Vladimir Jurisic
Jurisic Vladimir, MD, PhD is a professor for Physiopathology at University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Serbia. He studied Medicine at the University of Belgrade, Medical faculty (Serbia) and was trained in internal medicine at same University. He obtained short term fellowship for investigation at Charité University Berlin (Germany) and finished several training courses at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, and European School of Oncology, Milano, (Italy) for post-graduate education in Hematology and Oncology. His doctoral thesis covered experimental model of TNF-alpha effects on different intracellular level on lymphocytes from patients with lymphoma including investigation of apoptosis, analyses of morphology, biochemisty and immunology. He (co-) authored more that 100 article in peer reviewed international journals, national journals, and several chapters in international and national books in hematology, molecular medicine and oncology. He presented several lectures at International conference and he receives several grants including ESMO, EACR, Interferone and Citokine Societies, UNESCO.