Nilufer Bulut

Hacettepe University Turkey

Dr. Nilufer Bulut was born on 20.09.1967. She received her Medical School license at the Gazi University. She is an expert in Internal Diseases ( Diskapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Education and Research Hospital, 1996) and her side branch specialisation is Medical Oncology (Hacettepe University, 2010) . Her Master Thesis was : Evaluation of postprandial haemodinamic differences in chronic liver parenchyma by color doppler ultrasonography . Her side branch thesis was: Demographic, clinical and pathological features affecting prognosis and survival in triple-negative breast cancer patients compared with non-triple negative group. She has worked as an Assistant doctor at the Diskapı Yıldırım Beyazıt E.R.H from 1992-1996. From 1997-2007 she worked as a Specialist at the same institution. She received her side branch education at the Hacettepe University Medical Oncology Institut from 2007-2010. She worked as an Medical oncologist at the Bursa Ali Osman Sonmez Oncology Hospital from 2011 until 2013 and on the same position at the Bursa Spesial Medical Park Hospital from 2013 until 2015. She was an Assoc Prof at the Kanuni Sultan Süleyman E.R.H 2016-2017 and currently she is a M. oncologist at the Kanuni Sultan Süleyman E.R.H.

Nilufer Bulut

1books edited

2chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Nilufer Bulut

The book 'Breast Cancer and Surgery' summarizes the treatment options from the onset of breast carcinogenesis to early-local advanced and metastatic breast cancer. Chemotherapy alternatives, drug resistance and local and surgical treatment preferences are extensively discussed and this information is especially directed at clinicians, researchers, and students. This book includes a comparison between different chemotherapy agents and targeted therapies with published phase II-III studies. The importance of palliative care and dietary supplements administered during the treatment course in reducing the comorbidity of patients is emphasized. Photodynamic treatments have been included in this book. A comprehensive and up-to-date information exchange that can be accessed through a single source is provided to all researchers interested in breast cancer.

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