Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Clairaut Submersion

Written By

Sanjay Kumar Singh and Punam Gupta

Reviewed: 28 October 2021 Published: 24 December 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.101427

From the Edited Volume

Advanced Topics of Topology

Edited by Francisco Bulnes

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In this chapter, we give the detailed study about the Clairaut submersion. The fundamental notations are given. Clairaut submersion is one of the most interesting topics in differential geometry. Depending on the condition on distribution of submersion, we have different classes of submersion such as anti-invariant, semi-invariant submersions etc. We describe the geometric properties of Clairaut anti-invariant submersions and Clairaut semi-invariant submersions whose total space is a Kähler, nearly Kähler manifold. We give condition for Clairaut anti-invariant submersion to be a totally geodesic map and also study Clairaut anti-invariant submersions with totally umbilical fibers. We also give the conditions for the semi-invariant submersions to be Clairaut map and also for Clairaut semi-invariant submersion to be a totally geodesic map. We also give some illustrative example of Clairaut anti-invariant and semi-invariant submersion.


  • Riemannian submersion
  • nearly Kähler manifolds
  • Kähler manifolds
  • anti-invariant submersion
  • semi-invariant submersion
  • clairaut submersion
  • totally geodesic maps

1. Introduction

Riemannian submersion between two Riemannian manifolds was first introduced by O’Neill [1] and Gray [2]. After that Watson [3] introduced almost Hermitian submersions. Later, the notion of anti-invariant submersions and Lagrangian submersion from almost Hermitian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds were introduced by Sahin [4] and studied by Taştan [5, 6], Gündüzalp [7], Beri et al. [8], Ali and Fatima [9], in which the fibers of submersion are anti-invariant with respect to the almost complex structure of total manifold. After that several new types of Riemannian submersions were defined and studied such as semi-invariant submersion [10, 11], slant submersion [12, 13], generic submersion [14, 15, 16, 17], hemi-slant submersion [18], semi-slant submersion [19], pointwise slant submersion [20, 21, 22] and conformal semi-slant submersion [23]. Also, these kinds of submersions were considered in different kinds of structures such as nearly Kähler, Kähler, almost product, para-contact, Sasakian, Kenmotsu, cosymplectic and etc. In book [24], we find the recent developments in this field.

In 1735, A.C. Clairaut [25] obtained the very important result in the theory of surfaces, which is Clairaut’s theorem and stated that for any geodesic α on a surface of revolution S, the function rsinθ is constant along α, where r is the distant from a point on the surface to the rotation axis and θ is the angle between α and the meridian through α. Bishop [26] introduced the idea of Riemannian submersions and gave a necessary and sufficient conditions for a Riemannian submersion to be Clairaut. Allison [27] considered Clairaut semi-Riemannian submersions and showed that such submersions have interesting applications in the static space-times.

In [28], Tastan and Gerdan gave new Clairaut conditions for anti-invariant submersions whose total manifolds are Sasakian and Kenmotsu and got many interesting results. In [29], Tastan and Aydin studied Clairaut anti-invariant submersions whose total manifolds are cosymplectic. Gündüzalp [30] introduced Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from a paracosymplectic manifold and gave characterization theorems. In [31], Lee et al. studied Clairaut anti-invariant submersions whose total manifolds are Kähler.

Kähler manifolds [32, 33] have an especially rich geometric and topological structure because of Kähler identity. Kähler manifolds are very important in differential geometry, which has applications in several different fields such as supersymmetric gauge theory and superstring theory in theoretical physics, signal processing in information geometry. The simplest example of Kähler manifold is a complex Euclidean space n with the standard Hermitian metric.

Nearly Kähler manifolds introduced by Gray and Hervella [32], are the geometrically interesting class among the sixteen classes of almost Hermitian manifolds. The geometrical meaning of nearly Kähler condition is that the geodesics on the manifolds are holomorphically planar curves. Gray [2] studied nearly Kähler manifolds broadly and gave example of a non-Kählerian nearly Kähler manifold, which is 6-dimensional sphere.

Motivated by this, the authors [34] studied Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from nearly Kähler manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds with some examples and obtained conditions for Clairaut Riemannian submersion to be totally geodesic map. The authors investigated conditions for the Clairaut anti-invariant submersions to be a totally umbilical map. The authors [34] studied Clairaut semi-invariant submersions from Kähler manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds with some examples. The authors also obtained conditions for Clairaut semi-invariant Riemannian submersion to be totally geodesic map and investigated conditions for the semi-invariant submersion to be a Clairaut map.


2. Almost complex manifold

An almost complex structure on a smooth manifold M is a smooth tensor field φ of type 11 such that φ2=I. A smooth manifold equipped with such an almost complex structure is called an almost complex manifold. An almost complex manifold Mφ endowed with a chosen Riemannian metric g satisfying


for all X,YTM, is called an almost Hermitian manifold.

An almost Hermitian manifold M is called a nearly Kähler manifold [2] if


for all X,YTM. If XφY=0 for all X,YTM, then M is known as Kähler manifold [33]. Every Kähler manifold is nearly Kähler but converse need not be true.


3. Riemannian submersion

Definition 1.1 [1, 35] Let Mgm and Ngn be Riemannian manifolds, where dimM=m, dimN=n and m>n. A Riemannian submersion π:MN is a map of M onto N satisfying the following axioms:

  1. π has maximal rank.

  2. The differential π preserves the lengths of horizontal vectors.

For each qN, π1q is an mn-dimensional Riemannian submanifold of M. The submanifolds π1q, qN, are called fibers. A vector field on M is called vertical if it is always tangent to fibers. A vector field on M is called horizontal if it is always orthogonal to fibers. A vector field X on M is called basic if X is horizontal and π-related to a vector field X' on N, that is, πXp=Xπp for all pM. We denote the projection morphisms on the distributions kerπ and kerπ by V and H, respectively. The sections of V and H are called the vertical vector fields and horizontal vector fields, respectively. So


The second fundamental tensors of all fibers π1q,qN gives rise to tensor field T and A in M defined by O’Neill [1] for arbitrary vector field E and F, which is


where V and H are the vertical and horizontal projections.

To discuss geodesics, we need a linear connection. We denote the Levi-Civita connection on M by ̂ and the adapted connection of the submersion by . From Eqs. (3) and (4), we have


for all V,WΓkerπ and X,YΓkerπ, where VVW=̂VW. If X is basic, then AXV=HVX.

It is easily seen that for pM, UVp and XHp the linear operators


are skew-symmetric, that is,


for all E,F TpM. We also see that the restriction of T to the vertical distribution Tkerπ×kerπ is exactly the second fundamental form of the fibers of π. Since TU is skew-symmetric, therefore π has totally geodesic fibers if and only if T0.

Let π:MgmNgn be a smooth map between Riemannian manifolds. Then the differential π of π can be observed as a section of the bundle HomTMπ1TNM, where π1TN is the bundle which has fibers π1TNx=TfxN. HomTMπ1TN has a connection induced from the Riemannian connection M and the pullback connection N [36, 37]. Then the second fundamental form of π is given by


We also know that π is said to be totally geodesic map [36] if πEF=0, for all E,FΓTM.


4. Clairaut submersion from Riemannian manifold

Let S be a revolution surface in R3 with rotation axis L. For any pS, we denote by rp the distance from p to L. Given a geodesic α:JRS on S, let θt be the angle between αt and the meridian curve through αt,tI. A well-known Clairaut’s theorem [25] named after Alexis Claude de Clairaut, says that for any geodesic on S, the product rsinθ is constant along α, i.e., it is independent of t. For proof, see [38, p.183]. In the theory of Riemannian submersions, Bishop [26] introduced the notion of Clairaut submersion in the following way:

Definition 1.2 [26] A Riemannian submersion π:MgNgn is called a Clairaut submersion if there exists a positive function r on M, which is known as the girth of the submersion, such that, for any geodesic α on M, the function rαsinθ is constant, where, for any t,θt is the angle between α̇t and the horizontal space at αt.

For further use, we are stating one important result of Bishop.

Theorem 1.1 [26] A curve h in M is a geodesic if and only if Ẋ+2AXU+TUU=0 and EU+TUX=0, where ḣt=E=X+U, X is horizontal and U is vertical.

Bishop also gave the following necessary and sufficient condition for a Riemannian submersion to be a Clairaut submersion, which is

Theorem 1.2 [26] Let π:MgNgn be a Riemannian submersion with connected fibers. Then, π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if each fiber is totally umbilical and has the mean curvature vector field H=gradf, where gradf is the gradient of the function f with respect to g.

Proof: Let π:MN be a Riemannian submersion. For a geodesic h in M, we use ḣs=E=X+U, where X is horizontal and U is vertical. and =ḣs2. Let θs be the angle between ḣs and the horizontal space at hs. Then


Differentiating (12), we get


Using Theorem 1.1, (13) becomes


Since TU is skew-symmetric, so form above equation, we have


Now, π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if ddsefhsinθ=0.

Using (12, 15) in ddsefhsinθ=0, we have


Consider any geodesic h on M with initial vertical tangent vector, so gradf turns out to be horizontal. Therefore, the function f is constant on any fiber, the fibers being connected. Therefore (17) reduces to


Setting U=U1+U2, where U1,U2 are vertical vector fields and using the fact that T is symmetric for vertical vector fields, we obtain


holds for all vertical vector fields U1,U2..

Since the restriction of T to the vertical distribution Tkerπ×kerπ is exactly the second fundamental form of the fibers of π. It means that any fiber is totally umbilical with mean curvature vector field H=gradf.

Conversely, suppose the fibers are totally umbilic with normal curvature vector field H=gradf so that we have


Since gradf is orthogonal to fibers, so


Since (18) holds. so rhsinθ is constant along any geodesic h.

Example 1.1 [24] Consider the warped product manifold M1×fM2 of Riemannian manifolds M1g1 and M2g2, where f:M10. The fibers of the first projection p1:M1×fM2M1 are totally umbilical with mean curvature vector field H=gradlogf1/2. Thus, if M2 is connected, p1 is a Clairaut submersion with r=f1/2.


5. Anti-invariant Riemannian submersion

Definition 1.3 [39] Let Mφg be an almost Hermitian manifold and N be a Riemannian manifold with Riemannian metric gn. Suppose that there exists a Riemannian submersion π:MN, such that the vertical distribution kerπ is anti-invariant with respect to φ, i.e., φkerπkerπ. Then, the Riemannian submersion π is called an anti-invariant Riemannian submersion. We will briefly call such submersions as anti-invariant submersions.

Let π be an anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from nearly Kähler manifold Mφgm onto Riemannian manifold Ngn. For any arbitrary tangent vector fields U and V on M, we set


where PUV,QUV denote the horizontal and vertical part of UφV, respectively. Clearly, if M is a Kähler manifold then P=Q=0.

If M is a nearly Kähler manifold then P and Q satisfy




where μ is the complementary distribution to φkerπ in kerπ and φμμ.

For XΓkerπ, we have


where αXΓkerπ and βXΓμ. If μ=0, then an anti-invariant submersion is known as Lagrangian submersion.

5.1 Anti-invariant Clairaut submersions from nearly Kähler manifolds

In this section, we give new Clairaut conditions for anti-invariant submersions from nearly Kähler manifolds after giving some auxiliary results.

Theorem 1.3 [34] Let π be an anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. If h:JRM is a regular curve and Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs, respectively, then h is a geodesic if and only if along h


Proof: Let π be an anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. Since φ2ḣ=ḣ. Taking the covariant derivative of this and using (2), we have


Since Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs, that is, ḣ=U+X. So (28) becomes


Using (5)(8) in (29), we get


Let Y,ZTM. Since φ2Z=Z, on differentiation, we have


using (23) in above, we obtain


By (31), we have


since P and Q are skew-symmetric, so


Using (32) and equating the vertical and horizontal part of (30), we obtain


By using above equations, we can say that h is geodesic if and only if (26, 27) hold.

Theorem 1.4 [34] Let π be an anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. Also, let h:JRM be a regular curve and Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs. Then π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if along h


Proof: Let h:JRM be a geodesic on M and =ḣs2. Let θs be the angle between ḣs and the horizontal space at hs. Then


Differentiating (34), we get


Using (1) in (35), we have


Now by use of (23), we have


Along the curve h, using Theorem 1.3, we obtain


Now, π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if ddsefsinθ=0. Therefore


So, we obtain


Since dfdshs=ggradfḣs=ggradfX. Therefore by using (36), we get the result.

Theorem 1.5 [34] Let π be an Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. Then


for Xkerπ, Wkerπ and φW is basic.

Proof: Let π be an anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. We know that any fiber of Riemannian submersion π is totally umbilical if and only if


for all V,WΓkerπ, where H denotes the mean curvature vector field of any fiber in M. By using Theorem 1.2 and (37), we have


Let Xμ and V,WΓkerπ, then by using (1) and (2), we have


By using (1), we have


where Y,ZTM. Taking covariant derivative of above, we get


using (23), we get


Using (40), we have


Using (5), (38), (41) in (39), we have


Since φW is basic, so HVφW=AφWV, therefore we have


because A is skew-symmetric. By using (42), we get the result.

Theorem 1.6 [34] Let π be a Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef and gradfφkerπ. Then either f is constant on φkerπ or the fibers of π are 1-dimensional.

Proof: Using (5) and (38), we have


where U,V,WΓkerπ. Since gWφU=0. therefore we have


By use of (1) and (23) in (43), we get


By using (5), we obtain


Now, using (38), we get


Take V=U in (44), we have


Interchange V with W in (45), we have


By (45) and (46), we have


Therefore either f is constant on φkerπ or V=aW, where a is constant (by using Schwarz’s Inequality for equality case).

Corollary 1.1 [34] Let π be a Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef and gradfφkerπ. If dimkerπ>1, then the fibers of π are totally geodesic if and only if AφWφX+QWφX=0 for Wkerπ such that φW is basic and Xμ.

Proof: By Theorem 1.5 and Theorem 1.6, we get the result.

Corollary 1.2 [34] Let π be an Clairaut Lagrangian submersion from a nearly Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. Then either the fibers of π are 1-dimensional or they are totally geodesic.

Proof: Let π be an Clairaut Lagrangian submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. Then μ=0, so AφWφX+QWφX=0 always.

Now, we discuss some examples for Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from a nearly Kähler manifold.

Example 1.2 [34] Let R4φg be a nearly Kähler manifold endowed with Euclidean metric g on R4 given by


and canonical complex structure


The φ-basis is ei=xii=1,2,3,4. Let R3g1 be a Riemannian manifold endowed with metric g1=i=13dyi2.

  1. Consider a map π:R4φgR3g1 defined by


Then by direct calculations, we have


and φX1=X2, therefore φkerπkerπ. Thus, we can say that π is an anti-invariant Riemannian submersion. Since the fibers of π are 1-dimensional, therefore fibers are totally umbilical.

Consider the Koszul formula for Levi-Civita connection for R4


for all X,Y,ZR4. By simple calculations, we obtain


Hence TXY=TYX=TXX=0 for all X,YΓkerπ. Therefore fibers of π are totally geodesic. Thus π is Clairaut trivially.

  1.   ii. Consider a map π:R4φgR3g1 defined by


Then by direct calculations, we have


and φX1=X2, therefore φkerπkerπ. Thus, we can say that π is an anti-invariant Riemannian submersion. Since the fibers of π are 1-dimensional, therefore fibers are totally umbilical. By using Koszul formula, we obtain




Now, for the function f=lnx12+x22 on R4φg, the gradient of f with respect to g is given by


Therefore for X1Γkerπ, TX1X1=gradf. Since X1=1, so TX1X1=X12gradf. By using Theorem 1.2, we can say that π is an proper Clairaut anti-invariant submersion with r=ef for f=lnx12+x22.

Remark: From all results of this section, we can easily find conditions for anti-invariant Clairaut Submersions from Kähler manifolds.


6. Semi-invariant Riemannian submersion

Definition 1.4 Let Mφg be an almost Hermitian manifold and N be a Riemannian manifold with Riemannian metric gn. A Riemannian submersion π:MN is called a semi-invariant Riemannian submersion [11] if there is a distribution D1kerπ such that


where D2 is orthogonal complementary to D1 in kerπ. For VΓkerπ, we have


where ϕVΓD1 and ωVΓφD2.

Definition 1.5 A semi-invariant Riemannian submersion π is said to be a Lagrangian Riemannian submersion [4] if φkerπ=kerπ. Hence, if π is a Lagrangian Riemannian submersion then for any VΓkerπ, φV=ωV, ϕV=0 and for XΓkerπ, φX=αX, βX=0.

6.1 Semi-invariant Clairaut submersions from Kähler manifolds

In this section, we give new Clairaut conditions for semi-invariant submersions from Kähler manifolds after giving some auxiliary results.

Theorem 1.7 [40] Let π be a semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. If h:JRM is a regular curve and Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs, respectively, then h is a geodesic if and only if along h


Proof: Let π be a semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. Since φ2ḣ=ḣ. Taking the covariant derivative of this and using (2), we have


Since Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs, that is, ḣ=U+X. So (50) becomes


Using (5)(8) in (51), we get


Equating the vertical and horizontal part of (52), we obtain


By using above equations, we can say that h is geodesic if and only if (48) and (49) hold.

Theorem 1.8 [40] Let π be a semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn. Also, let h:JRM be a regular curve. Us and Xs are the vertical and horizontal parts of the tangent vector field ḣs=W of hs. Then π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if along h


Proof: Let h:JRM be a geodesic on M and =ḣs2. Let θs be the angle between ḣs and the horizontal space at hs. Then


Differentiating (54), we get


Using (1) in (55), we have


Now by use of (47), we have


Along the curve h, using Theorem 1.7 and (5)(8), we obtain


Now, π is a Clairaut submersion with r=ef if and only if ddsefsinθ=0. Therefore


So, we obtain


Since dfdshs=ḣgs=ggradfḣs=ggradfX. Therefore by using (56), we get the result.

Theorem 1.9 [40] Let π be a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. Then


for XΓμ, V,WΓD2 and ωW is basic.

Proof: Let π be a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. We know that any fiber of Riemannian submersion π is totally umbilical if and only if


for all V,WΓkerπ, where H denotes the mean curvature vector field of any fiber in M. By using Theorem 1.2 and (57), we have


Let Xμ and V,WΓkerπ, then by using (1) and (2), we have


Using (5), (58) in (59), we have


Since ωW is basic, so HVωW=AωWV, therefore we have


Theorem 1.10 [40] Let π be a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef and V,WΓD1 Then gradfΓφkerπ.

Proof: Let V,WΓD1 and XΓμ. Using (5), (47) and (58) in


we have


which gives


By interchanging U and V in (61) and adding the resulting equation with (61), we get


which gives ggradfφX=0. Therefore gradfΓφkerπ.

Theorem 1.11 [40] Let π be a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef and gradfΓφkerπ. Then either f is constant on φkerπ or the fibers of π are 1-dimensional.

Proof: Let U,VΓD2. Using (5) and (58), we have


which gives


since kerπ is integrable, so we have


which equals to


Since gφVU=0. therefore we have


By using (5) in (62), we obtain


Now, using (58), we get


Interchanging V and U in (63), we have.


By (63) and (64), we have


Therefore either f is constant on φkerπ or V=aU, where a is constant (by using Schwarz’s Inequality for equality case).

Since kerπ is CR-submanifold of Kähler manifold Mφg, therefore by using [41], Theorem 6.1, p. 96], we can state that.

Theorem 1.12 [40] Let π be a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. If dim D2>1, then fibers are totally geodesic.

Corollary 1.3 [40] Let π be a Clairaut Lagrangian submersion from a Kähler manifold Mφg onto a Riemannian manifold Ngn with r=ef. Then either the fibers of π are 1-dimensional or they are totally geodesic.

Lastly, we discuss some examples for Clairaut semi-invariant submersions [40] from a Kähler manifold.

Example 1.3 Every Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from a Kähler manifold onto a Riemannian manifold is a Clairaut semi-invariant submersion with D1=0.

Example 1.4 Let R6φg be a Kähler manifold endowed with Euclidean metric g on R6 given by


and canonical complex structure


The φ-basis is ei=xii=16. Let R3g1 be a Riemannian manifold endowed with metric g1=i=13dyi2.

Consider a map π:R6φgR3g1 defined by


Then by direct calculations, we have


and φX1=V1, φX2=X3, φX3=X2 therefore D1=spanX2X3 and D2=spanX1. Thus, we can say that π is a semi-invariant Riemannian submersion.

Consider the Koszul formula for Levi-Civita connection for R6


for all X,Y,ZR6. By simple calculations, we obtain


Hence TXY=TYX=TXX=0 for all X,YΓkerπ. Therefore fibers of π are totally geodesic. Thus π is Clairaut trivially.



2010 mathematics subject classification. 53C12, 53C15, 53C20, 53C55


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Written By

Sanjay Kumar Singh and Punam Gupta

Reviewed: 28 October 2021 Published: 24 December 2021