Mirko Di Bernardo
Mirko Di Bernardo Born in Frascati (Rome) in 1984, in 2006 he graduated cum laude in Philosophy of Science at the University of Rome \Tor Vergata\, under the supervision of Professor Arturo Carsetti, with his first level thesis Per una rivisitazione della dottrina monodiana della morfogenesi autonoma alla luce dei nuovi scenari aperti dalla post-genomica (A rivisitation of the monodian doctrine of autonomous morphogenesis in the light of the new scenarios opened by post- genomic). In 2007 he founded the association S. Thommaso d’Aquino. On July 8, 2009, he graduated cum laude in Philosophy of Science (thesis director: Prof. Arturo Carsetti thesis codirector: Prof. Francesco Miano) with a second level thesis on I sentieri evolutivi della complessità biologica alla luce delle investigazioni scientifiche e delle esplorazioni metodologiche di S. A. Kauffman (The evolutionary paths of biological complexity in the light of the scientific investigations and methodological explorations of S. A. Kauffman). Since 15 October 2009 he is Ph.D. researcher at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. So far, he has collaborated with many national and international specialized scientific journals and with many institutes for biomedical research and socio-political training, deepening his knowledge in many subjects connected to the Philosophy of Biology, Bioethics and Bio-Educational Sciences. In particular, he has worked on the theory of biological complexity (self-organisation and the genesis of meaning in highly complex systems) and he has deepened, at the level of living systems, the theory of semantic information (or biological information); at the moment, durng the Ph.D., he is working on memory, cognition and intentionality at mind level. On 29th January 2010 he won the SEFIR Prize 2009 (Science and Faith on the Interpretation of the Real) of the ISSR Ecclesia Mater of Rome. He has published the following books as author: Per una rivisitazione della dottrina monodiana della morfogenesi autonoma alla luce dei nuovi scenari aperti dalla post-genomica (A rivisitation of the monodian doctrine of autonomous morphogenesis in the light of the new scenarios opened by post- genomic), Diagelsthai. Collana di Ricerche Filosofiche, Aracne, Rome 2007; I sentieri evolutivi della complessità biologica nell\'opera di S. A. Kauffman (The evolutionary paths of biological complexity in the work of S. A. Kauffman), Mimesis Edizioni, Milan 2011; in collaboration with D. Saccoccioni, Caos, ordine e incertezza in epistemologia e nelle scienze naturali (Chaos, order and uncertainty in epistemology and natural sciences), at press. He has published the following books as curator: S. Semplici, Invito alla bioetica (Invitation to Bioethics), La Scuola, Brescia 2011 Chiamati a servire il bene comune. Vocazione, cura ed impegno civile (Called to serve the common good. Vocation, care and civil commitment), Franco Angeli, Rome, at press.