Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Rare Event Simulation in a Dynamical Model Describing the Spread of Traffic Congestions in Urban Network Systems

Written By

Getachew K. Befekadu

Submitted: 21 July 2020 Reviewed: 04 January 2021 Published: 30 January 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95789

From the Edited Volume

A Collection of Papers on Chaos Theory and Its Applications

Edited by Paul Bracken and Dimo I. Uzunov

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In this chapter, we present a mathematical framework that provides a new insight for understanding the spread of traffic congestions in an urban network system. In particular, we consider a dynamical model, based on the well-known susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model from mathematical epidemiology, with small random perturbations, that describes the process of traffic congestion propagation and dissipation in an urban network system. Here, we provide the asymptotic probability estimate based on the Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations for certain rare events that are difficult to observe in the simulation of urban traffic network dynamics. Moreover, the framework provides a computational algorithm for constructing efficient importance sampling estimators for rare event simulations of certain events associated with the spread of traffic congestions in the dynamics of the traffic network.


  • diffusion processes
  • exit probability
  • HJB equations
  • importance sampling
  • large deviations
  • rare-event simulation
  • SIR model
  • traffic network dynamics

1. Introduction

In recent years, there have been a number of interesting studies related to modeling the spread of traffic congestion propagation and traffic dissipation in urban network systems (e.g., see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] in the context of macroscopic traffic model involving traffic flux and traffic density; see [6, 7] in the context of percolation theory; see [8] for results based on machine-learning methods; and see [9, 10] for studies based on queuing theory). In this paper, without attempting to give a literature review, we consider a dynamical model, based on the well-known susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model from mathematical epidemiology, with small random perturbation, that describes the spread of traffic congestion propagation and dissipation in an urban network system, i.e.,



  • cεt represents the fraction of congested links in the network

  • rεt represents the fraction of recovered links in the network

  • fεt represents the fraction of free flow links in the network

  • the parameters β and μ represent respectively the propagation and recovery rates considering that a certain fraction of congested links will eventually recover as the demand for travel diminishes

  • the quantity /μ represents the average number of newly congested links that, in a fully freely flowing traffic network, each already congested link can potentially create,

  • W1t, W2t and W3t are three independent standard (one-dimensional) Wiener processes, and

  • ε is a small positive number that represents the level of random perturbation in the network.

Notice that Eq. (1) describes the rate at which the fraction of congested links, i.e., cεt, changes over time given the propagation rate β and recovery rate μ considering that a fraction of congested links will eventually recover as the demand for the travel volume diminishes. Moreover, Eq. (2) describes the rate at which congested links normally recover given the recovery rate μ. Finally, Eq. (3) represents how the fraction of free flow links fεt in the network changes over time given cεt and rεt. Note that, for a normalized SIR based traffic network dynamic model, the following mathematical condition cεt+rεt+fεt=1 holds true for all t>0, where fεt represents links that have remained in a free flow state starting from t=0 (e.g., see Saberi et al. [11] for detailed discussions related to deterministic models).

In this chapter, we provide the asymptotic probability estimate based on the Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations for certain rare events that are difficult to observe in the simulation of urban traffic network dynamics. The framework considered in this study basically relies on the connection between the probability theory of large deviations and that of the values functions for a family of stochastic control problems, where such a connection also provides a desirable computational algorithm for constructing an efficient importance sampling estimator for rare event simulations of certain events associated with the spread of traffic congestions in the dynamics of the traffic network. Here, it is worth mentioning that a number of interesting studies based on various approximations techniques from the theory of large deviations have provided a framework for constructing efficient importance sampling estimators for rare event simulation problems involving the behavior of diffusion processes (e.g., [12, 13, 14, 15, 16] for additional discussions). The approach followed in these studies is to construct exponentially-tilted biasing distributions, which was originally introduced for proving Cramér’s theorem and its extension, and later on it was found to be an efficient importance sampling distribution for certain problems with various approximations involving rare-events (e.g., see [17, 18, 19] or [13] for detailed discussions). The rationale behind our framework follows in some sense the settings of these papers. However, to our knowledge, the problem of rare event simulations involving the spread of traffic congestions in an urban network system has not been addressed in the context of large deviations and stochastic control arguments in the small noise limit; and it is important because it provides a new insight for understanding the spread of traffic congestions in an urban network system.

This chapter is organized as follows. In Section 2, we provide an asymptotic estimate on the exit probability using the Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations [20] (see also [21], Chapter 4) and the stochastic control arguments from Fleming [22] (see also [23]), where such an asymptotic estimate relies on the interpretation of the exit probability function as a value function for a family of stochastic control problems that can be associated with the underlying SIR based traffic network dynamic model with small random perturbations. In Section 3, we discuss importance sampling and the necessary background upon which our main results rely. In Section 4, we provide our main results for an efficient importance sampling estimator for rare event simulations of certain events associated with the spread of traffic congestions in the dynamics of the traffic network. Finally, Section 5 provides some concluding remarks.


2. The Freidlin-Wentzell theory

In this section, we briefly review the classical Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations for the stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with small noise terms. In what follows, let us denote the solution of the SDEs in Eqs. (1)(3) by a bold face letter xtεt0=xtε,1xtε,2xtε,3t0cεtrεtfεtt0 as an R3-valued diffusion process and rewrite the above equations as follows


where fxtε=f1xtεf2xtεf3xtεT with


and σxtε=σ1xtεσ2xtεσ3xtεT with


Moreover, Wt is a standard three-dimensional Wiener process. Note that the corresponding backward operator for the diffusion process xtε, when applied to a certain function υεtx, is given by


where ax=σxσTx.

Let ΩR3 be bounded open domains with smooth boundary (i.e., ∂Ω is a manifold of class C2) and let ΩT be an open set defined by


Furthermore, let us denote by CΩT the spaces of infinitely differentiable functions on ΩT and by C0ΩT the space of the functions ϕCΩT with compact support in ΩT. A locally square integrable function υεtx on ΩT is said to be a distribution solution to the following equation


if, for any test function ϕC0ΩT, the following holds true


where dΩT denotes the Lebesgue measure on R3×R+ and Lε is an adjoint operator corresponding to the infinitesimal generator Lε of the process xtε.

Moreover, we also assume that the following statements hold for the SDE in (4).

Assumption 1

  1. The function f is a bounded C0×Ω-function, with bounded first derivatives. Moreover, σ and σ1 are bounded C0×R3-functions, with bounded first derivatives.

  2. Let nx be the outer normal vector to ∂Ω and, further, let Γ+ and Γ0 denote the sets of points tx, with x∂Ω, such that


is positive and zero, respectively.

Remark 1Note that


where τε=inft>sxtε∂Ω. Moreover, if

Ps,xsεεtxtεΓ0for sometsT=0,sxsεΩ0,E13

and τεT, then we have τεxτεεΓ+, almost surely (see [24], Section 7).

In what follows, let xtε, for 0tT, be the diffusion process associated with (4) (or Eqs. (1)(3)) and consider the following boundary value problem


where Lε is the backward operator in (7) and


Further, let Ω0T be the set consisting of ΩTT×Ω, together with the boundary points sxΓ+, with 0<s<T. Then, the following proposition, whose proof is given in [25], provides a solution to the exit probability Ps,xsεετεT with which the diffusion process xtε exits from the domain Ω.

Proposition 1 Suppose that the statements in Assumption 1 hold true. Then, the exit probability qεsxε=Ps,xsεετεT is a smooth solution to the boundary value problem in (14) and, moreover, it is a continuous function on Ω0T.

Note that, from Proposition 1, the exit probability qεsxε is a smooth solution to the boundary value problem in (14). Further, if we introduce the following logarithmic transformation (e.g., see [22, 26] or [23])


Then, using ideas from stochastic control theory (see [22] for similar arguments), we present results useful for proving the following asymptotic property


The starting point for such an analysis is to introduce a family of related stochastic control problems whose dynamic programming equation, for ε>0, is given below by (21). Then, this also allows us to reinterpret the exit probability function as a value function for a family of stochastic control problems associated with the underlying urban traffic network dynamics with small random perturbation. Moreover, as discussed later in Section 5, such a connection provides a computational paradigm – based on an exponentially-tilted biasing distribution – for constructing an efficient importance sampling estimators for rare-event simulations that further improves the efficiency of Monte Carlo simulations.

Then, we consider the following boundary value problem


where Φεsxε is a bounded, nonnegative Lipschitz function such that


Observe that the function gεsxε is a smooth solution in ΩT to the backward operator in (9); and it is also continuous on ΩT. Moreover, if we introduce the following logarithm transformation


Then, Jεsxε satisfies the following dynamic programming equation (i.e., the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation)


where Hε=HεsxεxJε is given by


Note that the duality relation between Hεsxε and Lεsxε, i.e.,




where axε12 denotes the Riemannian norm of a tangent vector.

Then, it is easy to see that Jεsxε is a solution in ΩT, with Jε=Φε on ΩT, to the dynamic programming in (21), where the latter is associated with the following stochastic control problem


that corresponds to the following system of SDEs


with an initial condition xsε=xε and Ûsxε is a class of continuous functions for which θT and θxθεΓT+.

Next, we provide bounds, i.e., the asymptotic lower and upper bounds, on the exit probability qεsxε.



where θ (or θ=τεT) is the first exit-time of xtε from the domain Ω. Furthermore, let us introduce the following supplementary minimization problem


where the infimum is taken among all φCsTsTR3 (i.e., from the space of Rd-valued locally absolutely continuous functions, with sTφ̇t2dt< for each T>s) and θs>0 such that φsΩT, for all tsθ, and θφθΓT+. Then, it is easy to see that


Next, we state the following lemma that will be useful for proving Proposition 2 (cf. [22], Lemma 3.1).

Lemma 1 If φCsTsTR3, for s>0, and φs=xsε, tφtΩT, for all tsT, then limTsTLεtφtφ̇tdt=+.

Consider again the stochastic control problem in (25) together with (26). Suppose that ΦMε (with ΦMε0) is class C2 such that ΦMε+ as M uniformly on any compact subset of ΩT\Γ¯T+ and ΦMε on ΓT+. Further, if we let Jε=JΦMε, when Φε=ΦMε, then we have the following lemma.

Lemma 2 Suppose that Lemma 1 holds, then we have


Then, we have the following result.

Proposition 2 [25, Proposition 2.8] Suppose that Lemma 1 holds, then we have


uniformly for all sxsε in any compact subset Ω¯T.

Proof: It is suffices to show the following conditions




uniformly for all sxsε in any compact subset Ω¯T. Note that IΩεsxε∂Ω=Iεsxε (cf. Eq. (29)), then the upper bound in (32) can be verified using the Freidlin-Wentzell asymptotic estimates (e.g., see [27], pp. 332–334, [20] or [28]).

On the other hand, to prove the lower bound in (33), we introduce a penalty function ΦMε (with ΦMεty=0 for tyΓT+); and write gε=gMε (Es,xsεεexp1εΦMε) and Jε=JΦMε, with Φε=ΦMε. From the boundary condition in (18), then, for each M, we have


Using Lemma 2 and noting further the following


Then, the lower bound in (33) holds uniformly for all sxsε in any compact subset Ω¯T. This completes the proof of Proposition 2.


3. Importance sampling

In this paper, we are mainly concerned with estimating the following quantity


where Φε is an appropriate functional on C0TR3 and xε is a solution of the SDE in (4) and our analysis is in the situation where the level of the random perturbation is small, i.e., ε1, and the functional Es,xsεεexp1εΦεxε is rapidly varying in xε. Note that the challenge presented by such an analysis of rare event probabilities is well documented (see [12, 18, 29] for additional discussions). In the following (and see also Section 4), we specifically consider the case when the functional Φε is bounded and nonnegative Lipschitz, with Φε=0, if xtεΩTC0T:R3 and Φε= otherwise; and we further consider analysis on the asymptotic estimates for exit probabilities from a given bounded open domain in the small noise limit case.

Consider the following simple estimator for the quantity of interest in (36)


where xεjj=1N are N-copies of independent samples of xε. Here we remark that such an estimator is unbiased in the sense that


Moreover, its variance is given by


Then, we have the following for the relative estimation error


which can be further rewritten as follows




Note that, as we might expect, the relative estimation error may decrease with increasing the number of the sample size N. However, from Varahhan’s lemma (e.g., see [30]; see also [20, 28]), under suitable assumptions, we also have the following conditions




where CsTsTR3 is the set of absolutely continuous functions from sT into R3, with 0stT, and Iφ is the rate functional for the diffusion process xtε. From Jensen’s inequality, the above equations in (43) and (44) also imply the following condition Δρε1.


4. Main results

In this section, we present our main result that asserts the relative error decreases to zero as the small random perturbation tends to zero, which in turn implies the uniform log-efficiency for the estimation problem in (36).

In what follows, let x̂tε be the solution to the following SDE

dx̂tε=ftx̂tεdt+bσtx̂tεvεtx̂tεdt+εbσtx̂tεdWt,with an initial conditionx̂sε=xsε,E45

where vε is an appropriate control function (which also depends on ε) to be chosen so as to reduce the variance of the importance sampling estimator.



Then, the corresponding importance sampling estimator is given by


where x̂εjzεjj=1N are N-copies of independent samples of x̂εzε. Note that, for an appropriately chosen control function vε, the above importance sampling estimator in (47) is an unbiased estimator for (37), i.e.,


Moreover, the relative estimation error is given by


which can be rewritten as follows




Hence, in order to reduce the relative estimation error Rerrρ̂ε, we need to control the term Δρ̂ε in (50). Note that, from Jensen’s inequality, we have the following condition


which also implies Δρ̂ε1 with limε0Δρ̂ε=1. Moreover, the statement in (49) further implies the following


which is generally referred as asymptotic efficiency or optimality. In this paper, our main objective is to choose appropriately the control function vε in (45), so that the resulting importance sampling estimator achieves a minimum rate of error growth. For this reason, we introduce the following standard definition from simulation theory (e.g., see [29] or [12]) which is useful for interpreting our main result.

Definition 1 An importance sampling estimator of the form (47) is log-efficient (i.e., asymptotic efficiency or optimal) if


Then, we state the following result as follows.

Proposition 3 Suppose that the importance sampling estimator ρ̂ε in (47), with vεtx=σTxxJεtx, is uniformly log-efficient (i.e., asymptotic efficient), where Jεtx satisfies the corresponding dynamic programming equation in ΩT with respect to the system in (45), with Jε=Φε on ΩT. Then, there exits a set AR3 such that the Hausedorf dimension of Ac is zero and


for all xA.

Proof: The above proposition basically asserts that the relative error Rerrρ̂ε decreases to zero as the small random perturbation level ε tends to zero. Note that, if Jεsxε satisfies the dynamic programming equation in (21), then, with vεtx=σTxxJεtx, the importance sampling for the estimation problem in (36), i.e., Es,xsεεexp1εΦεxε, is uniformly log-efficient if the point sxsε is contained in a region of sufficient regularity that encompasses almost all R3. As a result of this, it only suffices to show that


holds uniformly for all sxsε in any compact subset Ω¯T.

Let us define following two functions




Note that, from the large deviations results for the diffusion process x̂tε (e.g., see [21], Chapter 4, [30] or [27], pp.332–334; and see also the asymptotic estimates in Proposition 2 of Section 3), then there exists a constant C, γ>0 and ε0, with ε0ε0, such that


where τ̂ε=inft>sx̂tε∂ΩT. Note that the above relation further implies that


Moreover, in the same way, we can also show the following relation


Finally, if we combine the above two equations, then we have the condition following


which implies the uniform log-efficiency for the estimation problem in (36). This completes the proof of Proposition 3.

Remark 2 The above proposition basically ensures a minimum relative estimation error in the small noise limit case for the estimation problem in (36). Note that, if Jεtxε satisfies the dynamic programming equation in (21) (i.e., if it is the solution for the family of stochastic control problems that are associated with the underlying distributed system with small random perturbation). Then, with vεtx=σTxxJεtx, one can provide a numerical computational framework for constructing efficient importance sampling estimators, with an exponential variance decay rate − based on an exponentially-tilted biasing distribution – for rare-event simulations involving the behavior of the diffusion process xε.

Remark 3 Here, our primary intent is to provide a theoretical framework, rather than considering some specific numerical simulation results with respect to system parameters (such as the propagation rate β and recovery rate μ of the network), which is an ongoing research area.


5. Concluding remarks

In this chapter, we presented a mathematical framework that provides a new insight for understanding the spread of traffic congestions in an urban network system. In particular, we considered a dynamical model, based on the well-known susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model from mathematical epidemiology, with small random perturbations, that describes the process of traffic congestion propagation and dissipation in an urban network system. Moreover, we also provided the asymptotic probability estimate based on the Freidlin-Wentzell theory of large deviations for certain rare events that are difficult to observe in the simulation of an urban traffic network dynamic, where such a framework provides a computational algorithm for constructing efficient importance sampling estimators for rare event simulations of certain events associated with the spread of traffic congestions in the traffic network.


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Written By

Getachew K. Befekadu

Submitted: 21 July 2020 Reviewed: 04 January 2021 Published: 30 January 2021