Open access peer-reviewed chapter

Differential Equations Arising from the 3-Variable Hermite Polynomials and Computation of Their Zeros

Written By

Cheon Seoung Ryoo

Submitted: 25 October 2017 Reviewed: 24 January 2018 Published: 20 February 2018

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.74355

From the Edited Volume

Differential Equations - Theory and Current Research

Edited by Terry E. Moschandreou

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In this paper, we study differential equations arising from the generating functions of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials. We give explicit identities for the 3-variable Hermite polynomials. Finally, we investigate the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials by using computer.


  • differential equations
  • heat equation
  • Hermite polynomials
  • the 3-variable Hermite polynomials
  • generating functions
  • complex zeros

1. Introduction

Many mathematicians have studied in the area of the Bernoulli numbers, Euler numbers, Genocchi numbers, and tangent numbers see [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]. The special polynomials of two variables provided new means of analysis for the solution of a wide class of differential equations often encountered in physical problems. Most of the special function of mathematical physics and their generalization have been suggested by physical problems.

In [1], the Hermite polynomials are given by the exponential generating function


We can also have the generating function by using Cauchy’s integral formula to write the Hermite polynomials as


with the contour encircling the origin. It follows that the Hermite polynomials also satisfy the recurrence relation


Further, the two variables Hermite Kampé de Fériet polynomials Hnxy defined by the generating function (see [3])


are the solution of heat equation


We note that


The 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz are introduced [4].


The differential equation and he generating function for Hnxyz are given by





By (2), we get


By comparing the coefficients on both sides of (3), we have the following theorem.

Theorem 1. For any positive integer n, we have


Applying Eq. (2), we obtain


On equating the coefficients of the like power of t in the above, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2. For any positive integer n, we have


Also, the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz satisfy the following relations




The following elementary properties of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz are readily derived form (2). We, therefore, choose to omit the details involved.

Theorem 3. For any positive integer n, we have

  1. Hn2x10=Hnx.

  2. Hnxy1+y2z=n!k=0n2Hn2kxy1zy2kk!n2k!.

  3. Hnxyz=l=0nnlHlxHnlxy+1z.

Theorem 4. For any positive integer n, we have

  1. Hnx1+x2y1+y2z=l=0nnlHlx1y1zHnlx2y2.

  2. Hnx1+x2y1+y2z1+z2=l=0nnlHlx1y1zHnlx2y2z2.

The 3-variable Hermite polynomials can be determined explicitly. A few of them are


Recently, many mathematicians have studied the differential equations arising from the generating functions of special polynomials (see [7, 8, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19]). In this paper, we study differential equations arising from the generating functions of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials. We give explicit identities for the 3-variable Hermite polynomials. In addition, we investigate the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials using numerical methods. Using computer, a realistic study for the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials is very interesting. Finally, we observe an interesting phenomenon of ‘scattering’ of the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials.


2. Differential equations associated with the 3-variable Hermite polynomials

In this section, we study differential equations arising from the generating functions of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials.



Then, by (4), we have


Continuing this process, we can guess that


Differentiating (7) with respect to t, we have


Hence we have


Now replacing N by N+1 in (7), we find


Comparing the coefficients on both sides of (8) and (9), we obtain




In addition, by (7), we have


which gives


It is not difficult to show that


Thus, by (14), we also find


From (10), we note that




Note that, here the matrix aijxy0i2N+2,0jN+1 is given by


Therefore, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 5. For N=0,1,2,, the differential equation

has a solution



From (4), we note that


By (4) and (18), we get


By the Leibniz rule and the inverse relation, we have


Hence, by (19) and (20), and comparing the coefficients of tmm! gives the following theorem.

Theorem 6. Let m,n,N be nonnegative integers. Then


If we take m=0 in (21), then we have the following corollary.

Corollary 7. For N=0,1,2,, we have


For N=0,1,2,, the differential equation


has a solution


Here is a plot of the surface for this solution. In Figure 1(left), we choose 2z2, 1t1, x=2, and y=4. In Figure 1(right), we choose 5x5,1t1,y=3, and z=1.


3. Distribution of zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials

Figure 1.

The surface for the solution Ftxyz.

This section aims to demonstrate the benefit of using numerical investigation to support theoretical prediction and to discover new interesting pattern of the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz. By using computer, the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz can be determined explicitly. We display the shapes of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz and investigate the zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz. We investigate the beautiful zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz by using a computer. We plot the zeros of the Hnxyz for n=20, y=1,1, 1+i,1i, z=3,3,3+i,3i and xC (Figure 2). In Figure 2(top-left), we choose n=20, y=1, and z=3. In Figure 2(top-right), we choose n=20, y=1, and z=3. In Figure 2(bottom-left), we choose n=20, y=1+i, and z=3+i. In Figure 2(bottom-right), we choose n=20, y=1i, and z=3i.

Figure 2.

Zeros of Hnxyz.

In Figure 3(top-left), we choose n=20, x=1, and y=1. In Figure 3(top-right), we choose n=20, x=1, and y=1. In Figure 3(bottom-left), we choose n=20, x=1+i, and y=1+i. In Figure 3(bottom-right), we choose n=20, x=1i, and y=1i.

Figure 3.

Zeros of Hnxyz.

Stacks of zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz for 1n20 from a 3-D structure are presented (Figure 3). In Figure 4(top-left), we choose n=20, y=1, and z=3. In Figure 4(top-right), we choose n=20, y=1, and z=3. In Figure 4(bottom-left), we choose n=20, y=1+i, and z=3+i. In Figure 4(bottom-right), we choose n=20, y=1i, and z=3i.

Figure 4.

Stacks of zeros of Hnxyz,1n20.

Our numerical results for approximate solutions of real zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz are displayed (Tables 13).

Degree nReal zerosComplex zeros

Table 1.

Numbers of real and complex zeros of Hnx,1,3.

Degree nReal zerosComplex zeros

Table 2.

Numbers of real and complex zeros of Hnx13.

Degree nx
3− 1.8845
43.1286, −0.17159
6−5.8490, −1.3476
7−7.1098, −2.1887, −0.36350
8−8.3241, −3.4645
9−9.4984,  − 4.6021,  − 1.1118
10−10.637,  − 5.7212,  − 1.5785, −0.61919
11−11.745,  − 6.8105,  − 2.8680
12−12.824,  − 7.8743,  − 3.8894,  − 0.99513

Table 3.

Approximate solutions of Hnx13=0,xR.

The plot of real zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz for 1n20 structure are presented (Figure 5).

Figure 5.

Real zeros of Hnxyz,1n20.

In Figure 5(left), we choose y=1 and z=3. In Figure 5(right), we choose y=1 and z=3.

Stacks of zeros of Hnx24 for 1n40, forming a 3D structure are presented (Figure 6). In Figure 6(top-left), we plot stacks of zeros of Hnx24 for 1n20. In Figure 6(top-right), we draw x and y axes but no z axis in three dimensions. In Figure 6(bottom-left), we draw y and z axes but no x axis in three dimensions. In Figure 6(bottom-right), we draw x and z axes but no y axis in three dimensions.

Figure 6.

Stacks of zeros of Hnx24for1n20.

It is expected that Hnxyz,xC,y,zR, has Imx=0 reflection symmetry analytic complex functions (see Figures 27). We observe a remarkable regular structure of the complex roots of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz for y,zR. We also hope to verify a remarkable regular structure of the complex roots of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz for y,zR (Tables 1 and 2). Next, we calculated an approximate solution satisfying Hnxyz=0,xC. The results are given in Tables 3 and 4.

Figure 7.

Real zeros of Hnxyz,1n20.

degree nx
2−1.4142, 1.4142
40.16229, 5.0723
5−1.3404, 1.4745, 6.6661
62.9754, 8.1678
70.31213, 4.3783, 9.5946
8−1.2604, 1.5304, 5.7274, 10.959
92.8224, 7.0271, 12.270
100.44594, 4.0615, 8.2834, 13.535
11−1.1740, 1.5825, 5.2667, 9.5013, 14.760
12−1.4659, −0.87728, 2.7469, 6.4398, 10.685, 15.949

Table 4.

Approximate solutions of Hnx13=0,xR.

The plot of real zeros of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz for 1n20 structure are presented (Figure 7).

In Figure 7(left), we choose x=1 and y=2. In Figure 7(right), we choose x=1 and y=2.

Finally, we consider the more general problems. How many zeros does Hnxyz have? We are not able to decide if Hnxyz=0 has n distinct solutions. We would also like to know the number of complex zeros CHnxyz of Hnxyz,Imx0. Since n is the degree of the polynomial Hnxyz, the number of real zeros RHnxyz lying on the real line Imx=0 is then RHnxyz=nCHnxyz, where CHnxyz denotes complex zeros. See Tables 1 and 2 for tabulated values of RHnxyz and CHnxyz. The author has no doubt that investigations along these lines will lead to a new approach employing numerical method in the research field of the 3-variable Hermite polynomials Hnxyz which appear in mathematics and physics. The reader may refer to [2, 11, 13, 20] for the details.



This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (No. 2017R1A2B4006092).


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Written By

Cheon Seoung Ryoo

Submitted: 25 October 2017 Reviewed: 24 January 2018 Published: 20 February 2018