Richard L. Chambers
Dr. Chambers has 35 years experience in quantitative data analysis and computer modeling in the geosciences. He is a noted expert with broad expertise in data analysis, mathematical geology, reservoir characterization, and geostatistical modeling in the petroleum, mining, environmental, and cellular telecommunications industries. His petroleum industry experience includes such areas as applied research in P- and S-Wave seismic acquisition, processing, and interpretation. For more than the two decades, he has worked in the area of data integration applying geostatistical methods in reservoir characterization projects. Typical studies include prediction of reservoir properties from seismic attributes, volumetric determination, and depth conversion, 3D velocity models for pre-stack depth migration, prediction of basin temperature, reservoir pressure prediction, and risk assessment. Two of his co-authored articles were awarded best paper of the year in the Journal of Great Lakes Research (1985) and the SEG journal (1996). He is co-editor, with Dr. Jeffrey Yarus, of Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics, AAPG Computer Applications in Geology, No. 3 and No. 5. Rich is currently Chief Product Architect in the Software and Asset Solution Product Service Line of Halliburton with the responsibility of providing technical guidance for the development of earth modeling software based on geostatistical technologies. His professional activities include publishing, designing earth modeling software, consulting, lecturing and offering applied training courses. He was the past Chairman of the AAPG Reservoir Development Committee.