Adilía Mendonça da Costa e Silva

Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University

I was born in Moçamedes, Angola on March, 3rd 1985. In 2004 I went to Lubango to do the graduate. 2008 I had my first job as financial assistant at SINFIC, S.A. Lubango, Angola. 2010 I entered at faculty of economic in Lubango as a trainee assistant. 2012 I went to Lisbon, Portugal to do the master in management and industrial strategy in Lisbon School of Economics and Management. I return to Angola in 2014 to work as a teacher at the Mandume Ya Ndemufayo University. 2016 I return to Lisbon to do the PhD. And I finished my PhD 2021, July.

Adilía Mendonça da Costa e Silva

1chapters authored