Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Assessment Methods of Cognitive Ability of Human Brains for Inborn Intelligence Potential Using Pattern Recognitions

Written By

Rohit Raja, Hiral Raja, RajKumar Patra, Kamal Mehta, Akanksha Gupta and Kunta Ramya Laxmi

Submitted: 30 March 2020 Reviewed: 25 June 2020 Published: 15 October 2020

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.93268

From the Edited Volume

Biometric Systems

Edited by Muhammad Sarfraz

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This research aims to examine the scientific study related to fingerprint patterns and brains lobes. Generally, this method is used to find and develop the inborn potential and personality especially of children. Every person is having inborn potential and personality, which will help us to analyze strength and weakness. The present work is based only on the analysis and used as a reference for scientific research in the field of Galtian and statistical study conducted based on the fingerprint processing. Human brain is divided into two parts, left hemispheres and right hemispheres. Fingers of right hand represent the functions of left brain and fingers of left hand represent the functions of right brain. Human brain is divided into 10 lobes and each lobe is related with each finger. Each lobe represents different intelligences. A detailed analysis of the fingerprint would help the researchers to find the inborn talents. It will provide them the most appropriate learning habits from young age and improve learning ability effectively. The vital factor of an individual’s intelligence is determined by neural network connection of brain cells. Cognitive science is the scientific study that will help you to know about yourself.


  • Galtian characteristic
  • pattern recognition
  • neural network
  • cognitive cell
  • intelligence

1. Introduction

Clinical specialists, through tracking, recording, comparison, induction, and also professional trials showed that fingerprints deliver the exact evaluation of a character’s innate talents. The evaluation gadget opinions the distribution of mind’s understanding ability and also allotment of cerebral characteristic of a selected and additionally elements suitable statistical document of person’s innate intelligence. Thus, it permits increase of the man or woman in international of leading information.

This can help the guide/mentor to recognize the inherent qualities and powerful conversation mode of the man or woman. It will provide the maximum right discovering behaviors from the young age, which would be over and above to finding out capabilities. It can likewise help the guide/mentor to recognize the development of more than one intelligence and also uncover the opportunity of the man or woman. Therefore, it will be very easy to decorate their vulnerable factor through the proposed method in a good way to accomplish ordinary development.

Last but not least we would really like to carry the message to all guides/mentors in addition to people that the aim of this test is to permit you to absolutely recognize and also appreciate precise differences of anyone and additionally provide education and mastering and/or schooling for this reason.

Our thoughts are separated into hemispheres, left and right. Each hemisphere of the mind has its very own resilience. Fingers of right hand constitute the features of left mind as well as arms of left hand represent the features of right brain. Each intelligence has its very own weight age. Overall distribution of intelligences’ portion can be 100%.

In this chapter, authors applied bifurcation, termination, and neural network for feature extraction and got 90.06% accuracy for identifying an authorized person with the help of a proposed figureprint recognition method [1]. For human face recognition from side view of face, authors used Manhattan distance and support vector machine of artificial neural network, along with front view analysis and achieved up to 95.3528% accuracy in their work [2]. In the chapter, authors compared the performance of different biometric technologies like fingerprint, hand geometry, key stroke, etc. on the basis of EER, FAR, and FRP. The chapter is based on standardized fingerprint model for fingerprint matching. The author used mean images and genetic algorithm. Transformation is also used for synthesizing a fingerprint [3].

In this chapter, authors had thrown the light on the many preexisting methods and techniques of fingerprint recognition system. All four stages of fingerprint recognition system were elaborated briefly. Database related to fingerprint recognition had shown with characteristics [4]. For fingerprint recognition, the popular technique is “Euclidean distance” and “neural network classifier”, whereas for preprocessing of images, “histogram equalization” and “fast Fourier transformation” are used. The result of this work was significantly better than the previous work [5].

In the chapter, authors first developed a CNN framework for more hygiene and accurate contactless fingerprint recognition and this work also helped to alleviate spoofing of fingerprint and shown much greater security than the preexisting methods [6]. In the chapter, authors used color coding scheme, Sobel and Canny method, HSV histogram, edge detector method, and Corel-1 K dataset for detection of color object [7]. In this chapter, authors gave a thorough knowledge of fingerprint recognition and also proposed a secured fingerprint recognition payment system [8].

This chapter defined many aspects, methods, and techniques like Gabor filter, FFT, minimum distance classifier, histogram equalization, fusion and context switching framework, etc. for fingerprint-based identification system [9].

In this chapter, authors applied LGXP and ANN techniques for face recognition to handle variation in human face due to change in pose, illumination condition, viewing direction, and expression of different ages [10]. In this fingerprint-based biometric review paper, authors briefly discussed different attacks, and compared different existing methods of biometric cryptosystem, cancellable biometrics, etc. for fingerprint template protection [11]. The most widely used biometrics is fingerprint technology. The fingerprint is a pattern of ridges and valleys present on the surface of a fingertip [12]. The finger ridge configurations do not change throughout the life of an individual, except in case of accidents such as burns or cuts on the fingertips. The fingerprints are so unique that two identical twins have different fingerprints [13]. Matching accuracy using fingerprint is very high as compared to other biometrical traits. Initially the fingerprint technology of biometric identification is used for forensics and criminal investigation (Figure 1) [14].

Figure 1.

Examples of body traits that can be used for biometric recognition (courtesy:


2. Proposed methodology

Various pattern kinds will definitely display the flow of different worth. In ordinary situations for the general public of people, the worth will truly range from 8 to 30. If the worth is high, it indicates that the function of the thoughts cortex assignment stage is high. Everybody has the capability for selected natural pinnacle traits. With boosting and locating out, it is easy to turn out to be being a better human. Support the thought that every of us can absolutely stimulate our viable and might accomplish first-rate future (Figures 24).

Figure 2.

Left and right part of brain (

Figure 3.

Fingerprint of left and right hand of 5 years child.

Figure 4.

Workflow diagram.

Inborn intelligence potential:

Low potential

Average potential

Good potential

Very good potential

Excellent potential

Hyper active

2.1 Left brain

Analytical mind is more likely to exhibit self-awareness, logical thinking, language & grammar, curiosity, and love [15]. They individuals are usually desirable in teachers. They have convergent reasoning and can deliver their power and also emphasis at one factor. They prefer to respond to Spoken guidelines. They want to fix the issues by searching at the parts of points [16]. They are in a position situate the difference transgression comparable points speedy. They are an awful lot more supposed and also based. Prefer more than one option checks. They have the functionality to manipulate their feeling sand emotions. They like foundation, problems, word developing, problem resolving, crosswords, and so forth [17].

They include coping with the problems via checking out the problem usual. They are able draw the whole image in their thoughts quick. They are extra intuitive and paintings upon sensations. Their feelings and emotions do not have any limitations, and that they typically seem [18].

2.2 Right brain

Creative mind is tons more inclined toward social talents, creativity, gross electric powered motor competencies obligations, tune, sun shades, photos, dance, art, rhythms, appearing, paint, modeling, style, outside sporting sports, and so on. They are generally brilliant in extracurricular sports, generally creative ones. They have a tendency to throw the dismiss of window [19]. They have specific reasoning that incorporates creativeness and also thoughts. As properly as they are commonly misplaced in their personal ideas, thoughts and global. They may be actually present, psychologically lacking. Right mind individuals choose to answer to proven path (Figure 5) [20].

Figure 5.

Feature extraction from fingerprint.


3. Functions of brain of different sections

The brain is responsible for personality and characteristics. Impulse control, capability to evaluate social situations, socializations, spontaneity, capacity to override as well as subdue unwanted social practices, movements. Cognitive features (Exec Features) [21]: judgment, thinking, problem addressing, planning, social capabilities, control, abstract reasoning, imagination, and initiative responsibilities that need the assimilation of data in time, capability to decide similarities and differences between matters or activities, and mental features [22].

The brain is responsible for creative thinking and visualization. Abstract concept, hassle solving, summary thinking, language tasks of math, thinking, coping with phrases as well as grammar syntax, visualization, creativeness, and ideas in addition to principles formation [23].

The brain is responsible for processing auditory information. They differentiate differences in sound, pitch, and also quantity and set up their importance. The proper temporal lobe is in rate of musical appreciation, even as the left temporal lobe is liable for the expertise of speech. Left temporal lesions lead to damaged reminiscence for verbal product. Right aspect lesions lead to impaired recall of nonverbal product, consisting of track [24].

The brain is responsible for processing visual information. They process information about objects, colors, motion distance, words, signs identification of objects, and symbols [25]. Responsible for spatial awareness and for processing and analyzing sensory stimuli. They play vital roles in incorporating sensory info from several detects in addition to within the manager of things. Portions of the parietal lobes are covered with visible-spatial potential [26].

  • Rational thinking, planning, coordinating, controlling, executing achievement, self-motivation, and self-awareness.

  • Leadership, interpersonal skill, creativity, and goal visualization.

  • Self-esteem, intuition, and the ability to understand others point of view.

  • Logical reasoning, computation process, analytical skills, and conceptual understanding.

  • Numeric, grammar syntax, and cause and effect relationships.

  • Imagination, idea formation, visualization, 3D recognition, visual spatial ability, and hand-eye co-ordination.

  • Fine motor skills, action identification and understanding, finger control, and control of body movements.

  • Gross motor skills, body movement and sensory information, and eyes body co-ordination.

  • Language ability, language understanding, and audio identification.

  • Ability and syntax of language.

  • Tone understanding, sound and voice understanding, music, emotions, and feelings.

  • Visual identification, interpretation, reading, observation, image appreciation, and recognition of shapes and colors.

  • Visualization, visual appreciation, art, and esthetic.

  • Sense understanding of maps, visuals, graphical, and communications [27].

Further mind is cut up into two components, left brain in addition to right brain. Left brain controls a great aspect of the body and vice-versa. Science has showed that within the very identical wattle, left and right brain do different precise obligations. So, mind has 10 booths, 5 left and 5 proper; every compartment has info and pre-detailed feature [28]. Additionally, our brain has approximately one hundred billion Neuron cells, which are separated in arbitrary order into those 10 areas. It is hard that two people have very identical nerve cellular distribution [29]. One could sincerely want to do that place’s paintings, in which the nerve cell count number is a lot greater. He will in reality revel in that paintings and will simply discover it clean. It will actually be longevity region. One could despise to try this compartment’s work, in which nerve mobile dependency is a lot less. He will now not adore it and will without a doubt locate it difficult to do. It will in reality be a susceptible region [30].

3.1 Verbal intelligence

Preferences: write, read, tell stories, talk, memorize, work at solving puzzles, etc. Learns through: hearing and seeing words, speaking, reading, writing, discussing, debating, etc. Needs: books, tapes, papers, diaries, writing tools, dialog, discussion, debates, stories, etc. [31].

Activity involve in

  • Most in all likelihood to concerts or musicals.

  • Establish a collection of preferred musical recordings in addition to pay attention to them on an everyday foundation.

  • Join a community choir.

  • Take legit music training in a specific tool.

  • Work with a song’s specialist.

  • Spend 1 h every week taking note of an ordinary design of songs (jazz, the United States of America; western, classical, people, international; or other categories).

  • Establish an ordinary household sing-alongside time.

  • Purchase an electronic keyboard and also find out honest tunes in addition to chords.

  • Purchase percussion contraptions at a plaything shop and play them in rhythm to historical past track.

  • Take a course in song appreciation or songs concept at a local institute.

  • Read songs objection in papers and courses.

  • Purchase contemporary gadgets (MIDI interface, computer machine software program) with a purpose to definitely (Figures 6 and 7; Table 1) [32].

Figure 6.

Graphical representation of EQ , IQ , AQ , CQ .

Figure 7.

Graphical representation.

1 Year16.3413.3412.2121.94
2 Year18.3416.9816.2122.03
3 Year21.2119.219.2122.94
4 Year25.0822.4521.2123.94
5 Year26.7825.0824.2123.94

Table 1.

Values of EQ , IQ , AQ , and CQ from fingerprint of children from 1 to 5 years.


4. Conclusion

Cognitive science, cognitive informatics, and computer modeling with pattern recognition of finger require some basic fundamentals for their implementation as cognitive concept in various applications of science and engineering, and the chapter has introduced and has bright future perspectives. It can be used as a useful adjunct to aid in preliminary study of field and behavior of child. Such measures can also help the couple to seek appropriate medical care and services for affected children. It will help the parents to be better equipped with management of such children. Also, the early detection of inborn errors is crucial because it can used as a vital tool to counsel the couple about avoiding conception of further affected fetuses. Historical background of cognitive science, cognitive map, and perception to conception were introduced in addition to cognitive network, modeling, and architecture for brain mapping with human fingerprint.


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Written By

Rohit Raja, Hiral Raja, RajKumar Patra, Kamal Mehta, Akanksha Gupta and Kunta Ramya Laxmi

Submitted: 30 March 2020 Reviewed: 25 June 2020 Published: 15 October 2020