etiological factors responsible remain elusive. In about 95% Parkinsonism is considered to have a sporadic component. There are currently no established curative, preventative, or disease-modifying interventions, stemming from a poor understanding of the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis. Here lies the importance of animal models. Pharmacological insults cause Parkinsonian like phenotypes in Drosophila, thereby modelling sporadic PD. The pesticides paraquat and rotenone induced oxidative damage causing cluster specific DA neuron loss together with motor deficits. Studies in fly PD model have deciphered that signaling pathways such as phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K/Akt and target of rapamycin (TOR), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) have been defective. Further, these studies have demonstrated that fruit fly can be a potential model to screen chemical compounds for their neuroprotective efficacy.
Part of the book: Challenges in Parkinson's Disease
Epidemiological studies illustrate that sexual dysfunction (SD) is common among the majority of patients suffering from neurological disorders (NLDs). However, our understanding of the SD in NLDs is in its infancy. Our effort in this review article reveals how the clinical studies illustrate different phenotypes relating to SD in both men and women suffering from NLDs, with special reference to PD, and how the development of animal models will provide a fantastic opportunity to decipher mechanistic insights into the biological and molecular processes of SD, understanding of which is critical to figure out the causes of SD and to develop therapeutic strategies either by targeting molecular players or altering and/or regulating the profiles of involved genetic targets. Specific emphasis is placed on dopamine-dependent and independent mechanism(s) of SD among PD patients, which is important because certain critical dopamine-independent phenotypes are yet to be characterized and understood in order to decipher the comprehensive pathophysiology of PD. Synergic efforts of both clinicians and bench scientists in this critical direction would significantly improve the quality of life of sufferers of NLDs who are already burdened. This knowledge relating to SD will help us to make one more step in reducing the burden of disease.
Part of the book: Parkinson’s Disease