Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Free Actions of Compact Lie Groups on Manifolds

Written By

Thales Fernando Vilamaior Paiva

Reviewed: 07 July 2022 Published: 13 October 2022

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.106404

From the Edited Volume

Manifolds III - Developments and Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken

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If a compact Lie group G acts freely on a manifold X, the resulting orbit space X/G is itself a manifold. This text is concerned with the existence of such actions as well as the cohomological classification of the respective orbit spaces by using some known tools of equivariant cohomology theory and spectral sequences.


  • free actions
  • manifolds
  • orbit spaces
  • cohomology
  • spectral sequences

1. Introduction

When a topological group G acts on a manifold X, we can define the orbit space X/G, that does not necessarily have the structure of a manifold. However, when G is a compact Lie group and we impose the condition that the action be free, which means that the isotropy subgroup Gx contains only the trivial element 1 of G, for any xX, then we can construct on X/G a manifold structure.

The general situation above can be illustrated by the construction of the projective spaces kPn, for k=R,C or H, that are orbit spaces of certain free actions of the groups Z2,S1, and S3 on spheres Sn,S2n+1, and S4n+3, respectively. Such spaces, as we know, appear in different contexts and for this reason there is an interest in obtaining certain algebraic and geometric invariants that characterize them, such as their homotopic and cohomological classification.

Thus, given X and G, we can naturally consider the general problem of classifying the space of orbits X/G, through the existence or not of a free action of G on X, which is a typical transformation group problem associated with this data.

The interest in this type of problem, particularly when G is a finite group, has become greater since the publication of work [1], by H. Hopf in 1926, in which one formalizes the purpose of classification of all manifolds whose universal covering is homeomorphic to a sphere Sn. This problem, as we know, is equivalent to the classification of all finite groups that can act freely on Sn.

However, we realize that to get a homotopic classification of such spaces can become extremely complicated, even when the space X already has a known classification. For example, let Sn be the nsphere seen as the one-point compactification of euclidean space Rn, which does not have a complete classification of its homotopy groups. As a result, instead of a homotopic classification, we can consider a cohomological classification of these orbit spaces.

In this direction, we realize that the difficulty in computing the cohomology of the orbit space X/G, by direct methods, becomes evident when X has nontrivial cohomology on several levels. On the other hand, many such results have been obtained by using some tools of equivariant cohomology theory. This is due to the fact that as long as G is a compact Lie group acting freely on a space X, there is a homotopy equivalence between the orbit space X/G and the Borel space XG, so that we can use the so-called Leray-Serre spectral sequence associated with the Borel fibration:


where BG denotes the classifying space for group G, to investigate the cohomology ring HXGRHX/GR.

In this text, we briefly deal with these tools and then we present some applications regarding the existence of free actions of certain compact Lie groups in some classes of smooth manifolds, as well as the cohomological classification of the respective orbit spaces.


2. Preliminary concepts

2.1 Group actions and classifying spaces

Let μ:G×XX be an action of a topological group G on a topological space X, i. e. μ is a continuous map such that


for any g,hG and for any xX, where e indicates the neutral element of G. In this case, we say that G acts on X and X is a Gspace.

As it is usual, we denote by μgx=gx or simply μgx=gx to indicate the action of the element g of G on xX.

For each xX, the subspace Gx=gxgG is called the orbit of the element x. It is a simple task to show that for any two orbits Gx and Gy, then GxGy= or Gx=Gy. Therefore, we can define the orbit space:


which is provided with the quotient topology induced by the natural map q:XX/G, given by qx=Gx, which is called orbit map.

Example 2.1.1. Any group G acts on itself by multiplication. Precisely, we can define μ:G×GG by μgh=gh.

An action μ of G on X induces a group homomorphism Γμ:GHomeoX, such that, for each gG, we define Γμg=Lg, where


The action μ is called effective when the kernel of the homomorphism Γμ contains only the trivial element eG and is called trivial when kerΓμ=G.

For each xX, we call the isotropy subgroup at x the following subgroup of G:


When Gx=e, for any point xX then the action is called free, and X is said to be a free Gspace. The set XG=xXgx=x is called the fixed point set of the action.

Remark 2.1.1. If X is a haursdorff space and G is a compact space, it is well known that any action μ:G×XX is a closed map, according to Theorem 1.2 of [2]. Furthermore, in this case, the subspace μG×AX is closed (resp. compact) if A is closed (resp. compact).

Let X and Y be Gspaces. If the map f:XY is equivariant, i. e. fgx=gfx, for any gG and any xX, then we can define the map:


Remark 2.1.2. Even though it is possible to investigate actions in arbitrary topological spaces, we are interested in observing certain structures both in X and in the orbit space X/G, so that we will assume, from now on, that X is a manifold (smooth or not) and G is a Lie group.

We recall that a Lie group G is a topological group that is also a (real) finite-dimensional smooth manifold, in which the multiplication operation g1g2g1g2 and the inversion map gg1 are smooth.

Example 2.1.2. The matrix groups GLnR,GLnC, of the invertible n×nmatrices with entries in R or C, respectively, are standard examples of Lie groups, along with respective subgroups (special linear groups) SLnR and SLnC.

Example 2.1.3. Let OnGLnR be the subgroup of the orthogonal matrices, i. e. those in which AAt=Id and let Un be the subgroup of SLnC of the unitary matrices A¯At=Id. We can define the special orthogonal group by SOn=OnSLnR and the special unitary group by SUn=UnSLnC.

We know that SU2 is isomorphic to S3 identified as the subgroup of the unitary quaternions. Also we know that the isomorphic groups U1 and SO2 are isomorphic to the circle group S1.

For each integer m, let Zm=Z/m be the group of the integer modulo m, which can be identified with the subgroup of S1 of all mth roots of unity. In particular, we have the following chain of Lie (sub)groups:


Example 2.1.4. (Free actions on spheres) Let X be the nsphere SnRn+1 and G be the finite group Z2. Then, G acts freely on X by the antipodal map μ1x=Ax=x, and in this case we have X/G=RPn the real projective space.

For X=S2n1R2nCn and G=S1 seen as a subgroup of the complex plane, we can consider the free action induced by complex multiplication:


and it follows that X/G=CPn1 is the complex projective space.

Let X=S4n1R4nHn and G=S3 identified with the group of the unitary quaternions SU2, where H denotes the quaternion algebra:


Similar to the previous case, we can define the free action μ:G×XX, induced by the multiplication, such that X/G=HPn1 the quaternionic projective space.

Example 2.1.5. (Free involutions on projective spaces) An involution1 on a space X is a continuous action of the group Z2 on X. Let x1x2x2n1x2nRP2n1=S2n1/Z2 be an arbitrary element. Its easy to see that the map:


defines a free involution on RP2n1.

Similarly, for z1z2zmzm+1 an arbitrary element in CPm=S2m+1/S1, if m>1 is odd then we can define the free involution:


When a group G acts on a manifold X, in general, we can consider the orbit space X/G with no other additional structure. However, when the action is free and proper, then this orbit space can be seen as a manifold, according to the Quotient Manifold Theorem:

Theorem 2.1.1. (Quotient Manifold Theorem) [4]. Let G be a compact Lie group acting freely (and smoothly) on a smooth manifold X. If the action is free and proper, then X/G is also a smooth manifold of dimension dimXdimG, such that the quotient map XX/G is a principal Gbundle and a smooth submersion.

Remark 2.1.3. As an immediate consequence of the previous theorem, for every cohomology functor H we have HjX/GR=0, for all j>dimXdimG, for any commutative ring with unity R.

Recall that given any compact Lie group G we can construct the universal Gbundle pG:EGBG, with fiber space G, where the total space EG is the Gspace defined as the join operation2 of infinite copies of G, and the base is the quotient space (by diagonal action) BG=EG/G, which is called the classifying space for G and pG is the projection.

Example 2.1.6. (Classifying spaces for Z2,S1 and S3) For G=Z2, we can see that BG=EG/GRP. Consequently, the mod 2 cohomology of the classifying space BG is given by HBGZ2=Z2t, where degt=1. Regarding to G=S1, since BG=EG/GCP, then π1BG=1 and the mod 2 cohomology is give by HBGZ2=Z2τ, where degτ=2. With respect to the group G=S3, it follows that BG=EG/GHP. Since3πiBGπi1G, therefore π1BG1 and the mod 2 cohomology of BG is given by HBGZ2=Z2τ, where degτ=4.

2.2 The Leray-Serre spectral sequence of a Borel fibration

Let X be a free Gspace, q:XX/G the orbit map, and ϖ:EGBG the universal Gbundle. The group G acts freely on the product X×EG, by the diagonal action gxy=gxgy, where do we get


the respective orbit map. The quotient space XG is also know as the Borel space.

Since the projections proj1:X×EGX and proj2:X×EGEG are Gequivariant, they induce the fibrations π and p, respectively, according to the diagram below:


where π is called the Borel fibration with fiber X, and p is a principal Gbundle.

Moreover, under the above hypothesis, the fiber EG of p is contractible and therefore p is a homotopy equivalence4, which induces a natural isomorphism p:HX/GRHXGR, for any commutative ring with unit R.

By Theorem 5.2 of [9], there is a first quadrant cohomological spectral sequence Er,dr converging to HXGRHX/GR, as an algebra, such that the E2page E2p,q, is isomorphic to


where the symbol qXR indicates a system of local coefficients twisted by the action of the fundamental group π1BG on the cohomology ring of X.

When π1BG acts trivially on HXR, the system of local coefficients qXR is simple and, according to Proposition 5.6 of [9], the E2page as in (13) takes the form:


what happens, in particular, when π1BG=1.

Moreover, by Theorem 5.9 of [9], the homomorphisms




coincide with the homomorphisms π:HqBGRHqXGR and i:HqXGRHqXR, respectively.


3. Some applications

Supposing that there is a free action of a group G on X, there is an interest in classifying the orbit space X/G, in the same way as it happens on the real, complex, and quaternionic projective spaces.

In order to do this, we will cite some results that use these tools presented in the previous sections to obtain cohomological classifications for certain known spaces.

However, we observe that in general way, the computation of the cohomology of the orbit space X/G can be a difficult task when the space X is not a sphere or, more generally, when X has nontrivial cohomology HjXR0 on several levels 0<j<dimX

Remark 3.1. Since all these results use only the cohomological struture of space X, we observe that the same conclusions can be obtained replacing X by any finitistic space that has same Cech cohomology algebra. Recall that a finitistic space is a paracompact Hausdorff space whose every open covering has a finite-dimensional open refinement, where the dimension of a covering is one less than the maximum number of members of the covering which intersect nontrivially. It is known [10, 11] that if G is a compact Lie group acting continuously on X, then X is finitistic if and only if the orbit space X/G is finitistic. Therefore, we can consider the problem of cohomology classification of the orbit spaces up to finitistic spaces of isomorphic cohomology to initial space X.

3.1 Free actions on spheres and projective spaces

In 1926, Hopf posed the general problem of classifying all groups that present freely in Sn. Posteriorly, in 1957, J. Milnor provided some answers for this problem by showing, among other things, that the symmetric group S3 cannot act freely on Sn.

Even considering this classification only on the category of compact Lie groups, this problem still does not have a complete solution for a arbitrary sphere Sn. However, if n is even, the only finite group that acts freely on Sn is the group Z2.

In fact, if G acts freely on X=S2k, then the quotient map XX/G is a covering projection; therefore, with χ the Euler characteristic, it follows that


which implies that G=1 or G=2. Since the action is free, the only possibility is G=2 and then G=Z2. Furthermore, the resulting orbit space Sn/Z2 has the same homotopy type of real projective space RPn.

For n odd, the Section 3.8 of [2] contains a compilation of results related to the existence of free Gactions on spheres Sn. In particular, with respect to groups of positive dimension, the Theorem 8.5 of [2] states that a group G that act freely on Sn must be isomorphic to S3,S1, or NS1.

Suppose that G=S1 and let X=Sn and XGBG the Borel fibration.

For Er,dr the associated Leray-Serre spectral sequence, we have


Since this sequence converges to HX/GZ2, it follows that it cannot collapse on E2page, which means that there is a nontrivial differential d2k:E2k0,nE2k2k,0, for kZ such that n=2k1.

Therefore, the sequence collapse on E2k+1page is E=E2k+1, whose only nonzero row is Eeven,0 and the total complex is isomorphic to the graded cohomology ring HCPn1Z2.

Proceeding in a similar way, we can show that HS4n3/S3Z2=HHPn1Z2.

In order to generalize this type of problem, we can consider X a product of spheres. For example, L. W. Cusick [12] showed that if a finite group G acts freely on a product of spheres of even dimensions, X=S2n1××S2nk, then then G must be isomorphic to a group of the type Z2r, for some rk.

Concerning on free actions of a finite group Zp,p prime, and the circle group S1 on a product of spheres Sm×Sn, Dotzel et al. [13] showed the following classification results according to Theorems 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3.

Theorem 3.1.1. Let Zp, p an odd prime, act freely on X=Sm×Sn,0<mn. Then, HX/ZpZp is isomorphic to Zpxyz/ϕxyz, as a graded commutative algebra, where ϕxyz is one of the following ideals:

  1. x2ym+1/2z2m odd, degx=1, y=βx the Bockstein cohomology operation and degz=n;

  2. x2ym+n+1/2ynm+1/2zayn+1/2z2bym,m even, n odd, degx=1,y=βx, degz=m, a,bZp, and a=0 necessarily when n<2m;

  3. x2yn+1/2z2bym,n odd, degx=1, y=βx,degz=m,bZp,b0 only when m is even and 2m<n.

Theorem 3.1.20. Let Z2 act freely on X=Sm×Sn,0<mn. Then, HX/Z2Z2 is isomorphic to Zpyz/ψyz, as a graded commutative algebra, where ψyz is one of the following ideals:

  1. ym+2z2,degy=1, and degz=n;

  2. ym+n+1ynm+1zz2aymzby2m,degy=1,degz=m,a,bZ2, and a=0 necessarily when n<2m;

  3. yn+1z2aymzby2m,degy=1, degz=m,a,bZ2, and b=0 necessarirly when m=n or n<2m.

Theorem 3.1.3. Let G=S1 act freely on X=Sm×Sn,0<mn. Then, HX/GQ is isomorphic to Qyz/ψyz, as a graded commutative algebra, where ψyz is one of the following ideals:

  1. ym+1/2z2,m odd, degy=2 and degz=n;

  2. ym+n+1/2zynm+1/2ayn+1/2z2bym,m even, n odd, degy=2,degz=m, and a=0 necessarily when n<2m;

  3. yn+1/2z2bym,n odd, degy=2, degz=m, and b0 only when m is even and 2m<n.

Using the same techniques, it is shown in [14] similar results regarding the action of groups S1 and S3 on the product of spheres, considering both rational and mod 2 coefficients.

Theorem 3.1.4. The group S3 cannot act freely on a ntorus X=S1n.

Proof. Let X be the ntorus S1n and suppose that G=S3 act freely on X, with n3. Let x1,,xnH1XZ2 be the generators. By Quotient Manifold Theorem, the spectral sequence Er,dr associated with the Borel fibration XGBG does not collapse on the E2term. Therefore, there must exist some nontrivial differential drp,q, for a certain r2, such that


and it is clear that this is only possible when r4k, for some k.

Let us suppose that r=4 and let y=xi1xi2xi3H3XZ2 be an element for which d40,31y=τ1. By dimensional reasons, d40,11xi=0 for all 1in; therefore, it follows that


for τ the generator of HBGZ2, which is a contradiction. Since this argument works for any r4 and for any yHjXZ2,j3, it follows that G cannot act freely on X.

Let p2 be a positive integer and q1,,qm be integers coprime to p, where m1. Then the action of Zp on S2m1Cm defined by:


is itself free. Therefore, the resulting orbit space is a compact Hausdorff orientable manifold of dimension 2m1, which is called lens space and it is denoted by:


Theorem 31.5. [15] Let G=Z2 act freely on X=Lp2m1q. Then, HX/GZ2 is isomorphic to one of the following graded commutative algebras:

  1. Z2x/x2m, where degx=1.

  2. Z2xy/x2ym, where degx=1 and degy=2.

  3. Z2xyz/x3y2zm/2, where degx=degy=1,degz=4, and m is even.

  4. Z2xyz/x4y2zm/2x2y, where degx=degy=1,degz=4, and m is even.

  5. Z2xywz/x5y2w2zm/4x2ywy, where degx=degy=1,degw=3,degz=8, and 4m.

Related to actions of Z2 on the product of projective spaces, both real and complex, we can mention the work [16], which provides a list of possible cohomology algebras for the respective orbit spaces. In [17], the authors showed that the group G=S3 cannot act freely on the real projective space of any dimension.

Theorem 3.1.6. The group G=S3 cannot act freely on X=CPn,HPn, for any n>0.

Proof. Let us suppose that the group G=S3 acts freely on X=CPn. Then, the spectral sequence Er,dr associated with the Borel fibration XXGBG, which has the E2term given by E2p,q=HpBGZ2HqXZ2, converges to HXGZ2HX/GZ2, as an algebra. By the cohomology structures of BGHP and X=CPn, it follows that


Therefore, a differential drp,q:Erp,qErp+r,q+1r with bidegree r1r, is nontrivial only if p=4i and q=2j2n, for some positive integers i and j. In this case, we have the following equality involving the bidegrees: 4i+r2j+1r=4k2l, for certain integers k,l>0, that is, these numbers must satisfy the linear system:


that clearly has no integer solution; therefore, we conclude that all differentials dr, are trivial, for all r2. This implies that the sequence collapses on its ErE2term and contradicts the Quotient Manifold Theorem.

Similarly, let us suppose that the group S1 acts freely on X=HPn, and let us consider Er,dr the spectral sequence associated with the Borel fibration XS1BS1, whose E2term is given by E2p,qHpBS1Z2HqXZ2.

Let t be the generator of HCPZ2HBS1Z2 and τ be the generator of HHPnZ2. Then,


By Quotient Manifold Theorem, the spectral sequence does not collapse on it E2term; therefore, there must exist some nontrivial differential dr,. If r2 is the smallest integer for which this happens, so that


for all p,q0, we see that this is only possible when the integers r,i,j, and k (which are obtained from the equality between the bidegrees involved) satisfy the linear system:


But this system has no integer solution; therefore, the group S1 cannot act freely on X. Since S1 is a subgroup of S3, then X does not admit any free action of S3.

3.2 Free actions on spaces of type ab

Let X be a finite CW complex. We say that X is a space of type ab, characterized by an integer n>0, if


whose generators uiHinXZ satisfy the relations au2=u12 and bu3=u1u2, for certain integers a and b. By Universal Coefficient Theorem, the mod 2 cohomology of X is given by HinXZ2HinXZZ2Z2, for n=0,1,2,3, and the relations come to depend only on the parity of the numbers a and b. In this case, we will use the same symbols to denote the generators, i. e.


Example 3.2.2. The spaces of type (a, b) were first studied by James [18] and Toda [19]. Note that we can construct examples of these spaces by considering products or unions between certain known spaces, as spheres and projective spaces. Moreover, in Toda’s work, it is shown that it is possible to construct a space of type ab for any choice of a and b. For example,

  1. The product Sn×S2n is a space of the type 01, characterized by n.

  2. The one point union SnS2nS3n is of type 00, characterized by n.

  3. The one point union S6CP2 is of type 10, characterized by n=2.

  4. The projective spaces RP3,CP3,HP3 are examples of spaces of type 11, characterized by n=1,n=2 and n=3, respectively.

In 2010, Pergher et al. [20] investigated the existence of free actions of the groups Z2 and S1 on spaces of type ab, for n>1, where they concluded that:

Theorem 3.2.1. [20] Let X be a space of type ab, characterized by n>1.

  1. If a is odd and b is even, then Z2 cannot act freely on X.

  2. If a0, then S1 cannot act freely on X.

  3. If G=Z2 act freely on X where both a and b even, then HX/GZ2Z2xz/x3n+1z2zxn+1, where degx=1 and degz=n.

  4. If G=S1 act freely on X, then a=0 and HX/GZ2 is isomorphic to one of the following graded commutative algebras




In [21], Dotzel and Singh constructed a class of examples of free actions of Zp,p prime, on spaces of type 00, by using some known topological operations.

In particular, for n even, it is shown in [22] that the only group that can act freely on X is Z2. In addiction, the authors construct a example of such action. If n is odd and X is of type 01, then any finite group G which acts freely on X cannot contain the group ZpZp, for any p odd prime.

Theorem 3.2.2. Let X be a manifold5 that is a space of type 0b, characterized by n>1. If G=S3 acts freely on X, then n is an odd number of the form 4k1, for some k1 and b is odd. In this case, the cohomology algebra of the orbit space X/G is isomorphic to the graded polynomial algebra Z2xy/xky2, where degx=4 and degy=2n.

Proof. Let us suppose know that the group G=S3 acts freely on a space X of type 0b and let Er,dr be the spectral sequence associated with the Borel fibration XGBG, with fiber X, such that E2p,q=HpBGZ2HqXZ2, which converges to HXGZ2HX/GZ2.

By Quotient Manifold Theorem, it follows that this sequence does not collapse on its E2term. Then, there must exist some nontrivial differential dri, for some ri2. If r=minri, then


and this is possible only if r=4k and n=4k1, for some k1. This provides the following possibilities for the action of the differentials d4k4l,q, for q=n,2n,3n:

  1. dr1u1=0,dr1u2=τku1 and dr1u3=τku2,

  2. dr1u1=τk1dr1u2=τku1 and dr1u3=0,

  3. dr1u1=τk1,dr1u2=0 and dr1u3=τku2,

  4. dr1u1=0,dr1u2=τku1 and dr1u3=τku2,

  5. dr1u1=0,dr1u2=0 and dr1u3=τku2,

  6. dr1u1=0,dr1u2=τku1 and dr1u3=0,

  7. dr1u1=τk1,dr1u2=0 and dr1u3=0.

We will divide the analysis of these cases according to the parity of b.

Casebodd: In this case, we have the relation u1u2=u3 and, by the multiplicative properties of the differentials, we have


So, if one of the cases b,d,e, or g occurred, it would lead to the contradiction 00=τku2.

If case a occurred, then the differentials d4k4i,3n and d4k4i,2n would be isomorphisms, whence it would follow that


which is a contradiction.

If case f occurred, then the sequence would collapse on its E4k+1term, with the lines E4k+1,0 and E4k+1,3n containing an infinite number of nonzero elements. This would contradict the Quotient Manifold Theorem.

Therefore, c is the only possible case, and it produces the following pattern:


Then, the sequence collapses on its E4k+1term, and Ep,qE4k+1p,q, for all p,q0. So, HjX/GZ2TotjE.

The elements τ1 and 1u2 are the only permanent co-cycles, so they determine the nonzero elements x and y in E4,0 and E0,2n, respectively. By (15), we have πτ=x; then, 0=πτj=xj for all jk. By the structure of the Eterm, it follows that y2=0; therefore, HX/GZ2 is isomorphic to the graded polynomial algebra Z2xy/xky2, where degx=4 and degy=2n.

Casebeven: We will show that if b is even, then none of the cases can occur. By the relation u1u2=0, we have


and this allows us to eliminate the cases b,c, and g, since they produce the contradiction 0=τku2.

By the same reason of the previous case (b odd), we can eliminate case a; that is, it implies that


By a similar reason we can eliminate d, since it implies that the differentials d4k4i,2n and d4k4j,3n are isomorphisms.

For case e, the sequence would collapse on its E4k+1term, with the lines E4k,0 and E4k,n containing infinite nonzero elements, which would contradict the Quotient Manifold Theorem. Finally, by the same reason of the previous case, we can eliminate f; therefore, when b is even, the space X does not admit any free action of G.

3.3 Free actions on Dold, Wall, and Milnor manifolds

The Dold manifolds Pmn, as they came to be known, were defined by A. Dold [23] as orbit spaces of free actions of Z2, or equivalently free involutions, on a product of the form Sm×CPn. Precisely, for each pair of nonnegative integers m and n,Pmn is the orbit space Sm×CPn/T, where Txz=xz¯.

Let R:SmSm be the involution defined by the reflection of the last coordinate Rx0xm=x0xm1xm, and 1:CPnCPn be the identity map. Since the involution R×1:Sm×CPnSm×CPn commutes with the involution T, it induces an involution S:PmnPmn.

For each pair of nonnegative integers m and n, the Wall manifold6Qmn is defined as the mapping torus of the homeomorphism S, that is,


Let m,n be integers, such that 0nm. It is called a (real) Milnor manifold7 of dimensions n+m1 to the smooth closed submanifold of codimension 1 in RPm×RPn, described in homogeneous coordinates as:


which is also denoted by Hmn. Equivalently, RHm,n is the total space of the bundle:


The manifolds Pmn,Qmn, and Hmn were constructed to provide representatives for generators in odd dimension to the unoriented cobordism ring , since we have the projective spaces as representatives in even dimensions. Precisely, the following sets are generator sets for :




For these reasons, the analysis of certain structures and algebraic invariants related to the Dold, Milnor, and Wall manifolds is a relevant research topic, as it is done on the works [26, 27, 28] of Mukerjee. On the particular interest of investigating the existence of free actions of compact Lie groups on these spaces and also the cohomology classification of the respective orbit spaces, there are several results in the literature in which we will briefly discuss some of them below.

Regarding the existence of free actions of Z2 on Dold manifolds, Morita et al. [29] partially solved the problem by considering free involutions on P1n, for n1 an odd integer. Later this problem was completely solved by Dey [30], according to the following.

Theorem 3.3.1. [30] If G=Z2 acts freely on X=Pmn, then HX/GZ2 is isomorphic to one of the following graded algebras:

  1. (i) Z2xyz/x2ym+1/2zn+1, where degx=1, degy=degz=2, and m is odd.

  2. Z2xyz/fgzn+1/2+h, where n is odd, degx=degy=1,degz=4, f=xm+1+α1xmy+α2xm1y2, and g=y3+β1xy2+β2x2y, with αi,βiZ2, and hZ2xyz is either the zero polynomial or it is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 2n+2 with the highest power of z less than or equal to n1/2.

Concerning on free involutions on Wall manifods Qmn, the work of Khare [31] shows that these manifolds bounds if and only if n is odd or n=0 and m odd. By Proposition 3.5 in [32], we can conclude that X=Qmodd admit free involutions and about the orbit spaces X/Z2 we have the following result, for some values of m.

Theorem 3.3.2. [32, 33] Let X=Qmn, where n>0 is odd, equipped with a free action of the group G=Z2.

  1. If m=1 and the induced action of Z2 on the mod 2 cohomology is trivial, then


    where degx=degy=degz=1, and degw=4.

  2. If m is even and the induced action of Z2 on the mod 2 cohomology is trivial, then HX/Z2 is isomorphic to one of the following graded polynomial algebras:


where degx=degy=degz=1 and degw=4, or


where degx=degy=1 and degz=degw=2.

Example 3.3.1. (Free S1actions on Dold manifolds) Let G be the group S1 and m,n odd integers, where m=2k1, for some k1. Considering SmCk, we define a free action of G on Sm×CPn by:


where w=w1wkSmCk and v=v0::vnCPn.

Let us consider an arbitrary element wvPmn=Sm×CPn/T, and note that the isotropy subgroup Gwv is trivial. Therefore, z must be equal to 1G, that is, Gwv=1, so the induced action on Dold manifold Pmn is free.

If n is odd and m=2k is even, then we can consider


and the analogous free action of G on Sm×CPn is defined by:


Since this action is free, it induces a free action of G on Pmn, as in the previous case.

Theorem 3.3.3. There is no free action of G=S1 on X=Qmn, for any m,n>0.

Proof. Recall that8HXZ2Z2xcd/x2cm+1+cmxdn+1, where degx=degc=1 and degd=2. Suppose that there is a free action of G=S1 on X and let XXGBG be the associated Borel fibration, with Er,dr, and such that E2p,qHpBGZ2HqXZ2, that converges, as an algebra, to HXGZ2HX/GZ2. Since this sequence does not collapse on E2page, there is some nontrivial differential d2,, according to the following cases.

Casemodd: In this case, we have d20,m+11cm+1=0. In fact, since m+1=2r, for some r>0, then d20,2r1c2r=d20,2r1cr1cr=0. However, by relation cm+1=cmx, it follows that


Therefore, d20,11x0 and d20,11c0, cannot occur simultaneously because in this case we will have 0=τcm1c+x, which is a contradiction.

Similarly, d20,11x=0 and d20,11c0, cannot occur simultaneously. Therefore, it follows there are only the possibilities:

  1. d20,11c=d20,11x=0 and d20,21d=τc,

  2. d20,11c=d20,11x=0 and d20,21d=τx.

We claim that (1) and (2) cannot occur.

If (1) occurs, then for any j0,k1m and l1n, it follows that

d2j,2lτjdl=0,iflis even,τj+1cdl1,iflisodd,
d2j,k+2lτjckdl=0,iflis even,τj+1ck+1dl1,iflisodd,
d2j,2l+1τjxdl=0,iflis even,τj+1cxdl1,iflisodd,
d2j,2l+k+1τjxckdl=0,iflis even,τj+1xck+1dl1,iflisodd,

therefore, we will have E3p,q0, for all p odd or q2mod4 and q>0. We can see that the sequence collapses on E3page, however E32r,q0, for all qsmod4,s=0,2,3, and r0, which contradicts the Quotient Manifold Theorem.

If the case (2) occurs, then for all j0,k1m and l1n, we have

d2j,2lτjdl=0,iflis even,τj+1xdl1,iflisodd,
d2j,2l+kτjckdl=0,iflis even,τj+1xckdl1,iflisodd,

while d2j,2l+1τjxdl=0, since x2=0. Therefore, analogous to case (1), we can conclude that this case is not possible either.

Casemeven: In this case, we have d20,m1cm=0, so d20,m+11cmx=1cmd20,11x, while, by relation cm+1=cmx,d20,m+11cmx=d20,m+11cm+1=1cmd20,11c, therefore, we should have necessarily d20,11c=d20,11x.

If d20,11c=d20,11x=τ1, then d20,21d=0, otherwise we will have


which is a contradiction.

Let us suppose now that d20,11c and d20,11x are nontrivial, and d20,21d=τc. Then, for example,


which is a contradiction. Therefore, for m even, we must consider only the cases:

  1. d20,11c=d20,11x=τ1 and d20,21d=0;

    1. d20,11c=d20,11x=0 and d20,21d=τx.

We will show that both i and ii cannot occur.

If i is true, then for all j0,k1m and all l1n, we have

d2j,kτjck=0,ifkis even,τj+1ck1,ifkisodd,
d2j,k+1τjckx=τj+1ck,ifkis even,τj+1c+xck1,ifkisodd,
d2j,2l+kτjckdl=0,ifkis even,τj+1ck1dl,ifkisodd,

and d2j,2l+1τjxdl=τj+1dl. Therefore, E3p,q0, for all q1mod4, e p>0. However, for q1mod4,q5, we have


which contradicts the Quotient Manifold Theorem.

For iii, note that it will result in a pattern similar to case (2); therefore, it cannot occur either due to the same arguments. □

In order to investigate the existence of free involutions on a Milnor manifold X=Hmn, Dey and Singh [34] showed that if G=Z2 acts freely on X, with 1<n<m and m2mod4, then necessarily m and n must be odd. Furthermore, they construct some examples of such free actions and, in this case, it follows that




with degx=degy=2,degz=degw=1, and αi,βi,γiZ2.

If G=S1 act freely on X=Hmn, then HX/GZ2Z2xyw/I, where


with degx=degy=2, degw=1, and α,βZ2.


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  • Formally, an involution is a map T:X→X such tha T2=1. For an extensive treatment of involutions on manifolds, see [3].
  • For more details on Milnor’s construction of classifying spaces, see [5] and Section 4.11 of [6].
  • For more details, see Corollary 8.13 of [7].
  • According to ([8], p. 180.)
  • This proof works even if X is a more general finitistic space of type ab, and for that we only need an adaptation of the Quotient Manifold Theorem for a more general result concerning the cohomology of the quotient of a finitistic CW complex space. More precisely, it is possible to show that if X is a finitistic free G−space, where G=Z2,S1 or G=S3, and if there is n>0 such that HjXZ2=0 for all j>n then HjX/GZ2=0 for all j>n.
  • For more details on the construction of this manifolds, see [24].
  • For more details on Milnor’s manifold, see [25, 26].
  • See [24].

Written By

Thales Fernando Vilamaior Paiva

Reviewed: 07 July 2022 Published: 13 October 2022