IntechOpen Reaches New Milestone: 7,000 Books Open for All

22 May 2024

IntechOpen has achieved a significant milestone in its mission to democratise scientific knowledge by announcing the publication of its 7,000th open access book, 'Towards the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori Infection - Rapid Diagnosis and Precision Treatment.' 

Guided by the expertise of Dr Liang Wang, Dr Alfred Chin Yen Tay, and 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate Prof. Barry J. Marshall, this book offers insightful research and novel approaches, contributing to the continuous discourse on Helicobacter pylori-related research.

The editors agree that, despite extensive research and medical advances over many years, completely eliminating the bacterium remains a challenge in numerous cases. The pressing need to address this issue has prompted a multidisciplinary approach that combines rapid diagnosis and precise treatment methods, as showcased in this book. 

Dr. Wang further elaborates, "In this volume, experts from various disciplines have joined forces to present the latest research, clinical insights, and practical applications of diagnosing and treating H. pylori infection. The chapters present in this volume cover diagnostic modalities in detecting H. pylori infection, from rapid noninvasive techniques for detecting antibiotic resistance to the utility of linked color imaging in endoscopic diagnosis. The book also presents innovative treatment strategies, including the role of cytokines in inflammation, the impact of antibiotic resistance patterns, and the potential of immunotherapeutic approaches."

This year holds special significance as it marks the 40th anniversary of the groundbreaking and daring self-demonstration of Koch's postulates by Prof.Marshall, which confirmed the link between Helicobacter pylori and gastritis. This pivotal research, conducted with his colleague Robin Warren, ultimately earned them the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.


As a publisher of scientific works that brings together researchers from all over the world to contribute their knowledge to advance their fields of research, we are delighted that this year's milestone publication addresses this crucial public health issue and explores novel strategies in diagnosis and therapeutic approaches to combat Helicobacter pylori infection.

Jelena Marusic, Head of Book Publishing at IntechOpen, reflects on this significant moment: "We extend our sincere thanks to all the authors for their invaluable contributions and to the editors whose dedication and expertise have been crucial in shaping this milestone publication. We take great pride in achieving this accomplishment, which was also made possible by the outstanding collaborative efforts of our dedicated teams."

Sara Uhac, IntechOpen CEO, adds: ”On this celebratory occasion, our deepest gratitude goes to all the members of our community who have contributed to our 7000 books over the years. Thank you for helping us achieve this important milestone, for sharing our values, for opening up science and for celebrating its contribution to the progress of society. The commitment to work by the principles of our driving idea, every day, brought this achievement to life.”

Our innovative open access book publishing model, developed over the past two decades, was crafted with the purpose of promoting open access principles. As we celebrate this achievement, we remain committed to advancing scholarly communication in the years to come.

Access the book here.

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