Susana Torío López

University of Oviedo Spain

Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and Arts (speciality: Philosophy and Educational Sciences) at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (1988). PhD at the University of Oviedo (2001), with the highest rating. Extraordinary PhD Award (2002/2003). Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Oviedo since 2003. Area of knowledge: Theory and History of Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, with lectures in different Masters at the University of Oviedo, University of Granada, University of Salamanca and CETYS (México). She is member and main researcher of the ASOCED Research Group (officially recognized by ANECA and the University of Oviedo). Her major research interests involve family and education or socioeducational intervention with normalized and vulnerable families. Three six-year- research periods assessed by the CNEAI (2014-2019). Main researcher of the Research and Development Project “Influencia del control parental y la estructura parental en el desarrollo integral de los menores de 6-12 años (PGC2018-095462-B-100)” funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (2019-2022). Besides several publications in scientific journals and academic books, the researcher has coordinated the “Guide to promote positive parenting. Educational support strategies for fathers and mothers with sons and daughters between 0-12 years of age” (freely accessible at

Susana Torío López