Annamaria Passantino

University of Messina Italy

Annamaria Passantino graduated in Veterinary Medicine from Messina, Italy in 1993. She completed her Ph.D. in “Blood parasite pathology in domestic animals in Mediterranean and subtropical areas” there on Lymphocytes subsets in canine leishmaniasis in 1996, supervised by Prof. Maria Grazia Pennisi. From 1996 to 2001, she was appointed Researcher in Clinical Veterinary Medicine at the University of Messina. In 2001, she became Associate Professor the University of Messina, Italy. Currently, she is a Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Messina, teaching Veterinary Legal Medicine, Veterinary Legislation, Animal Protection and Ethics. Teaching activities has been carried out, at undergraduate and post graduate levels, in the following courses: Veterinary Ophthalmology - Degree in Veterinary Medicine, University of Messina (Italy) (2004-2005); Veterinary Laboratory Medicine - Degree in Veterinary Medicine, University of Messina (Italy) (2003-2004, 2004-2005); European Legislation in aquaculture - Degree in Biotechnology applied to the fish culture, seaculture and aquaculture in internal area and to the trasformation of fish products (2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009); Nutritional and metabolic disease in fish - Degree in Biotechnology applied to the fish culture, seaculture and aquaculture in internal area and to the trasformation of fish products (2008-2009); Commercial Law - Degree in Biotechnology applied to the fish culture, seaculture and aquaculture in internal area and to the trasformation of fish products (2005-2006); Legislation on health of the of extensive echo farms - Degree in Technologies, hygiene and health of extensive echo farms (from 2005); Public health - Degree in Technologies, hygiene and health of extensive echo farms (2009-2010). She lectures at post-graduate triennial specialization schools of “Bovine clinics”, “Inspection of Food of Animal Origin” and “Animal Health”. She is Co-ordinator of a research Doctorate on “EU countries’ norms concerning animal welfare and protection” at the University of Messina (Italy). She is also Co-ordinator of an University Course on Technologies, hygiene and health of extensive echo farms at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Messina (Italy). She works in the Medical Clinic of Veterinary Faculty, University of Messina (Italy). She is member of the Committee of Animal Bioethics of Messina (Italy). She is a member of a Panel on stray dog management in Catania (Italy), appointed by the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Messina (Italy) (Prot. n. 1727/10/VR). Her research activity (225 works) covers topics such us serological investigations, clinical and medico-legal considerations on zoonotic infections and parasite diseases; evaluation of the physiological ocular parameters (tonometry, lachrymal secretion) and clinical aspects of ocular pathology in some domestic animals, haematological modifications in various species during and after pharmacological treatment; therapeutic efficacy of drugs; animal welfare and protection; medical ethics; veterinary laws and regulations, civil and penal code in Veterinary Medicine, purchase of animals and legal vice; ill-treatment of animals; food law, etc. She is also author of a book entitled “La tutela giuridica del sentimento dell’uomo per gli animali” (The legal protection of human feeling for animals). She has attended at the Course “Animal Welfare for Veterinary Surgeons and Others”, (Modules 2-3: “Farm Animal Welfare” and “Law and companion animal welfare), St. Catharine’s College - Cambridge, 17-23 September 2003 run by Broom in Cambridge and at OIE’s Global Animal Welfare Conference, Paris, 23-25 February 2004.

Annamaria Passantino

1chapters authored