Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Geometric Properties of Classical Yang-Mills Theory on Differentiable Manifolds

Written By

Paul Bracken

Reviewed: 13 May 2022 Published: 23 June 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105399

From the Edited Volume

Manifolds III - Developments and Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken

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Gauge theories make up a class of physical theories that attempt to describe the physics of particles at a fundamental level. The purpose here is to study Yang-Mills theory at the classical level in terms of the geometry of fiber bundles and differentiable manifolds. It is shown how fundamental particles of bosonic and fermionic nature can be described mathematically. The Lagrangian for the basic interactions is presented and then put together in a unified form. Finally, some basic theorems are proved for a Yang-Mills on compact four-dimensional manifolds.


  • manifold
  • bundle
  • section
  • Yang-Mills
  • compact
  • four-dimensional
  • spinor
  • classical field

1. Introduction

In 1954 C. N. Yang and R. Mills proposed a classical field theory that incorporates Lie groups at a fundamental level [1]. Since then, great progress has been made in the area of subatomic physics by realizing that physics which is described by non-abelian Lie groups can display many novel features and play a major role in the kinds of physical theories they describe [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. These features are alluded to having no classical analogu. When formulated using rigorous mathematics, Yang-Mills theories as well as gauge theories make elegant use of complicated structures called fiber bundles and associated vector bundles. These are indispensable in physics where spacetime, the base manifold has a non-trivial topology. This occurs in string theory for example spacetime is usually assumed to be a product M4×K of Minkowski spacetime with a compact Riemannian manifold. If Euclidean spacetime R4 is compactified to the 4-sphere S4, a similar situation applies [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Fields in spacetime often cannot be described simply by a map to a fixed vector space but as sections of a non-trivial vector bundle. In these cases, fields on spacetime often cannot be described simply by a map to a fixed vector space, but rather as sections of a nontrivial vector bundle [15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20].

The Lagrangian and action of a field theory should be invariant under the action of certain symmetry groups such as the Lorentz group, gauge symmetry, and conformal symmetry [21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26]. This means the Lagrangian for the fields, hence the laws of physics, are invariant under symmetry transformations. For spontaneously broken gauge theories, the Lagrangian is invariant under gauge transformations that originate in a Lie group. The Higgs condensate yields a vacuum configuration invariant only under a subgroup of G, and at the same time provides a mechanism for giving mass to particles. Although the quantum versions of theories are not discussed here, it is important to state that symmetries of the classical theory, such as gauge symmetries, do not necessarily hold in the quantized theory. The main reason is the quantization method, such as the path integral measure may not be invariant under the symmetry [27, 28, 29, 30, 31]. In this event, the theory is said to be anomalous.

In mathematical terms, suppose π:EM is a surjective differentiable map between smooth manifolds. If xM is an arbitrary point, the nonempty subset Ex=π1xE is called the fiber of π over x. For a subset UM we set EU=π1UE, the part of E above U, and it is the union of all fibers Ex, where xU. A differentiable map s:ME such that πs=IM where IM is the identity map is called a global section of π. A differentiable map s:UE, defined on some open subset UM satisfying πs=IU is called a local section. A differentiable map s:UE is a local section of π:EU if and only if sxEx, for all xU. Fiber bundles are an important generalization of products E=M×F and can be understood as twisted products. The fibers are still embedded submanifolds and are all diffeomorphic. The fibration in general is only locally trivial, so locally a product which is not global.

Definition 1.1 Let, E, F, M be manifolds and π:EM a surjective differentiable map. Then, EπMF is called a fiber bundle if: for every xM, there exists an open UM around x such that π restricted to EU can be trivialized, so there is a diffeomorphism ϕU:EUU×F such that pr1ϕU=π. Denote a fiber bundle as FEM, E is called the total space, M the base manifold, F the general fiber, π the projection and UϕU a bundle chart.

Using a bundle chart, UϕU, the fiber Ex=π1x is seen to be an embedded submanifold of the total space E for every xM, and ϕU2=pr2ϕUEx:ExF is a diffeomorphism between the fiber over xU and the general fiber. For physical reasons, it is essential to include pseudo-Riemannian metrics in the picture. Let M be a smooth manifold. A pseudo-Riemannian metric g of signature st where ++ is a section that defines at each xM a non-degenerate symmetric bilinear form gx:TxM×TxMR of signature st.

Principal fiber bundles are a combination of the concepts of fiber bundle and group action; that is, fiber bundles have a Lie group action such that both structures can be made compatible. Let GPM be a fiber bundle with general fiber a Lie group G and a smooth action P×GP on the right. For a principal G-bundle, the action of G preserves the fibers of π and is simply transitive on them. The orbit map GP such that gpg is a bijection for all xM, pPx. There exists a bundle atlas of G- equivariant bundle charts ϕi:PUiUi×G satisfying ϕipg=ϕipg, for all pPUi, gG, where on the right G acts on pairs axUi×G by xag=xag. The group G is called the structure group P. Two features distinguish a principal bundle PM from a standard fiber bundle whose general fiber is a Lie group G: there exists a right G-action on P simply transitive on each fiber Px, xM and bundle P has a principal bundle atlas. If PM is a principal G-bundle, pP, gG, τg denotes the right translation ppg. The fiber Px is a submanifold of the total space P for every xM and the orbit map gpg is an embedding for all pPx.

A fiber bundle VEM is called a real or complex vector bundle of rank m if: The general fiber V and every fiber Ex for xM, are m-dimensional vector space over K=R or , and there exists a bundle atlas UiϕiiI for E such that induced maps ϕix:ExV are vector space isomorphisms for all xUi. Such an atlas is called a vector bundle atlas for E, and the chart a vector bundle chart. There are two features that distinguish a vector bundle EM from a standard fiber bundle; the vector space structure on each fiber Ex, xM and the bundle E has a vector bundle atlas. An example of this is the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold which is canonically a smooth real vector bundle [32, 33].

Definition 1.2 Let G be a Lie group and M a Manifold. Suppose that M×GM is a right action. For XgL we define the associated fundamental vector field X on M by


If we denote by ϕp, the orbit map for the right action, ϕp:GM, gpg, then


Similarly, suppose that G×MM is a left action. Then we define the fundamental vector field by


for pM. If we denote by ϕp the following orbit map for the left action, ϕp:GM, gg1p, then


The fundamental vector field will also be denoted Xf when the presentation requires.

It is shown here that a physical theory can be constructed based on the idea of a differentiable manifold along with many other associated mathematical structures that can be defined on it. The result is a theory which can be used to describe fundamental interactions of elementary particles at the classical level. This also permits the introduction of other ideas which can have a physical influence such as topological invariants. There is no discussion with regard to quantization of gauge theories. These interactions include the strong and weak forces. Physically, Yang-Mills fields represent forces or carriers of force. The first half of the paper introduces most of the mathematical concepts needed to describe particles of both fermionic and bosonic nature. The last part specializes to Yang-Mills in four dimensions. It is discussed how the field equations can be obtained from a variational principle and how the theory of partial differential equations plays a role in their study.


2. Matter fields and couplings

Lie groups appear in principal bundles in gauge theories. These are associated to vector bundles which describe particles and where representations on vector spaces are built into gauge theories. Connections are associated with gauge fields and give rise to covariant derivatives representing interactions.

Definition 2.1 A connection one-form on a principal G bundle π:PM is a one-form AΩ1Pg on the total space P so that rgA=Adg1A for all gG and AX=X for all XgL, where X is the fundamental vector field associated to X and gL the Lie algebra of G. This is called a gauge field in physics. .

At pP, a connection one-form is a linear map Ap:TpPgL and Adg1 is a linear isomorphism of the Lie algebra to itself. There is a correspondence between Ehresmann connections and connection one-forms. Physically we want certain objects to be gauge invariant. A global gauge transformation is a bundle automorphism of P or a diffeomorphism f:PP which preserve the fibers of P and is G-equivariant


Under composition of diffeomorphisms, the set of all gauge transformations forms a group AutP. A local gauge transformation is a bundle automorphism denoted AutP. In physics, gauge transformations are often defined as maps on the base manifold M to the structure group G even for non-abelian Lie groups.

Let π:PM be a principal G-bundle. A physical gauge transformation is a smooth map π:UG defined on an open set UM. The set of all physical gauge transformations forms a group CUG with pointwise multiplication.

If s:UP is a local gauge of the principal bundle on an open subset UM, the local connection one-form or local gauge field AsΩ1UgL determined by s is defined as


Suppose we have a manifold chart on U and μμ=1,,n are the local coordinate vector fields on U. Set Aμ=Asμ and choose a basis ea for the Lie algebra gL and then expand Aμ over that basis


The corresponding real-valued fields AμaCUR and one forms Asa are called local gauge boson fields in physics.

A principal bundle can have many gauges and it is of interest to determine how the local connection one-forms transform as we change the local gauge. Let si:UiP and sj:UjP be local gauges with UiUj, then there exists gijx:UiUjG such that


In (8), gij is the smooth transition function between local trivializations. There are local connection 1-forms AiAsiΩ1UigL and AjAsjΩ1UjgL and it is desired to obtain the relationship between Ai and Aj. If μGΩ1Gp is the Mauer-Cartan form defined as μGv=DgLg1v for vTgG, set μjigjiμGΩ1UiUj. The theorem which follows accounts for the transformation of local gauge fields.

Theorem 2.1 The local connection one-form transforms as


on UiUj. If GGLnK is a matrix Lie group then


where denotes matrix multiplication, gji1 the inverse of gji in G and dgji the differential of each component of the function gji:UiUjGKn×n. If G is abelian, then Ai=Aj+μji=Aj+gji1dgji.

Proof: Let sUiUj and ZTxM and set


with group action Φ:P×GP given as pgpg, we calculate using the differential of map ΦXYDXrgX+μGYxg, where rg is right translation μG is the Mauer-Cartan form, and the chain rule


By the defining properties of the connection form A, we have


The second claim follows by recalling that for a matrix Lie group Adg1ag for all gG, agL and μGv=g1v for vTgG


Theorem 2.2 Let PM be a principal bundle and AΩ1PgL a connection one-form on P. Suppose that fGP is a global bundle isomorphism. Then fA is a connection one-form on P


Proof: This follows from the definition of a connection 1-form and the previous Theorem.

Let H be the associated horizontal vector bundle defined as the kernel of A. Then TP=VH and we set πH:TPH for the projection onto the horizontal vector bundle.

Definition 2.2 The two-form FΩ2PgL defined by


is called the curvature two form of A. Sometimes FA is written to emphasize the dependence on A.

Definition 2.3 Let P be a manifold and gL a Lie algebra. For ηΩ1PgL and ϕΩ1PgL, define ηϕΩk+lPgL to be


where the commutators on the right are the commutator in the Lie algebra gL. This is often written ηϕ as well.

It is useful to recall that if X=V be a fundamental vector field and Y a horizontal vector field on P, then the commutator XY is horizontal.

Theorem 2.3 (Structure Equations) The curvature form F of a connection form A satisfies


Proof: Eq. (18) can be checked by inserting X,YTpP on both sides. Suppose X,Y are both vertical. Then X,Y are fundamental vectors X=Vp, Y=Wp forcertain elements V,WGL,


The differential of a one-form A is given by


where vectors X,Y are extended to vector fields in a neighborhood of p. If the extension is chosen by the fundamental vector fields V and W, then dAXY=LXWLYVVW=VW, since V,W are constant maps from P to gL.

If both X and Y are horizontal FXY=dAXY and 12AAXY=AXAY=0.

If X is vertical and Y is horizontal, then X=Vp for some VgL, and we have


Thus since V,Y] is horizontal


Connections define an important idea in geometry: that of parallel transport in principal and associated vector bundles and leads to the concept of covariant derivative on an associated vector bundle. An interesting result is that if X=V be a fundamental vector field and Y a horizontal vector field on P, then the commutator XY is horizontal. In a similar way, F can be written locally as was done for the local section. If we have a manifold chart on U and i are local coordinate basis vector fields on U, then Fμν=Fsμν and Fμν=a=1dimgLFμνaea and locally the structure equations take the form Fμν=μAννAμ+AμAν.

Definition 2.4 Let γ:abM be a curve in M. The map


is called parallel transport in the principal bundle P along γ with respect to the connection A.

Similarly for a curve γ:01M the map ΠγE,A:Eγ0Eγ1, given by pvΠγApv is a well-defined and linear isomorphism, called parallel transport in the associated vector bundle E along the curve γ with respect to A. Let Φ be a section of E, xM and XTxM a tangent vector. A covariant derivative is to be defined by choosing an arbitrary curve γ:εεM with γ0=x, γ̇0=X. For each uεε parallel transport the vector ΦγuEγu back to Ex along γ. Take the derivative at u=0 of the curve which results in Ex giving an element in Ex. Formally, set


The restriction of the curve γ starting at 0 and ending at time u for uεε is denoted γu. Parallel transport ΠγA is a smooth map between the fibers Pγa and Pγb and does not depend on the parametrization of the curve. Let γ be a curve in M from x to y and γ a curve from y to z. Denote γ acting followed by γ by γγ, where γ comes first, then ΠγγA=ΠγAΠγA.

Theorem 2.4 Let s:UP be a local gauge As=sA and ϕ:UV the map with Φ=sϕ. Then the vector DΦγxAEx is given by


Proof: It holds that


Let qt be the unique smooth curve determined in the fiber Px such that ΠγtAqt=sγt. Write qt=sxgt and gt is a uniquely determined smooth curve in G


For t=0, we have


Consequently, ġ0gL, and it follows that


To finish, ρrġ0 is calculated,


Since the curve ΠγtAsx is horizontal, with respect to A, we obtain Asx=AdsX=Aq̇0. Since q̇0 and ġ0sx are related by ϕ, the map that associates to a Lie algebra element the corresponding vector field on M is a homeomorphism, hence, Aq̇0=ġ0 by definition of connection one-form. It follows that


and so the claim.

In fact, the theorem implies that DΦγxA depends only on the tangent vector X not on the curve γ itself. Now we are in a position to define the covariant derivative.

Definition 2.5 Let Φ be a section of an associated vector bundle E and XXM a vector field on M. The covariant derivative XAΦ of the section of E defined by


where γ is any vector through Xx tangent to γ. The covariant derivative is a map A:ΓEΩ1ME.

The fact that AΦ is a smooth one-form in Ω1ME for every ΦΓE is clear from the local formula. In physics the covariant derivative in a local gauge s:UP with Φ=sϕ is given as


The map A is K-linear in both entries and satisfies fXAΦ=fXAΦ for all smooth functions fCMR. The Leibnitz rule XAλΦ=LXλΦ+λXAΦ holds for all smooth functions λCMK.

Suppose γ:01M is a closed curve in M, γ0=γ1=x, a loop. Then parallel transport ΠγE,A is a linear isomorphism of the fiber Ex to itself. This isomorphism is called the holonomy Holγ,xE of the loop γ in the basepoint x with respect to the connection A. The Wilson loop is the map WγE that associates to a connection A and loop γ the number WγEA=TrHolγ,xEA.

The map A can be regarded as a generalization of the differential d:CMΩ1M. The differential d can be identified with the covariant derivative on the trivial line bundle over M. The differential can be uniquely be extended in the standard way to an exterior derivative d:ΩkMΩk+1M by demanding ddf=0 for all fCM and dαβ=β+1kα for αΩkM and βΩlM. This differential satisfies dd=0 on all forms, and so the de Rham cohomology HRkM is well-defined for all k.

It is useful to show the covariant derivative can be extended similarly to an exterior covariant derivative


This exterior covariant derivative, however, in general does not satisfy dAdA=0. There is a well-defined vector product :ΩkM×Ω1MΩk+1ME between standard differential forms, with values in K, and differential forms with values in E. Here we get the product between a scalar in K and a vector in E, which is well-defined. Let ω be an element of ΩkME and choose a local basis e1,,er of E over an open set UM, then ω can be written


with uniquely defined k-forms ωiΩkU.

It should be stated that the definition of forms can be extended by defining CMW as the set of all smooth maps from M into the vector space W, which has a canonical structure of a manifold, so that smooth maps are defined. A one-form on M with values in W is an alternating CM nonlinear map ω:χM××χMCMW. The set of all k-forms on M, and values in W can be identified with ΩkMW=ΩkMRW. It is said forms in Ω1MW are twisted with W. Scalar product of twisted forms can be defined by choosing a local frame for E over UM and expand k-forms F, G twisted with E as F=i=1rFiei, G=i=1rGiei with Fi,GiΩkUR. Set


with Hodge star operator :ΩkMEΩnkME by F=i=1rFiei, and codifferential d=1t+nk+1d.

Definition 2.6 Let be a covariant derivative on a vector bundle E. Define the exterior covariant derivative or differential d:ΩkMEΩk+1ME by


If =A is the covariant derivative on an associated vector bundle determined by connection A on a principal bundle, write dA=d. .

Theorem 2.5 The definition of d is independent of the choice of local basis ei for E.

Proof: Let ei be another local basis of E over U. Then there exist unique functions CjiCUK with ei=i=1rCjiei. The matrix C with entries Cji is invertible. Let C1 be the inverse matrix with entries Cij1 and define


Then ω=i=1rωiei=j=1rωjej. Now let us calculate


The last term is zero since


The derivative d also satisfies


as well as the Leibnitz formula for exterior covariant derivative. Unlike the case of the standard exterior derivative d, it can be shown that d in general has square dd0, a fact related to the curvature F of the covariant derivative .


3. Yang-Mills Lagrangians

In physics, the Lagrangians that are used are restricted out of an infinite set of possible Lagrangians by various principles. The Lagrangian or action of a field theory should be invariant under certain transformations of the fields by symmetry groups. The laws of physics have to be invariant as well, a second meaning of symmetry is invariance of the actual field configurations. In spontaneously broken gauge theories, the Lagrangian is invariant under gauge transformations with values in a given Lie group G. However, due to the Higgs field, the vacuum is invariant under a subgroup HG of transformations. The purpose of the Higgs is to give mass to the particles that appear in the Lagrangians without at the same time breaking gauge invariance. A quantum field theory associated to the Lagrangian should be renormalizable so after the renormalization of parameters, finite results that can be compared with experiment are obtained.

The scalar product of forms is given as


To write the Yang-Mills equations, the Hodge star operator written as ΩkMKΩnkMK is the linear map on real-valued forms so that if dvg is the volume element on M,


The L2-scalar product of forms L2:Ω0kMK×Ω01MKK is defined by


To obtain a finite integral, it is usual to work with forms of compact support. The codifferential dΩk+1ΩkM is


Theorem 3.1 Let M be a manifold without boundary. Then the codifferential d is the formal adjoint of the differential d with respect to the L2 scalar product on forms of compact support ηL2=ωdηL2 for all ωΩ0kM, ηΩ0k+1M.

Proof: The difference ηωdη with respect to the pointwise scalar product of the forms. Applying twice gives a map :ΩnkMΩnkM is given by


Therefore, we have


Stokes’ Theorem applied here implies the result.

This knowledge allows us to define the covariant codifferential d:Ωk+1MEΩkME by


To define the Yang-Mills Lagrangian and the associated Yang-Mills equations, procced as follows. To do so, we use an n-dimensional, oriented, psuedo-Riemannian manifold Mg, with signature st a principal G-bundle PM with compact structure group G of dimension r, a scalar product on gL, which is Ad, invariant and an orthonormal vector space basis Ti for gL.

Let A be a connection 1-form on the principal bundle P with curvature two-form FAΩ2PgL. The curvature defines a twisted two-form FMAΩ2MAdP. The Yang-Mills Lagrangian is defined by


For a fixed connection A, this Lagrangian is a global smooth function LYMA:MR. The Yang-Mills Lagrangian is gauge invariant, LYMfA=LYMA, for all bundle automorphisms fGP and all A on P. In a chart with coordinates xμ, the components of FA are FμνA=FsAμν and they can be expanded over the Lie algebra basis as


and FsAaΩ2U are real-valued differential forms, FμνAa are real-valued smooth functions on U. Thus, expanding (49), the Yang-Mills Lagrangian is locally


where FμνAa=μAνaνAμa+fbcaAμbAνc, and structure constant fcba for the Lie algebra.

Suppose Mg is compact and closed. The Yang-Mills action for a principal G-bundle PM is the smooth map SYM:APR, with AP the space of all connection one-forms A on P defined by


A connection A on the principal bundle P is a critical point of the Yang-Mills action if


for all such variations on P.

Theorem 3.2 A connection A on a principal bundle PM is a critical point of the Yang-Mills action if and only if A satisfies the Yang-Mills equation


Proof: Based on the structure equations, we calculate


Differentiating this and using the adjoint property on M, it follows that


The scalar product on the Lie algebra is non-degenerate, the L2-scalar product is non-degenerate. It follows that A is a critical point of the Lagrangian (49) if and only if (54) holds.

Any connection A on P has to satisfy the Bianchi identity


When the group G=U1, the local curvature forms are independent of the choice of local gauge s and define a global two-form FA, so the Bianchi identity and Yang-Mills equations are given by dFM=0 and dFM=0. These are Maxwell’s equations for a source-free electromagnetic field on a general n-dimensionsl oriented pseudo-Riemannian manifold.

Fields of different types can be introduced into the picture. These include matter fields that couple to the gauge field A, such as scalar fields or fermionic spinor fields, and are distinguished by the statistics they obey. These two types of particle are distinguished by an intrinsic property called spin, and this has to have its own treatment.

A complex scalar field is a smooth map ϕ:M. A multiplet of complex scalar fields is a smooth map ϕ:Mr for some r>1 with the standard Hermitian scalar product vw=vw on r. Given a principal g-bundle PM with compact structure group G of dimension r, a complex representation ρ:GGLW with associated complex vector bundle E and G-invariant Hermitian scalar product W on W and bundle metric E on the vector bundle E. If the dimension of V is one, then a smooth section of E is called a multiplet of complex scalar fields and the vector space W is called a multiplet space. With the covariant derivative dA:ΓEΩ1ME and the scalar product E on Ω1ME, the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian can be given.

Definition 3.1 The Klein-Gordon Lagrangian for a multiplet of the complex scalar field ΦΓE of mass m coupled to a gauge field A is


For given fields Φ and A, the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian is a smooth function LKGΦA:MR.

The associated action SKGΦA is the integral over the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian on the closed manifold M. In local coordinates on M, the kinetic term is


In a local gauge s for the principal bundle, the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian can be written as ΦU=sϕ


As with the Yang-Mills Lagrangian, the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian of a multiplet of complex scalar fields coupled to a gauge field is gauge invariant.

To describe fermion fields classically using spinor fields on spacetime, a Lagrangian for fermions is defined. The setting for doing this is an n-dimensional oriented and time-oriented pseudo-Riemannian spin manifold Mg of signature st, a spin structure SpinM together with complex spin bundle SM, and a Dirac form on the Dirac spinor space, not necessarily positive definite, with Dirac bundle metric D. We abbreviate ΨΦD as Ψ¯Φ.

Definition 3.2 The Dirac Lagrangian for a free spinor field ψΓSE mass m is defined by


where DAΓSEΓSE denotes the twisted Dirac operator, the first term the kinetic term and the second pertains to the mass of the particle. The associated action SDΨA is the integral over the Dirac Lagrangian on a closed manifold M.

Based on the fundamental Lagrangians which couple the fields to the gauge field, the Lagrangian of the Standard Model can be built up as the sum of all the individual Lagrangians that are to be accounted for and required to describe all the observed fields. It could be referred to as the Yang-Mills-Dirac-Higgs-Yukawa Lagrangian


Experiment informs us that a realistic theory of particle physics has to involve chiral fermions with a nonzero mass because the weak interaction is not invariant under parity inversion.


4. Yang-Mills on four-dimensional manifolds

The general overview of Yang-Mills theory is now restricted to four-dimensional compact Riemannian manifolds. This will emphasize how Yang-Mills relates to manifolds which are the natural context for Yang-Mills theory for more than one reason. First the four-dimensional action is bounded below by the characteristic number of the bundle so the field is constrained by the topology. By invariant theory, this is linked to the conformal invariance of the action occuring just in dimension four. The base manifold conformal structure leads to the relevant geometry. The curvature is given in terms of the connection form ω, and the action is the sum of a gradient term and a non-linear self-interaction term. They are of comparable strength only in dimension four. Some of the symbols are adapted to the particular case studied here.

Riemannian geometry in dimension four is distinguished by the fact that the universal cover Spin4 of the rotation group SO4 is not a simple group, but factors Spin4=SU2×SU2. One way to look at this is at the group level, R4 and 2 can be identified with the quaternions . Thus SO2 may be regarded as the unit quaternions. For unit quaternions, g and h, the map xg1xh is an orthogonal transformation of =R4 with determinant one, and hence yields a homeomorphism π:SU2×SU2SO4. This map has kernel 11 and so indicates SU2×SU2 as the two-fold universal covering group of SO4.

Suppose M is a Riemannian manifold, so the metric determines the basic Levi-Civita connection on the cotangent space


Choosing a local basis of sections ei of TM we may write ei=kωkiek, where ωki are the connection one-forms. The nature of these one-forms can be understood in the context of an arbitrary bundle. Let G be a compact semi-simple Lie group with Lie algebra gL and let π:PM be a principal G-bundle over M. A connection on P is a choice of an equivariant horizontal subspace on TP or a gL-valued one-form on P which has horizontal kernel and is equivariant gωX=Adg1ωX for xΓTP and gG.

Let C denote the affine space of C connections of P. Then C becomes a vector space when a base connection is fixed. The equivariance property shows that the difference η=ωω0 pulls down to M as a one-form with values in the adjoint bundle P×AdgL also denoted GL. As such it determines a covariant map :ΓgLΓgLTM by virtue of ϕ0+ηϕ, where 0 is the covariant derivative corresponding to ω0. If ρ:GAutE¯ is a representation and E=P×ρE¯ the associated vector bundle, then ω induces a covariant derivative


on E by applying the Lie algebra representation ρ:gEndE¯ to above. Suppose for example P is the frame bundle of TM, the Riemannian connection can be described either in terms of the covariant derivative or in terms of the corresponding son-valued connection form ω=ωki.

Given a connection E on a vector bundle E, several related operations can be constructed from E a the symbol map. Extending E to the covariant derivative ¯=1+1 on ΛkE, with the Riemann connection on Λ, and using exterior differentiation or its adjoint contraction as the symbol, an exterior differentiation D:ΓΛEΓΛ+1E is obtained and its formal adjoint D. In a local orthonormal frame ei, ϕΓΛE,


There are also two second order operators. They are the trace Laplacian


on ΓE, and the bundle Laplace-Beltrami operator =DD+DD on ΓΛE. The covariant derivative of :ΓgLΓgLTM extends by virtue of (65) to an exterior differentiation D on the space of sections Λ=ΓΛgL by Dϕ=0ϕ+ηϕ where 0 is the covariant derivative corresponding to ω0.

The curvature of a connection ω on a principal bundle P is the gL-valued two-form ΩXY=hXhY where h is the projection onto the horizontal subspace of ω. One can say D=dh is a derivation on equivariant gL-valued one-forms on P given by =+ωϕ for one-forms with vertical kernel and =dϕ+12ωϕ for connection forms ϕ, in particular, Ω=+12ωω on P. Let us fix connection ω0, so for any other ω, the difference η=ωω0 descends to M as an element of A1 and the difference of the curvature is


Alternatively, ϕA0 lifts to an equivariant gL-valued function on P and Dϕ has a vertical kernel, so


The formula descends to the base Dϕ=Ωϕ for ϕA0. In terms of a local basis of vector fields ei and dual forms ei


For the Riemannian connection, iejjei=eiej so Ωij=ijjieiej and similarly for ΩE.

On a four-dimensional Riemannian manifold, the metric covariant derivative on the spin bundle S+ is a map :ΓS+ΓS+M. Thus on S± decomposes into two operators: first the Dirac operator D:ΓS±ΓS where symbol is Clifford multiplication, and the twister operator D¯:ΓV±ΓΛ±2, whose symbol is the orthogonal complement of Clifford multiplication. In a local orthonormal frame ei with ϕΓV


The Dirac operator is elliptic and is formally self-adjoint on the total spin bundle S.

In four dimensions, the Riemannian curvature tensor RΛ2Λ2 decomposes under the splitting Λ2=Λ+2Λ2. Due to the symmetry Rijkl=Rklij, this is an element of the symmetric tensor product Sym2Λ+2Λ2, which is a Spin 4 module, this breaks uo into five irreducible pieces.

The components of this tensor under this decomposition are W+Rs122BW, where Rs is the scalar curvature, B the traceless Ricci tensor, and W± are the self-dual and anti-self-dual components of the conformally invariant Weyl tensor. This decomposition results in some important classes of four-manifolds: M4 is Einstein if B=0, conformally flat if W=0, and self-dual (anti) if W=0 (W+=0).

Suppose M is a spin four-manifold with Riemannian connection and E, a vector bundle over M with connection E and curvature ΩE. Then the Dirac operator is DΓVEΓVE is defined for E-valued spinors by D=iei¯i where ¯ is the total covariant derivative on VE. It is shown this operator has an algebraic decomposition into Laplacian and curvature terms. Such an expression is called a Weitzenböck operator. These encompass more than one kind of operator so it is worth showing how they can be developed. To get D2, choose an orthonormal basis ei around xM, vector fields ei dual to the ei such that eiejx=0 for all i,j. Squaring D and separating the symmetric and skew-symmetric parts


This can be summarized as


Since is torsionless, eiejx=0, and the total curvature is Ωij=¯i¯j¯j¯i. The first term is (72) is the positive trace Laplacian of ¯, Rij can be written in terms of the irreducible components of R.

Compact four-dimensional manifolds M4 possess two real characteristic classes. These can be expressed locally as polynomials in the curvature of M and hence as polynomials in the irreducible components of the curvature RsBW±.

Topological invariants arise in the consideration of four-dimensional manifolds M. These have two real characteristic classes. They are the Pontryagin class p1M and the Euler class χM given by


More generally, if G is a compact simple Lie group, HiBGR vanishes for i=1,2,3 and is R for i=4. Thus, there is a single real characteristic class for principal G-bundles over M4 and it resides in dimension 4. In Yang-Mills theory, the corresponding characteristic number is called the Pontryagin index κ of the bundle. It is obtained by substituting the curvature Ω of P into the Killing form. In terms of the anti-self-dual components Ω± of Ω, κ is


For functions on a bounded domain in Rn the Sobolov space Lk,pD is the completion of the space of C functions in the norm


These spaces are related by the Sobolev embedding theorems: for p,q1, the inclusion Kk,pDLl.qD is continuous for kn/p1n/q, compact for kn/p>1n/q. This extends to vector bundles E with metric over M.


5. Deriving coupled Yang-Mills equations

It is the case that once the geometrical setting for a gauge theory has been set out, the requirement of naturality then determines the theory. Let π:PM be a principal bundle over a four-dimensional M with compact simple structure group G, ρ:GAutE¯ a unitary representation of G, E=p×ρE¯ the associated vector bundle, and W the bundle associated to the frame bundle of M. To get a mathematically rigorous development of the field equations, assume that they are variational equations and arise as the stationary points of an action integral


where the Lagrangian is a 4-form constructed from g, , and ϕ.

Then P is a manifold with a certain geometric structure. There is a free right action of G, so an automorphism of P is a map f:PP, which preserves this structure fxg1=fxg1 for all xP and gG. Let AutP denote the group of all bundle automorphisms f such that the induced map πf:MM preserves orientation, Aut0P the subgroup which induces the identity on M. In the language of physics, a section s:MUP is called a local choice of gauge, an automorphism fAut0P is a gauge transformation, and the group G=Aut0P is the gauge group of the bundle.

These properties of the Lagrangian are required i in a local coordinate system and choice of gauge, L should be a universal polynomial in g,h,Γ,ϕ,detg1/2,deth1/2, and their derivatives, Γ the Christoffel symbols. ii the map L should be a natural transformation with respect to the bundle automorphism f, Lπfgfρfϕ=fLgϕiii it should have conformal invariance, for any σ on M, Legϕ=Lgϕ. Naturality with respect to Aut0P means that Lgfρfϕ=Lgϕ. This is Weyl’s principle of gauge invariance. For the case in which L=Lg requiring naturality under orientation preserving diffeomorphisms of P, SO4 invariant theory implies


where RsBW± are the components of the Riemann curvature of g, Ω the curvature of ω and the ci are real numbers. The actions of the various values of the ci include topological invariants p1M, χM for example.

Let us be concerned with the action which depends on the bundle curvature which is called the Yang-Mills action


The action is evidently regular and DiffM covariant. It is conformally invariant because the operator on two-forms is


A gauge transformation gG takes to gg1 and Ω=D to gΩg1. The Lagrangian Ω2 is then unchanged because the Killing form is invariant. Since Ω2=Ω2+Ω+2, (71) shows that Agω8π2k with equality if and only if Ω=0. Consequently, self-dual connections are absolute minima of the Yang-Mills action. There are two action integrals considered by physicists. They are the fermionic and the bosonic types.

Definition 5.1 The fermion action is defined on E-valued spinors ψΓVE as


where D is the Dirac operator and is the inner product on VE and dvg the volume form.

Definition 5.2 The boson action is defined on E-valued scalars ϕΓE by


where V:ER is a gauge invariant polynomial on the fiber such that degV4.

Both Lagrangians are regular DiffM invariant and gauge invariant. The degree requirement comes about as we wish to vary the action over a Sobolev space and by the Sobolev inequality, any polynomial in ϕ whose degree does not exceed four is then integrable. Note the second term in the fermion Lagrangian is not positive definite, for suppose ψ=ψ+ψΓQ+Q satisfies Dψ=λψ for some eigenvalue λ, ϕ¯=ϕ+ϕ satisfies Dϕ¯=λϕ¯. This gives that the spectrum of D is symmetric about zero.


6. Theorems in four dimensions for the Yang-Mills system

Let us calculate the first variation of the action for a spinor field. Introduce two real parameters uv and pick a one-parameter family of connections u=0++, ηΓΛ1gL and a one-parameter family of spinors ψv=ψ0++, ψΓVE. The curvature and total covariant derivative on VE are


Expanding the action, it is given by


In (83), ei is a local orthonormal basis. This implies the equations, which result from the first variation are for ηΓΛ1gL and ψΓVE


Recall that D is self adjoint, so (84) gives the pair of equations


In (85), σa is a local orthogonal basis of sections of gL, σa the dual basis in ΓgL. The current due to ψ is Jψ and it is real-valued since ψeiρηiψ=eiρηiψψ. It is interpreted as a one-form on the space of connections.

The boson action is defined on E-valued scalars ϕΓE by


The first variation of this action is computed as follows. Choose a one-parameter family of connections u=0+uη+, ηΓΛgL and a one-parameter family ϕv=ϕ0++, τΓVE


Hence, the action is


Differentiating with respect to u and v then setting u=v=0,


Equating the results, (90) to zero yields the coupled fermion and boson equations of motion taking V=aϕ2ϕ+mb2ϕ


In physics, one says Ω is a gauge field, ω its gauge potential, and ψ,ϕ the field of a massive particle interacting with Ω. When the fields are set equal to zero, the fermion and boson actions reduce to the Yang-Mills field equations. Self-dual connections satisfy this equation because they are absolute minima of the action. In fact, the first field equation can be used to get


When the structure group is abelian, the equation DJ=0. This expresses the fact that electric charge is conserved in electromagnetism.

The field Eqs. (91) simplify considerably when we take a=m=0. Then either Dψ=0 on E-valued spinors or ¯¯ϕ=m/6ϕ with ϕ an E-valued scalar.

Theorem 6.1 Let E be a vector bundle over a manifold M and ϕΩ a solution of the coupled boson equations DΩ=J, ¯¯ϕ=Rs/6ϕ. If M is a compact manifold with positive scalar curvature, or if M=R4 and ϕ vanishes at infinity, then ϕ=0 and Ω is Yang-Mills.

Proof: If M is compact and s>0, integration by parts yields


Thus ϕ=0 and J=0. The equation ¯¯ϕ=0 can be converted to a differential inequality for ϕ


Thus upon solving the second in (94) for ϕddϕ and using the first, we get


Consequently, Δϕ0 If ϕ vanishes at infinity, the maximum principle implies that ϕ=0, hence the current J vanishes and Ω is a Yang-Mills field. .

Theorem 6.2 Let M be a compact Riemannian four-manifold with Rs/3Wε>0. There is a constant α such that i Any Yang-Mills Ω such that Ω0,2<α is self-dual (ii) Any solution Ωϕ to the massless coupled fermion Eqs. (90) with Ω0,2<α satisfies Ω=J=ϕ=0.

Proof: (i) Start with the equations DΩ=DΩ=0 to obtain DΩ+±DΩ=0 so DΩ=D+Ω=0 and hence Ω=0. Here, =DD+DD is the Laplace Beltrami operator. Integrate ΩΩ by parts over M using the Weizenbock formula,


and apply Kato’s inequality gives


By Hölder’s inequality, followed by Sobolev’s inequality, the last term is bounded by


This is dominated by the first two terms whenever Ω0,2 is sufficiently small. But this means the right-hand side is positive and a contradiction. The only way this can be is that Ω=0.

(ii) If ϕ=ϕ+ϕV+V satisfies Dψ=0, then ϕD2ψ=0. Using the Weitzenböck formula for the squared Dirac operator D2, we obtain


Whenever Ω0,2 is sufficiently small this inequality can apply, provided that ϕϕ=0 so then


Therefore, Ω=0 by i.

Solutions of the coupled field equations have the properties expected of elliptic equations, specifically, for p>2 an L2p weak solution is C. This is basically elliptic regularity. There is a subtle point in that the coupled equations are elliptic only after a choice of gauge. Rather than using a connection to identify C=A1, we shall choose a point xM and ball B=Bxr around x and fix a gauge, considered as a section of the frame bundle of E, to pull down connections. This identifies the space of connections over B with A1B. Let V0 be the connection corresponding to 0A1B under this identification. Then in terms of covariant derivatives, the original connection is =d+ω, and V0 is simply exterior differentiation d.

The tangent space to the orbit of the gauge group through ϕCE is the image of K:A0A1+E by XXρXϕ. The L2 orthogonal complement of the image, which is the kernel of the adjoint operator K, provides a natural slice for the gauge orbit. This adjoint is K:ηψη+ψρϕ, where this last term selects an element of A0=A0 via the Killing metric. There is a theorem which applies at the regular points of C×E, where the action of the gauge algebra is free which is just stated: Suppose M is a compact Riemannian 4-manifold possibly with boundary. If a regular field VϕC×Ek+1,p with k0, 2<p<4. Then there is a constant c such that for every field ηψ with ηψk+1,p<c there is a gauge transformation gCk+2,p unique is a neighborhood of the identity, with Kλ(gV+ηV, gϕ+ψϕ)=0 weakly. If ,ϕ,η and ψ are C, then g is C.

Theorem 6.3 Let be an Lk+1,p, k0, 2<p<4 connection on a bundle E over a four-manifold M and let σ:MFrameE be a C gauge for E. Then there exists a constant c>0 depending only on M such that if =d+ω and ωk+1,p<c in the gauge σ, then there is a gauge transformation gGk+2,p such that dω=0 in the gauge gσ. If is C, then g is C.

We can choose a C gauge around a given point x0 and modify this to a gauge in which dω=0 using Theorem 6.2. To achieve this, it is necessary to make the Lk,p norm of the fields small.

Theorem 6.4 Let be an L1,p, 2<p<4 connection on a domain DM4. Then there is a C gauge σ and a gauge transformation gG2,p such that, after a constant conformal change of metric, dω=0 in a neighborhood of 0D in the gauge gσ and the new metric.

Proof: Given ε>0 choose a C gauge in a neighborhood of 0D and a small ball B1τ, τ>1 around 0 with ω0,p<ε is the required scale. Take B1τ2 to the unit disk Bτ1 by a conformal change of metric. Since ω2p and ωp=ekkωp have conformal weight 2p, rescaling gives


In the new metric, Hölder’s inequality gives,


where c2p is the volume of the unit ball in the rescaled metric, which is uniformly bounded in τ for τ<1. When ε is sufficiently small, Theorem 6.3 applies.

Uhlenbeck has proved the much more difficult fact that the rescaling used here depends only on Ω0,p.

Theorem 6.5 Let ϕC×E1,p, p>2 be a weak solution to the coupled Yang-Mills Eq. (90). Then there is an L2,p gauge in which ϕ is C.

Proof: Fix an xM, By Theorem 6.2, there is an L2,p gauge defined in a neighborhood of x such that =d+ω with dω=0 in this gauge. Expanding the field equations in this gauge, we have J=DΩ=ddω+ω+1/2ωωω. Hence ddω=0, so ddω=ω=ω+Ricω by the Weitzenböck formula, =+Ric+1/2eiejΩijE. A boson field then weakly satisfies


where Δ is the metric Laplacian on functions. Applying D to Dϕ= and using the Weizenböck formula (72) for the square of the Dirac operator on E-valued spinors, gives equations for the fermion fields. These are uniformly elliptic systems. Regularity follows by usual elliptic theory.


7. Conclusions

An extensive theory of Yang-Mills fields coupled to scalar and spinor fields on finite dimensional manifolds has been established. As well as differential geometric ideas, the appearence and systematic use of non-abelian Lie groups is also crucial and as such play a deep role in the study of elementary particles. The Yang-Mills fields represent forces or more accurately, they can be thought of as carriers of those fundamental forces. The presentation has been innovative and proofs have been given for all of the theorems that were introduced. It can also be looked at as a starting point for the study of other topics such as the existence of singularities or isolated singularities.


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Written By

Paul Bracken

Reviewed: 13 May 2022 Published: 23 June 2022