Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Graph Models in Information Hiding

Written By

Hanzhou Wu

Reviewed: 27 May 2021 Published: 24 June 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.98592

From the Edited Volume

Recent Applications in Graph Theory

Edited by Harun Pirim

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Information hiding allows us to hide secret information into digital objects such as images without significantly distorting the objects. The object containing hidden information will be transmitted to a data receiver via a probably insecure channel. To securely transmit the object carrying hidden information, the distortion caused by data embedding should be as low as possible, which is referred to as the rate-distortion optimization problem. Many conventional methods optimize the data embedding procedure by a heuristic fashion, which may be not optimal in terms of the rate-distortion performance. In this chapter, we introduce novel approaches that use graph theory for information hiding. These graph models are general and can be used for improving the rate-distortion performance of information hiding systems. In addition to rate-distortion optimization, recent graph models used for system design of information hiding will be also reviewed. This chapter is intended as a tutorial introducing advanced graph models applied to information hiding.


  • Information hiding
  • steganography
  • steganalysis
  • watermarking
  • graph theory
  • rate-distortion optimization
  • security
  • covert communication

1. Introduction

Information hiding [1] is referred to as the art of hiding secret data into a digital object such as image and video without significantly distorting the object content. The workflow of information hiding can be described as follows. A data hider uses a secret key to embed secret data into a digital object (typically also called cover) by modifying the cover content. The resulting object carrying secret data (typically also called stego) does not introduce noticeable artifacts and will be transmitted to a data receiver. During transmission, the stego may be attacked or analyzed by an adversary. When the data receiver receives the probably altered stego, he will be able to perfectly or near-perfectly reconstruct secret data from the stego. Different from cryptography that leaves clear traces on encrypted data, information hiding can be used to even conceal the existence of the current communication.

Information hiding is actually an emerging and interdisciplinary research area covering various applications, among which watermarking [2] and steganography [3] are two popular branches nowadays. In particular, the ease of use, reproduction, edit and distribution of digital commercial products has led increasing concern to copyright protection for digital media files, resulting in that, watermarking is still a major activity in digital media processing. Different from watermarking that aims to protect the copyright of digital product, steganography, as another important branch of information hiding, conceals the existence of the hidden information, and therefore can be used for secret communication. It works by hiding a secret message into an innocent cover such as text, image, video and audio, by modifying the noise-like component of the cover in such a way that the resulting stego has a low distortion to the cover and therefore will not arouse suspicion.

As mentioned above, information hiding requires us to select a digital object as the cover to be embedded. A straightforward idea to categorize information hiding algorithms is therefore based on the type of selected cover. For example, image is still the most popular cover type due to its wide distribution over social networks. A number of information hiding algorithms are originally designed for images, e.g., [4, 5, 6]. Other covers such as video sequences [7, 8, 9, 10], speech [11], natural language [12] are of increasing interest to researchers. Recently, studies have demonstrated that even social behaviors [13, 14] can be exploited for information hiding. In terms of data embedding strategies, information hiding can be roughly divided into four categories, i.e., spatial domain, transformed domain, compressed domain and structural domain. Taking digital image for explanation, spatial domain is corresponding to the most intuitive and efficient implementation, which allows us to directly modify the spatial pixels of an image. Data embedding in transformed domain often requires a higher computational complexity due to the transform operation. For example, by applying the discrete cosine transform (DCT) operation to a gray-scale image, one can use the DCT coefficients for hiding data. Comparing with data embedding in spatial domain, embedding in the transformed domain is more robust to malicious attacks. Data embedding in compressed domain is more complex and challenging than that in the spatial/transformed domain because the entropy in the compressed domain is high and therefore leads to small capacity for carrying secret data. Structural domain means to embed secret data in the file structure of a cover, implying that, no visual/auditory distortion will be introduced. However, from the viewpoint of an adversary, clear marks in the reserved field of a file may reveal the existence of information hiding, thus reducing the security.

From the information-theoretic view, information hiding can be modeled as a communication task, which aims to securely transmit a secret message to a receiver by embedding the secret message into a cover without significantly impairing the cover. On the one hand, we expect to embed as many secret bits as possible so that a sufficient payload can be carried by the cover. On the other hand, for a fixed size of secret message, we expect to keep the distortion caused by data embedding as low as possible so that the stego will be seemingly normal and thus will not arouse suspicion. Accordingly, a most commonly used method for evaluating information hiding algorithms is rate-distortion performance, where “rate” means the payload size and “distortion” measures the difference between the stego and the cover.

Many information hiding algorithms optimize the rate-distortion performance in a heuristic fashion. For example, reversible image watermarking [15, 16] allows both secret data and the original cover to be reconstructed at the data receiver side. A common approach to realize reversibility is shifting a so-called prediction-error histogram (PEH) in a reversible way, i.e., the original PEH can be fully recovered from the marked PEH. One has to select suitable shifting parameters such that the distortion caused by shifting can be kept low, thus resulting in good rate-distortion performance. Many works [17, 18, 19] heuristically select the shifting parameters for embedding, which may be not optimal in terms of rate-distortion optimization due to cover diversity. It motivates us to study deterministic optimization methods that are applicable to various covers and lead to optimal/near-optimal performance.

Based on the aforementioned analysis, in this chapter, we will introduce graph models that can be used for rate-distortion optimization of information hiding. All these models follow the identical framework. That is, an optimization problem to be addressed in information hiding is first modeled as a graph problem. Then, by using a graph algorithm, the optimal solution to the graph problem can be found, indicating that, one can use the optimal parameters or strategies derived from the optimal solution of the graph problem (under constraints) for information hiding.

The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. First, we provide basic concepts and algorithms in graph theory in Section 2. Then, in Section 3, we introduce graph models in information hiding. Finally, we conclude this chapter in Section 4.


2. Basic concepts and algorithms in graph theory

A graph G(V, E) is a non-linear structure that consists of two sets, i.e., node set (or say vertex set) V = {v1, v2, …, vn} and edge set E = {e1, e2, …, em}, where n and m represent the size of V and the size of E, respectively. One may write |V| = n and |E| = m. Each edge ei in E connects two nodes vj and vk in V, namely, ei = (vj, vk). The two nodes are typically different from each other, i.e., jk. G(V, E) is either directed or non-directed. The term “directed” means each edge in E is associated with a direction, e.g., ei = (vj, vk) represent a directed edge from vj to vk. Therefore, (vj, vk) is different from (vk, vj) for a directed graph. In contrast, in “non-directed” setting, there has no difference between (vj, vk) and (vk, vj), i.e., they are equivalent to each other. Unless mentioned, we will consider G(V, E) as a non-directed graph. Many graph models and algorithms can be found in the literature. In this chapter, for self-contained, we briefly review graph techniques that will be used latter.

2.1 Graph traversal and coloring

Graph traversal is referred to as the process of visiting each node in a graph. It can be done by using depth-first search (DFS) or breadth-first search (BFS) [20]. Taking DFS for explanation, a node u is first randomly selected as the starting node and marked to show that it has been previously processed (or visited). If there is a node v that is adjacent to u and v has not been processed, v will be selected as the new starting node and should be marked as processed. Here, a node is adjacent to another node means that there is an edge connecting them. The above process will be recursively performed until all the nodes are visited. In summary, when the DFS procedure arrives at a certain node u, it tries to visit an adjacent node v of u, then an adjacent node w of v, and so on. Notice that, if G(V, E) has multiple connected components, the DFS procedure may be executed multiple times so that each time a connected component can be processed. Unlike DFS, if the BFS procedure arrives at a node u, it first processes all the adjacent nodes of u. Then, for each processed adjacent node v, it will continue the similar procedure. Though DFS and BFS visit nodes in a different way, they have the same time complexity, i.e., O(|V| + |E|).

During the DFS or BFS, each node can be assigned with a color, which refers to graph (node) coloring [20]. We can use two different colors (say “red” and “black”) for graph coloring so that each node is colored with either red or black. Meanwhile, for each node (that is not isolated), there is always another adjacent node that has the different color to the present node. It can be done during the visiting process. For example, assuming that we have reached a node u from a node v, we can assign a color that is different from v to u, i.e., if v is black, u will be colored with red.

2.2 Weighted bipartite graph matching

G(V, E) is called a bipartite graph if the node set V can be partitioned into two disjoint node sets V1 and V2 that all edges in E connect a node in V1 and a node in V2. Namely, we can write V1V2 = V, V1V2 = and (u, v) E, uV1, vV2. A matching of G is such a subset of E that no two edges in the subset share a common node. A node is matched if it is connected by one edge in the matching. Otherwise, the node is said non-matched. A maximum matching of G is such a matching that it has the largest size, i.e., the total number of edges in the matching is maximum. A weighted bipartite graph means that each edge in E is assigned with a weight. The minimum weighted maximum matching of a weighted bipartite graph is such a maximum matching that the sum of weights of edges is minimum. One can use Hungarian algorithm or minimum cost maximum flow algorithm [20] to compute the minimum weighted maximum matching.


3. Graph models in information hiding

Figure 1 shows the general framework of information hiding, where an image is used as the cover. In this chapter, unless mentioned, we will use a grayscale image as the cover object. Referring to Figure 1, let x = {x1, x2, …, xN} be a cover sequence, where N is the total number of cover elements. For example, if the cover is a 8-bit gray-scale image, all possible xix will be in range [0, 255], i.e., x {0, 1, …, 255}N. Given secret data m = {m1, m2, …, mL} {0,1}L and secret key k {o, 1}T, the goal of data embedding is to modify x as a new sequence y = {y1, y2, …, yN} (also called stego sequence) that m can be carried by y. Namely, we can write.

Figure 1.

General framework of information hiding.


For data extraction, a data receiver should be able to extract m from y, i.e.,


In some applications, e.g., reversible watermarking [16], it is further required that x should be perfectly recovered from y. For a fixed size of m, it is necessary to keep the distortion due to data embedding as low as possible. Namely, we expect to minimize the distortion between x and y, denoted by D(x, y), for a fixed m. In other words, for a fixed D(x, y), we hope to embed as much secret data as possible, i.e., the size of m is expected to be as large as possible. Many advanced information hiding algorithms are designed along this line. In the following subsections, we will introduce graph methods that can be used to deal with the above optimization task.

3.1 Multi-bit mapping using graph coloring

A simplest information hiding method is least significant bit (LSB) replacement, which enables us to modify x by replacing the LSBs of all elements in x with secret bits. The data embedding operation for LSB replacement can be described as:


where 1 ≤ i ≤ N = L, “mod” means the modulo operation, and mi is the i-th secret bit to be embedded. For example, if the value of the i-th cover pixel is 247 (i.e., xi = 247), after embedding, the pixel value will be still 247 (i.e., yi = 247) if the secret bit to be embedded is 1 (i.e., mi = 1). Otherwise, if the secret bit to be embedded is 0 (i.e., mi = 0), the pixel value will become 246, i.e., yi = 247 – (247 mod 2) + 0 = 246. For data extraction, by extracting the LSBs of y, m can be recovered, i.e.,


For example, a secret bit 1 (i.e., mi = 1) can be extracted from a pixel whose value is 247 (i.e., yi = 247) because mi = yi mod 2 = 247 mod 2 = 1. In LSB replacement, there are two ways to modify a cover element, i.e., keeping the cover element unchanged or flipping the LSB of the cover element. It indicates that, from the information-theoretic view, each cover element can carry exactly one secret bit, meaning that, the maximum payload size for x is N (bits). Obviously, when the number of ways of modifying a cover element is larger than two, the cover element will be able to carry more bits. This can be analyzed in a graph. Clearly, each cover element is corresponding to a node in a graph. The edges between the nodes denote the modification relationship between the nodes. For example, Figure 2(a) shows the graph for LSB replacement. Each even cover element is corresponding to v1 and the odd cover elements correspond to v2. v1 and v2 are respectively mapped to “0” and “1”. During data embedding, if a cover element corresponding to v1 matches the secret bit, the cover element will be unchanged. Otherwise, it will be replaced with a new value so that the new value is corresponding to v2, matching the bit.

Figure 2.

Examples of analyzing information hiding in a graph: (a) two nodes {v1, v2} are mapped to “0” and “1”, (b) four nodes {v1, v2, v3, v4} are respectively mapped to “01”, “10”, “00” and “11”, (c) four nodes {v1, v2, v3, v4} are respectively mapped to “11”, “10”, “0” and “0”.

Let A(v) represent the adjacent set of the node v, e.g., A(v1) = {v1, v2} in Figure 2(a). Notice that, we consider a node itself as an element of the adjacent set. It can be inferred that, the total number of modifications to a node is equal to the size of the adjacent set. Moreover, a larger number of modifications means that the node can be used to carry more bits. For example, in Figure 2(b), for each node, the size of adjacent set equals 4, indicating that, each node can carry 2 bits. Obviously, given a graph, we can assign a bit-stream to each node, representing that the node can carry the assigned bit-stream (whose size may equal 1). In order to ensure that the associated bit-streams can be used for information hiding, it is required that, for each non-isolated node, we should be able to select at least one node from its adjacent set such that the assigned bit-stream matches the secret data, i.e., the bit-stream should match a prefix of the secret data. For example, in Figure 2(b), for all nodes, the adjacent set is {v1, v2, v3, v4}, which is mapped to {“01”, “10”, “00”, “11”}. It can be inferred that, any secret data must start with a bit-stream belonging to {“01”, “10”, “00”, “11”}. Therefore, we say the graph associated with bit-streams shown in Figure 2(b) can be used for information hiding. In contrast, the graph in Figure 2(c) cannot be used for information hiding. The reason is that, for v4, the adjacent set is {v3, v4}, whose elements are all mapped to “0”, which cannot match those secret streams starting with “1”. Therefore, given a graph, how to assign bit-streams to nodes (so that all nodes can be utilized to carry data) is the key problem.

Mathematically, given a connected graph G(V, E), the goal is to map each node to a bit-stream such that for each node, we can always select such a node from the adjacent set that the selected node matches the prefix of the secret data. Meanwhile, it is desirable that the assigned bit-streams can effectively exploit the modification relationship between nodes. It is defined as the multi-bit mapping problem, which can be addressed by multi-layer graph coloring [4], whose goal is to append a new bit (if any) to the end of previously assigned bits of each node during each layer so that all nodes can be finally mapped to a bit-stream. Below gives the details.

In the first layer, by using DFS or BFS, each node in the original graph G can be colored with either “red” or “black”. Moreover, for each uV, there always exists such vA(u) that v has a different color to u. We can assign a secret bit “0” to all red nodes and “1” to all black nodes. In this way, for each uV, there always exists one node vA(u) that v has the opposite bit to u. In other words, for any cover element corresponding to uV, we can always modify the cover element such that the new value of the cover element corresponds to vA(u) and the mapped bit of v is equal to the secret bit to be embedded.

Assuming that, the k-th layer coloring procedure has been completed, meaning that the maximum number of assigned bits for a node is k, we are to perform (k + 1)-th layer coloring. The detailed steps for (k + 1)-th layer coloring are as follows.

Step 1) Collect all nodes that have been previously mapped to a bit-stream with a length of k. For example, after executing the first layer coloring procedure, each node is mapped to one bit (“0” or “1”), i.e., the bit-stream has a length of 1. It means that, all nodes will be used in the second layer coloring since they are all mapped to a bit-stream with a length of 1.

Step 2) All collected nodes in Step 1) will be divided to 2k sets according to the values of the bit-streams. For example, all the collected nodes will be divided to 2 subsets in the second layer. Namely, one set contains nodes that are mapped to “0”, and the other set contains nodes that are mapped to “1”. Let Cs represent the set including all nodes that are mapped to a bit-stream with a value of s, where 0 ≤ s < 2k. For example, a node belongs to C15 if it is mapped to a bit-stream “001111”, where k = 6. It is possible that Cs is an empty set. For each non-empty set Cs, all nodes belonging to Cs and all edges connecting two nodes belonging to Cs can be used to construct a graph Gs(Vs, Es), which should be a subgraph of G(V, E).

Step 3)Gs may contain multiple connected components. We apply DFS or BFS to Gs so that each node in Vs can be assigned with one more bit. The use of DFS or BFS is similar to the first layer. Obviously, for each node in Vs, if we append the bit to the end of the previous bit-stream, the new bit-stream will have a length of k + 1. To ensure that the new bit-streams are suited to information hiding, some assigned bits in this step should be canceled, i.e., the bits assigned to some nodes (if any) in Vs will be canceled. In other words, the lengths of the new bit-streams of some nodes in Vs will not become k + 1 because their assigned bits in this step are canceled. The details are given in the next step.

Step 4) Let Bs = {v | (u, v)E, uVs, vV-Vs} represent the check-set. It can be inferred that BsVs = , BsV and VsV. For each node vBs, if all adjacent nodes of v in Vs are assigned with the same bit in Step 3), we randomly select one node among these adjacent nodes and cancel the newly assigned bit in Step 3) to the selected node. By processing all nodes in Bs, the newly assigned bits to some nodes in Vs can be canceled. The remaining assigned bits are regarded as the (k + 1)-th bit of the corresponding nodes. Repeat Step 3–4) until all Cs are processed.

The multi-layer graph coloring algorithm is finished when there has no new bit produced in a certain layer. For example, if there are 64 nodes in the original graph, the number of layers will be at most 6 since 64 = 26. For better understanding the multi-layer coloring procedure, we provide an example in Figure 3, in which there are six nodes and nine edges in the graph. Our goal is to map each node in the graph to a bit-stream with an indefinite length. First of all, we can use DFS to assign either “0” or “1” to each node. In detail, assuming that the visiting order by DFS is v1v2v4v5v6v3, we can assign “0” to {v1, v4, v6, v3} and “1” to {v2, v5}. Notice that, here, v3 is visited from v5. When v5 has been previously mapped to “1”, v3 will be mapped to the opposite bit “0”. {v1, v4, v6, v3} and {v2, v5} are two subsets that will be processed in the second layer. For the subset {v1, v4, v6, v3}, the visiting order by DFS is v1v3v4v6, allowing us to assign “0” to {v1, v4} and “1” to {v3, v6}. The check-set is {v2, v5}. For v5, cancelation of any new bit is not needed, while for v2, the bit “0” assigned to v1 is pseudo-randomly canceled since all adjacent nodes of v2 in {v1, v4, v6, v3} are mapped to the same bit. For the subset {v2, v5}, the DFS order can be v2v5, allowing us to assign “0” to v2 and “1” to v5. In this case, the check-set is {v1, v4, v6, v3}. For v4, cancelation of any new bit is not needed, while for v1, v3 and v6, “0” and “1” respectively assigned to v2 and v5 should be all canceled. In the third layer, since all nodes are isolated according to the previously assigned bits, the assignment is terminated. Figure 3 has shown the final results, e.g., v4 is finally mapped to “00”.

Figure 3.

Example for multi-layer graph coloring.

It is inferred from Figure 3 that, for each node, we can always select such a node from the adjacent set that the selected node must match a prefix of the secret bit-stream to be embedded, namely, the graph in Figure 3 can be used for information hiding. For example, assuming that we have a cover sequence x, which corresponds to a node sequence (v1, v3, v5, v2, v4, v4) (it is possible that two cover elements in x are corresponding to the same node), we can modify the node sequence as a new one (v1, v3, v6, v2, v3, v4) if the secret data is m = [0010110100]. Based on the new node sequence and x, we can construct the stego sequence y. For data extraction, we first reconstruct the node sequence (v1, v3, v6, v2, v3, v4) from y. Then, by orderly concatenating the bit-streams of the nodes in the sequence, we can reconstruct m without error. Notice that, the data hider and the data receiver should perform the same multi-layer graph coloring. Otherwise, the data receiver cannot retrieve m.

Remark: The multi-bit mapping by graph coloring enables us to map each cover element to a bit-stream with an indefinite length, which has effectively utilized the replacement relationship between different values of cover elements and therefore can achieve a high embedding rate (i.e., more secret bits can be hidden).

3.2 Reversible embedding using graph matching

Reversible (data) embedding, also called reversible watermarking or reversible data hiding, not only allows a data receiver to extract secret data from the stego, but also enables the cover to be perfectly reconstructed from the stego. It is quite useful for sensitive applications that require no permanent distortion of the cover such as military imaging. A straightforward idea to realize reversible embedding is lossless compression, which losslessly compresses the noise-like component of the cover to reserve extra room for data embedding, i.e., the extra room will be used to carry the secret data and the compressed code. As shown in Figure 4, by extracting the losslessly compressed code from the stego, one can reconstruct the original cover without any error. However, since it is not easy to significantly compress the noise-like component in a lossless way, the size of the secret data will be low.

Figure 4.

Sketch for lossless compression based reversible embedding.

Unlike lossless compression, histogram shifting (HS) [21] embeds secret data into a histogram determined from the cover by reversibly modifying the histogram. Figure 5 shows an example of HS based reversible embedding in a gray-scale image. In Figure 5, a histogram determined from the original image is used to embed data. We first select two bins (peak bin/zero bin) from the histogram. The peak bin has the maximum occurrence, and the zero bin has no occurrence. Obviously, in Figure 5, the peak bin is “1” and the zero bin is “3”. Then, we shift all bins between the two bins towards the zero bin by one step, i.e., the bin “2” will be shifted to the right. It is equivalent to modifying all pixels having a value of 2 as that have a new value of 3. Thereafter, we use the peak bin “1” to carry secret data. Assuming that, the secret data is “0100”, for each pixel having a value of 1, it will be unchanged if the present secret bit to be embedded is “0”; otherwise, it will be replaced with a new value of 2 if the secret bit is “1”. In this way, the secret data can be embedded, resulting in a new image containing secret data (also called marked image). It is easy for a data receiver to extract secret data and reconstruct the original image. First of all, secret data can be retrieved by processing all pixels having a value of 1 or 2 in the marked image. Then, all pixels that have a value of 2 in the marked image will be modified with a value of 1. Finally, for those pixels having a value of 3, they will be modified with a value of 2. In this way, the resulting image will be equal to the original image. We refer a reader to [21] for more details about HS based reversible embedding.

Figure 5.

An example of using HS for reversible embedding.

Figure 5 corresponds to the classical HS operation, which can be improved by using two techniques. The first one is using a prediction-error histogram (PEH) for reversible data embedding, rather than the histogram directly determined from the original cover. The second one is using more histogram bins for data embedding, rather than only one peak bin in Figure 5. For better understanding, Figure 6 shows an example for constructing a PEH. In Figure 6, one can determine a histogram directly from the cover image, i.e., “Histogram I”. It can be seen that, the maximum occurrence is less than 3000, meaning that, we can embed no more than 3,000 bits if we use only one peak bin. However, it can be significantly improved if we can produce a PEH, e.g., by dividing the pixels into two sets (i.e., cross set and dot set), the pixels in the dot set (which are unchanged during data embedding) can be used to predict the pixels in the cross set (e.g., using the average value of the four adjacent pixels to predict the present pixel), allowing us to determine the prediction errors (PEs) of all pixels in the cross set. The PEs can be then used to build a PE histogram (PEH), i.e., “Histogram II”, from which we can find that the maximum occurrence is more than 150,000, indicating that, we can embed more than 150,000 secret bits by using a single PE bin. Obviously, we can use more PE bins for data embedding, which will result in the better rate-distortion behavior.

Figure 6.

An example for constructing a PEH: (a) predicting pixels marked as “cross” with pixels marked as “dot”, (b) two PE histograms, where “Histogram I” is determined directly from the original image shown in (a), and “Histogram II” is determined by collecting the prediction errors for all possible u{i,j} shown in (a).

Mathematically, given a PEH H, let h(v) be the frequency of the PEH bin with value v, which is assumed in the range (vmin, vmax). One may write vmax = −vmin = L, e.g., L = 256 for a 8-bit grayscale image. Let A and B be a set including all PEH bins and a set containing all non-zero occurrence bins. It means that, A = {v|-L < v < L} and B = {v|h(v) > 0} A. The above HS operation can be mathematically described as [22]: For a peak-bin set P = {p1, p2, …, ps} B, we build two injective functions g0 and g1 such that G0 = {g0(p1), g0(p2) …, g0(ps)} A, G1 = {g1(p1), g1(p2) …, g1(ps)} A and G0G1 = . We also construct a third injective function f: B\PA\(G0G1). Assuming that, the size of the secret data is exactly equal to h(p1) + h(p2) + … + h(ps), for reversible embedding, we first use f to shift all PEH bins in B\P into A\(G0G1). Then, secret bits can be embedded into the PEH by further shifting the PEH bins in P into G0G1. Since g0, g1, f are injective, the original PEH can be reconstructed from the marked PEH (i.e., the PEH containing hidden information). Figure 7 shows the relationship between three sets A, B, P and three functions g0, g1, f. For better understanding, we take Figure 5 for example. In Figure 5, we have A = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, B = {0, 1, 2, 4}, P = {1} B, G0 = {g0(1) = 1} and G1 = {g1(1) = 2}. Moreover, we have f(0) = 0, f(2) = 3 and f(4) = 4. Notice that, though Figure 5 does not use any prediction procedure, one may assume that the prediction value of each pixel is exactly equal to zero. Thus, “Histogram I” is actually a special case of PEH.

Figure 7.

Relationship between three sets A, B, P and three functions g0, g1, f.

Shifting PEH bins requires us to accordingly modify the image pixels so that the marked image is corresponding to the shifted PEH. Regardless of the detailed steps of modifying the image pixels, it can be easily inferred that, in Figure 7, for a fixed P, it is necessary to find the optimal (g0, g1, f) so that the distortion introduced by data embedding can be minimized. If this problem can be well addressed, one can enumerate P to find optimal (P, g0, g1, f) so that the distortion is globally minimum. Fortunately, we can use bipartite graph matching to deal with the former problem. It requires us to model all involved PEH bins as graph nodes and the three injective functions as sets of edges. For example, Figure 8 shows the bipartite graph for the example shown in Figure 5. It can be inferred that, for the bipartite graph G(V, E), the node set V consists of two disjoint subsets V1 and V2, where V = V1V2, V1 = BPc = (B\P) PPc and V2 = A. Moreover, the edge set E can be divided to three subsets E1, E2 and E3, where E1 = {(u, v) | uB\P, vV2}, E2 = {(u, v) | uP, vV2}, and E3 = {(u, v) | uPc, vV2}. The three injective functions (g0, g1, f) will be then corresponding to the subsets (E2, E3, E1), respectively. Notice that, though A and B have the common elements, they correspond to different nodes. Moreover, P and Pc include the same elements though they correspond to different nodes.

Figure 8.

Building a (weighted) bipartite graph for the example in Figure 5.

Each edge in E tells us how to process the corresponding PEH bin, e.g., in Figure 8, the edge (u2, v4) means that the PEH bin with a value of 2 will be shifted to the PEH bin with a value of 3. Obviously, shifting a PEH bin will introduce distortion. If the distortion is additive, i.e., the overall distortion caused by data embedding is defined as the sum of distortion caused by each cover element, each edge could be associated with a weight representing the distortion of shifting the corresponding PEH bin, resulting in that the overall distortion should be the sum of weights of all edges. For example, in Figure 8, we can determine a weight for each edge, e.g., w(u1, v1) denotes the distortion caused by shifting the PEH bin “0” to “0” (i.e., unchanged) and can be therefore assigned to the edge (u1, v1). Thus, the overall distortion due to HS in Figure 5 is equal to the sum of weights of edges shown in Figure 8. Here, we ignore the steps to determine the weights since it is not the main interest of this chapter. We refer a reader to [22] for more details about the weight determination.

Therefore, we can conclude that, once g0, g1 and f are determined, we can easily construct the corresponding bipartite graph. However, (g0, g1, f) can be optimized from the viewpoint of rate-distortion optimization. Different (g0, g1, f) correspond to different bipartite graphs. All these bipartite graphs have the same node set, and the only difference is that the edge set is different from each other. Obviously, by merging all the nodes and edges, we can construct a new bipartite graph G*(V*, E*). G(V, E) is therefore a subgraph of G*(V*, E*), meaning that, arbitrary (g0, g1, f) can be modeled as a subset of E*. In terms of rate-distortion performance, we expect to find such (g0, g1, f) that they introduce the minimum distortion. How to find such optimal (g0, g1, f) is very important. Rethinking Figure 8, We can further infer that, g0, g1 and f ensure that, each node in V1 can be matched by exactly one node in V2, i.e., (g0, g1, f) is corresponding to a maximum matching of G. Since V = V* and EE*, we can find that (g0, g1, f) should be also a maximum matching of G*. Since we expect that the distortion caused by (g0, g1, f) is minimum, it is further inferred that the optimal (g0, g1, f) is corresponding to the minimum weight maximum matching of G*. Thus, once we have built G*, by applying any graph algorithm that solves the minimum weight maximum matching (MWMM) of a bipartite graph, we can find the optimal (g0, g1, f) with respect to rate-distortion optimization. In order to build G*, we first initialize V* = V = V1V2, V1 = BPc = (B\P)PPc and V2 = A. Then, for each PEH bin, we collect all the possible shifting operations, which allows us to add the corresponding edges to G* so as to construct E* [22].

For better understanding, Figure 9 shows an example for searching the optimal (g0, g1, f). In Figure 9(a), each node in V1 involves multiple edges, implying that, the corresponding PEH bin can be shifted to any one among multiple candidates. For example, the node u1 is connected by four different edges, i.e., (u1, v1), (u1, v2), (u1, v3), (u1, v4), indicating that, there are four possible ways to shift “-5”, i.e., shifting “-5” to any one in {“-6”, “-5”, “-4”, “-3”}. By solving the MWMM, we can construct a subgraph as shown in Figure 9(b), from which we can identify the optimal (g0, g1, f), e.g., in Figure 9(b), g0 is corresponding to {(u8, v6), (u9, v8)}, i.e., g0(−1) = −1 and g0(1) = 1, which means that, for those pixels with a PE value of “-1” or “1”, a part of them will be unchanged so as to carry secret bits “0”s.

Figure 9.

Example for finding optimal (g0, g1, f): (a) G*(V*, E*), (b) the MWMM. In (b), all nodes in V1 should be matched by exactly one node in V2, and it is possible that some nodes in V2 may be not matched since |V1| ≤ |V2|, e.g., v4 and v13 are not matched in this example.

Remark: Reversible embedding by weighted graph matching enables us to find the optimal HS parameters from the viewpoint of rate-distortion optimization, i.e., the optimal HS parameters can be obtained by determining the MWMM, providing a different perspective to the conventional optimization approaches. However, it is admitted that, in the graph matching model, it is required that P has been fixed in advance. If we relax this requirement, the time complexity will become very high since enumerating all possible P is time consuming [22]. For example, there are a total of 1004 ways to construct P if we have |P| = 4, |B| = 100 (notice that, PB). Therefore, for a large |P|, when P is also required to be optimized, how to reduce the overall computational complexity needs further investigation. Heuristic search strategies would be desirable for dealing with this problem.

3.3 Graph steganography in social networks

Many conventional algorithms use media objects as the cover. Recently, social behaviors are exploited for steganography. Comparing with media objects, social behaviors can be more easily concealed by the very large number of normal social activities. Moreover, both the data sender and the data receiver can easily integrate into the social networks. It is possible for the data receiver that he observes social behaviors for data extraction, without taking any other actions, which can well protect the real identify of the data receiver. From the point of algorithm design, one can extend existing methods originally designed for media objects to social behaviors, which may not well exploit the characteristics of social networks. On the other hand, by modeling social networks as graphs, we can use graph theory for conveying secret data, which is referred to as graph steganography [13, 14].

Figure 10 shows the general framework for graph steganography. In Figure 10, the data sender (or say data hider) first converts secret data to a (directed) graph. Then, the graph will be embedded into social network by producing a sequence of seemingly-normal social interactions. For data receiver, he can retrieve the secret graph by observing the interactions without taking any other actions. In this way, he can finally recover secret data from the graph by inverting the graph generation procedure. In the following, we show the core steps for the general framework.

Figure 10.

General framework for graph steganography.

Given secret data m, the graph generation procedure first converts m to a non-directed graph G1(V1, E1). Then, G1(V1, E1) is extended to a directed graph G2(V2, E2) that can be released in a social network platform by orderly producing a sequence of interactions. In detail, given n nodes indexed from 1 to n, we can construct 2n2 different graphs, each of which is corresponding to a binary string that has a length of n2. Suppose that m {0, 1}L, where L here represents the size of m, i.e., |m| = L. One can append “0” (if necessary) to the end of m so that L = n2. In other words, we can always assume that n = 8L+1+1/2. In order to construct G1(V1, E1), we first initialize V1 = {v1, v2, …, vn} and E1 = . Then, for each mkm, we add an edge (vx, vy) to E1 if and only if mk = 1, where x and y are determined as:




In this way, G1(V1, E1) can be finally obtained. Figure 11 shows an example for constructing G1(V1, E1), from which we can find that each bit in m is corresponding to the existence of the corresponding edge, e.g., m1 = 1 implies that there is an edge between v1 and v2, and m8 = 0 indicates that there has no edge between v3 and v4. It can be easily inferred that, G1 may contain multiple connected components. One can directly release G1 in a social network platform by producing social operations. For example, a set of social bots can be used for producing social behaviors so that G1 can be carried by these social behaviors. The social bots will be corresponding to V1, and the social behaviors are corresponding to E1. Since G1 is a non-directed graph and may contain multiple connected components, it typically requires the data sender and the data receiver to share the mapping relationship between social bots and nodes in V1 so that the data receiver can reliably extract m by observation. Actually, G1 can be extended to a directed graph so that there has no need for the data sender and the data receiver to share the mapping relationship between social bots and graph nodes. In other words, by extending G1(V1, E1) to a directed graph G2(V2, E2), the social bots can orderly produce social behaviors based on G2 so that the data receiver can perfectly reconstruct G2 by observation without knowing the mapping relationship between nodes in G2 and social bots in advance (because the mapping relationship can be determined during observation).

Figure 11.

An example of converting secret data to a non-directed graph.

In order to construct G2(V2, E2), we first initialize V2 = {u1, u2, …, un + 1} and E2 = . Then, we update E2 by orderly processing V1 = {v1, v2, …, vn}. In detail, for each viV1, 1 in, we update E2 = E2 {(ui, un + 1)} if there does not exist such j < i that (vj, vi) E1. Otherwise, for all possible j < i, we add an edge (ui, uj) to E2 if (vj, vi) E1. Notice that, G2 is a directed graph, meaning that, each edge in E2 will be associated with a direction, e.g., (uj, ui) is an edge with a direction from uj to ui. For better understanding, Figure 12 shows an example for constructing G2 based on G1. It can be observed that, if we ignore the directions of edges, G1 will be a subgraph of the connected graph G2. It can be further inferred that, during the generation, each edge in E2 can be associated with an index, representing the time of inserting the edge, e.g., an index value of 1 is assigned to (u1, u6) since this edge is the first one added to E2. G2 will be released in the social network by producing a sequence of social interactions. Each interaction is corresponding to an edge in E2. The social interactions are orderly produced according to the index value of each edge, which means that an interaction with a smaller index will be preferentially produced. The social interactions are dependent of the social network platform, e.g., “forwarding”, “commenting”, and “liking” another user’s tweet. A requirement is that, for each edge (ux, uy) in E2, the interaction should be produced by the starting node ux, e.g., in Figure 12, by using “forwarding” as the interaction, u5 is required to “forward” the tweet of u4 to represent the directed edge (u5, u4). The advantage is that, by taking into account the producer of the interaction, one can identify the direction of the corresponding edge, which will be beneficial to the construction of G2.

Figure 12.

An example for constructing G2 according to G1.

The data receiver has the ability to perfectly reconstruct G2 from observations. Let (ai, bi, ci), 1 iMe = |E2|, denote all orderly collected interactions. (ai, bi, ci) means the user ai produces an interaction ci to another user bi. The following steps [13] will be then performed to reconstruct G2.

Step 1) Set i = j = 1 and initialize V2 = {u0} and E2 = .

Step 2) Insert a new node uj to V2 and map ai to uj if ai has not been previously mapped to a node in V2. Map bi to u0 if bi has not been previously mapped to a node in V2. Set j = j + 1 if uj is in V2.

Step 3) Insert a new edge (ux, uy) to E2, where ux and uy are the mapped nodes of ai and bi. Mark ai and bi as “processed”. Set i = i + 1, and go to Step 2) if i < Me.

Step 4) Replace u0 with un + 1 to build G2(V2, E2), and terminate the procedure.

After constructing G2, by removing vn + 1 and the involved edges from G2, G1 can be obtained by further eliminating the directions of all edges. With G1, secret data m can be perfectly extracted. In this way, graph steganography is finally realized.

Remark: Graph steganography exploits social behaviors for conveying secrets. The graph steganographic scheme introduced in this subsection enables us to send n2 secret bits to the receiver, which can be further improved if more interactions are performed among users. In terms of security, directly releasing G2 in the social network may allow an attacker to reveal the existence of steganography since G2 is dependent of other social behaviors. In other words, G2 is an isolated graph, i.e., if an attacker finds a node in G2, by applying DFS, he can further reconstruct G2. To this end, by adding edges connecting nodes in G2 and outside nodes (i.e., innocent users that does not join steganography), the above problem can be solved [13].

3.4 Other graph strategies in information hiding

In addition to the aforementioned graph models, graph theory can be also used for other purposes in information hiding. The reason is that graph theory enables us to model various types of relations and processes.

Content Prediction and Selection: In information hiding, the data hider has to select the suitable cover elements out from a cover for data embedding. We can use DFS or BFS (for a built graph) to deal with this problem. For example, in reversible image watermarking, it is expected to use as many smooth pixels as possible since smooth pixels can provide better rate-distortion performance. For a smooth pixel, it is very likely that its adjacent pixel is also smooth. By modeling pixels as graph nodes, we can use an edge to connect adjacent smooth pixels. Thus, selecting smooth pixels is equivalent to determining connected components. For instance, in Figure 6(a), the pixels in the cross set are used for data embedding. The pixels in the dot set are unchanged. Each pixel in the cross set can be predicted by the adjacent pixels in the dot set, e.g., using the average value of adjacent pixels for prediction. We can build such a graph that the node set consists of all pixels in the cross set. For any two pixels in the cross set, they are adjacent to each other if their Manhattan distance is lower than a threshold, e.g., 2. Thus, for any two adjacent pixels, if the difference between their prediction values is lower than a given threshold, the corresponding nodes can be connected by an edge. In this way, we can use DFS or BFS to compute the maximum connected component of G and only use the corresponding pixels for carrying secret data. It relies on the assumption that two adjacent pixels having the close prediction values are equally smooth [5].

Information Hiding in Graphs: Unlike media objects that are organized into a formatted repository whose elements can be effectively processed, increasing data are captured as graphs such as social networks, deep learning models. These data have very high commercial value, e.g., social network data can be used for mining valuable information of users so as to improving the quality of service, deep neural network models have achieved great success in visual computing. How to protect the ownership of these graph data has been an important task. This requires us to hiding information into graph data without impairing the value of the graph data. One can extend conventional media based algorithms to graph data, e.g., [23]. On the other hand, similar to graph steganography in social networks, secret data can be first translated as graphs and then embedded into the host graph data, e.g., [24].


4. Conclusion and discussion

This chapter has introduced advanced graph models applicable to information hiding. In detail, we first model the data embedding operation in a graph, in which all cover elements are mapped to nodes and the modification relationship between cover elements are mapped to edges between the corresponding nodes. In this way, by applying the graph coloring technique to nodes, each node can be mapped to a bit-stream with an indefinite length, which allows a data hider to modify the cover elements according to the mapped bit-streams. Since the mapped bit-streams have fully exploited the modification relationship, a high data-embedding capacity can be achieved. We also model the parameter optimization task of HS based reversible watermarking as a weighted graph matching problem. In the built bipartite graph, the nodes are corresponding to the PEH bins to be shifted, and the edges show all the possible shifting operations. The weight of an edge equals the distortion caused by shifting one node in the edge to the other. By finding the MWMM in the built weighted bipartite graph, we can identify the optimal shifting solution for a fixed peak-set. In addition, we have also introduced graph steganography, which uses a graph to represent secret data and sends the graph via a social network platform by producing a sequence of ordered interactions such as “liking” and “forwarding”. In summary, all the above graph models first use nodes to denote cover elements and use edges to represent somehow relationship between nodes. Then, the target problem to be addressed is modeled as a graph optimization problem. By solving the graph optimization problem, the optimal or near-optimal information hiding strategies can be determined, accordingly providing superior information hiding performance. We have also discussed other potential graph strategies that can be used in information hiding. Since graph theory enables us to model various types of relations and processes in information hiding, it is believed that, graph models and methods will play an increasingly important role in information hiding.



It was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61902235, the Shanghai “Chen Guang” Project under Grant No. 19CG46.


Conflict of interest

No conflict of interest exists in this chapter, and it is approved by all authors for publication.


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Written By

Hanzhou Wu

Reviewed: 27 May 2021 Published: 24 June 2021