Irena Kratochvílová

Institute of Physics Czech Republic

I. Kratochvilova (Hruba) obtained experiences with nanosystems containing organic molecules during post-doc position at the Penn State University studying charge carrier transport through various types of organic molecules, working on DARPA – funded project named “Direct Assembly of Molecular Logic Architectures Using Functionalized Metallic Nanowires”, cooperated with teams from Penn State University, Rice University and Yale University. The proper data interpretation was found and publications had very strong impact (108 citations, 35 citations respectively, quoted also in Science). Collaborating with the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry on project “Molecular Switches” and “Molecular Nanosystems and Nanodevices: electric transport properties” she worked with special photochromic molecules, preparing molecular devices and modelling processes in molecular switches and investigating (STM/AFM) DNA electrical and structural changes after manipulation and special processes. She also study bioactive and biocompatible surfaces and new nanostructural composites for application in medicine and pharmacy. In cooperation with the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Prague we work on preparation and characterization of drug delivery systems.

Irena Kratochvílová

2chapters authored