Marina Pana

Cantacuzino Institute

Marina Pana, MD, PhD, RS II, works at Cantacuzino National Research Institute, being the head of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases lab. From 2008, she has been appointed as operational contact point for the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), regarding S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis, two main agents involved in meningitis etiology. During her career, Dr. Pana has contributed to a number of workshops and medical seminars as their coordinator as well as lecturer. She has attended numerous European congresses (oral communications) especially those concerning pneumococci and meningococci involved in invasive infections and also published several works on bacterial agents that caused meningitis. Dr. Pana is a reviewer of Romanian and international journals and member of the ESCMID and European Society of Chemotherapy (ESC).

Marina Pana

2books edited

1chapters authored

Latest work with IntechOpen by Marina Pana

Meningoencephalitis remains a major global threat, despite the prevention, diagnosis, and antibiotic therapy that have been improved considerably in the last years. In this thematic issue, the scientists present their results of accomplished studies, in order to provide several guidelines regarding the strategies of diagnosis and treatment of patients with meningoencephalitis, by adding valuable data and thus helping public health decision.

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